August-September 2020
Riviera Beach Housing Authority
Did You Miss our September Meeting?
You can still see it...just click the link below!

Our September 8 Regular Board Meeting was viral, thanks to the pandemic, but it can still be viewed. The recording starts a few minutes late, but the work is there.
What About a Downtown?
That's the question behind the Riviera Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (RBCRA)'s Avenue E Corridor Streetscape Study, which evaluated the mile-long roadway that runs from Blue Heron Boulevard south, dead ends at 10th Street, which runs alongside the Port of Palm Beach, and is also one block south of Broadway Avenue. Hence, the downtown discussion. There's talk in the study about businesses, mixed-land use developments, civic parks and plazas and, of course, housing. The Authority would like to participate in the Avenue E redevelopment, wanting to partner with the City and the RBCRA. Indeed, it has already talked with potential developers and, in June, held a development workshop that included how best to evaluate potential projects along the corridor. What's next? Decisions, decisions, decisions. To watch a RBCRA video about the project and its potential, click here. Otherwise? Stay tuned.

The Pandemic Continues, But So Does the Help
Both the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the state of Florida have issued housing support for both tenants and homeowners. Just in different ways. In Tallahassee, Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order last week extending Florida Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief until October 1. At the federal level, HUD announced last Friday that it is continuing to urge localities, housing authorities, landlords--whomever--that receive its Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) or its Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) to provide rental assistance or other aid to those experiencing financial hardship during these trying times. The point of both: do not evict residents or take their homes.
Thanks to August, We Are Older.
But Thanks to the RBHA, We Are Also Wiser.
Happy Belated Birthdays, Team!
Commissioner Spiritis
August 6
Commissioner Towns
August 9
Executive Director Hurt
August 8
For Heron Estates Senior Residents:
News, Events and Useful Information from the City of Riviera Beach
Want to know more about your new hometown? Read The Riviera

The City is going to relaunch this month its quarterly newsletter, The Riviera, which details much about the people, places and happenings in Riviera Beach and is mailed to every city address that receives a water bill. For Heron Estates Senior residents, then, you'll have to request it! Send an email here to have it put in the mail directly to you. There may be plans to keep a stack in the mail room, but stay tuned on that. It's a good read. Launched in 2008, The Riviera won a statewide 'Best in Category' Award from the Print Association of Florida and includes information from and about policymakers and city services, programs and projects. The image above is from the 90th City birthday edition in 2016. Want to read it? Click below.
Free Prescription Discount Card For All Residents

Since 2009, the City has been offering free prescription discount cards to residents that can save an average of up to 25 percent off the retail price of commonly prescribed drugs. The cards can be used by all city residents, have no restrictions based on age, income or existing health coverage and can be used at any participating retail pharmacies in the city, county, state and nation, including Walgreen’s, Wal-Mart and CVS. For more information, click the button below and, for a free card to be mailed to you, send an email here. Add 'prescription discount card' in the subject line. The program is a collaboration between the City, the National League of Cities (NLC) and CVS/Caremark. 

The Federal Government Wants to Hear from You. Still.
The U.S.2020 Census is seeking to count every human being living in the country, including, again, you! The deadline to participate has been pushed back to October 31, so click the button below to ensure that your city, county and state get the federal funding they need--and deserve--to provide services to their residents. Like those in Heron Estates Senior.

Free Food Giveaways
Wells Recreation Center. Located across from City Hall, the food giveaway is from 9 to 11 a.m. every Friday.

Port of Palm Beach. From 3 to 6 p.m. every Saturday. Drivers are asked to enter the Port from Broadway Avenue.

In both cases, drivers are to remain in their cars as they drive through the food distribution areas. 

COVID-19 City Updates?
Click Here

About the RBHA
RBHA Board of Commissioners