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GFDA Quarter Index 2024Q3


Annual freight truck loads crossing Canadian Border at Sweetgrass: 179,206

Average annual growth rate over last 8 years: 7.0%

Annual loaded railcars crossing Canadian Border at Sweetgrass: 31,807

Average annual growth rate over last 8 years: 10.2%

Value of annual US-Canada non-energy trade through Montana crossings in 2023: $18.8 billion

Import value: $10.064 billion

Export value: $8.708 billion

Annual value of meat imported from Canada through Montana to other states: $2.244 billion

Number of shows performed so far at The Newberry in Downtown Great Falls: 200+

Investment in St. Mary’s Diversion Dam Replacement Project: $90 million

Gallons of first Montana Renewables Sustainable Aviation Fuel sent to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport: 7,000

Number of students that participated in the Great Falls Worlds of Work: 2,000+

Number of logistics site selection consultants met with during quarter: 9

Units of low-income senior housing under construction in Great Falls: 25

Median house value in Great Falls, Montana:  $227,600

Number of housing developer site visits to Great Falls during quarter:  4

Unmet demand for new housing units in Great Falls, current year:  650 

Square feet of vacant retail space available in Downtown Great Falls:  112,000

Food and beverage establishments in Downtown Great Falls:  29

TIF funding committed to Downtown Great Falls projects during quarter:  $1.58 million

Approximate amount of TIF funding available for Downtown Great Falls projects:  $5 million

Cost of living in Great Falls MSA in 2023: 89.8% of national average

Cost of living in Billings MSA: 99.5%

In Cheyenne: 109.4%

Land we purchased during quarter for Great Falls AgriTech Park: 37.76 acres

Land we sold in Great Falls AgriTech Park for local business expansion: 2 acres

 GFDA gap and bridge loans closed during quarter: $1,180,000

Additional investment leveraged by these loans: $1,090,000

Additional GFDA gap and bridge loans approved during quarter: $350,000

Loan participations with Montana SSBCI program during quarter: $590,000

Additional SBA 504 loans approved during quarter: $3,964,000

New loan capital secured during quarter: $625,000

Companies and entrepreneurs we provided services to during quarter: 273

Total activities with these companies we recorded during quarter: 1,279

New client projects we started work on during quarter: 41

Entrepreneurs and small business clients advised during quarter: 133

New small business advising clients during quarter: 40

Rural clients advised during quarter: 45

New capital secured by entrepreneur advising clients: $912,800

Entrepreneur and small business trainings during quarter: 4

Number of training participants: 37

Government contracting clients advised during quarter: 62

New government contracting clients advised during quarter: 20

Government contracting advising sessions during quarter: 117

Active government contracting clients at end of quarter: 207

Government contracts won by clients: $14,825,271

Government contracting trainings during quarter: 3

Number of training participants: 54

Brownfields property assessments provided during quarter (Phase 1 and/or Phase 2): 3

Number of food and ag business touch points this quarter:  156

Number of unique food and ag businesses contacted in the quarter:  50

Great Falls Team members on GFDA Aspirational Trip during quarter:  11

Number of miles travelled on trip:  1,560

Number of International Economic Development Council 2024 Excellence Awards won by GFDA:  2

Montana's national ranking in USDA Value-Added Producer Grant awards:  3rd

USDA Value-Added Producer Grant applications awarded to Montana:  8

Businesses GFDA assisted with USDA Rural Energy for America Program applications: 7

Montana Air National Guard C-130’s landed on Montana state highways this year: 2

Percentage of Montanans on Medicaid who work or are in school: 76%

Rural hospitals closed nationwide between 2010 and 2021: 136

Rural hospitals in Montana that have closed since the beginning of Medicaid expansion: 0

New jobs created and sustained in Montana by Medicaid expansion in 2022: 7,500

New Montana personal income generated by Medicaid expansion in 2022: $475 million

Economic activity in Montana fueled by Medicaid expansion in 2022: $775 million

Share of Montana Medicaid expansion paid for by federal government: 90%

Number of installed heat pumps in Europe: 20 million

European goal by 2030: 60 million

Increase in monthly average American new business creation since the pandemic: 80%

For info contact Jolene Schalper at or 1-406-750-4481

Download PDF of Quarter Index

Our Mission

Grow diverse economic opportunities that enhance quality of life.

GFDA is a certified Community Development Financial Institution and a 501(c)3 charitable organization. High Plains Financial is a certified Community Development Corporation that offers SBA 504 loans statewide. GFDA and High Plains Financial are Equal Opportunity Employers, Lenders and Providers.

GFDA is proud to host a Montana Small Business Development Center, a Montana APEX Accelerator, and a Montana Food & Ag Development Center. GFDA is a certified Montana MicroBusiness Development Corporation.

GFDA was the first economic development organization in the Rocky Mountain West to earn accreditation from the International Economic Development Council.

For more info, click to our website.

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