March 2019
GET THE PICTURE! A review of the Imaging and Fluoroscopy Requirements  
  As our health care delivery system continues its journey towards improving the quality and safety of the care, treatment and services we render and striving for Zero Harm, important new requirements have developed over the past 3 years related to the provision of imaging services. This month's article will focus on Reaching the Standard of Care Plans and The Environment of Care and Life Safety.
Reaching the Standard of Care Plans

By Sharon Dills, MSN, RN, HACP
Senior Consultant Director, Clinical Services 

A care plan is a tool used to organize and communicate a patient's care needs, goals or outcomes to all members of a team based on assessment, reassessment or change related to diagnosis or testing (PC.01.03.01 EP 1, TJC). It is the documentation that "tells the story" of the patient's care throughout the stay. To demonstrate how a care plan should be completed, a screen shot of a pain care plan is included. 
Read more to learn the basis of a successful care plan. 
Are You Ready for an Ambulatory Survey?

By Marty Piepoli, MSW, CHFM, HACP  
Senior Consultant Director, Facilities & Safety 
Part II of this series addresses the Environment of Care and Life Safety.  As with the hospital setting, ambulatory surgery centers, office practices, hospital-based ambulatory services, and other services that may be a part of a hospital's network or may be completely independent, must meet many of the same environment of care and life safety requirements noted in the NFPA LSC 101, 2012 and NFPA 99, 2012, the Health Facilities Code. Regardless of the accrediting organization you use, the principles are the same and the care provided in ambulatory sites must meet the same requirements.

Read more to learn tips for success.
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