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Gateways Family Advocacy Network

Hi All:

The Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) is contracting with the State of New Hampshire to assess current case manager training practices.

The goal of this project is to give case managers and service coordinators across New Hampshire the tools they need to deliver high-quality, person-centered services that ensure equal experiences for the people they support. The project will assess current training, recommend areas to improve training, and develop specific training content and a case management training platform.

HSRI would like to hear from older adults and people with disabilities who receive home- and community-based services and supports, family members, providers, and others involved in case management and service coordination.

They would like to learn the following from you:

  • Experiences you have had with case management and service coordination, and with accessing services
  • If everyone has equal access to quality case management and service coordination
  • Your recommendations for training case managers and service coordinators

The group is conducting two public listening sessions for you to provide input. The dates and times for these listening sessions are:

  • In-person Session: Wednesday, January 10, 2–4 p.m., Northeast Delta Dental Conference Center, Two Delta Drive, Concord.

To request accommodations, call 603-271-9203 or email

Thank you for your advocacy,


Contact Will Walker at

For past communications, please visit the G-FAN Past Communications Page

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