November 8, 2021
Focus on Leadership
Dianne Foerster, GFWC Florida President
Good morning, GFWC Florida sisters!
Happy November, ladies! It is very exciting to get to this time of the year, isn’t it. There are a few short-term cold fronts which have cooled us down just a bit, and our clubs are reflecting that reinvigoration. I am reading about Alzheimer’s Walks, fashion shows, craft making classes, and preparation for many projects for the upcoming Kindness Day, President’s Project/Day of Service during the week of November 13th. I am really looking forward to reading and hearing about all the ways your club is reaching out in your community. Please share your stories and pictures with us in the next newsletter or on Facebook. Thank you so much for all that you are doing!
I know I speak for all of the Executive Committee and Junior Executive Committee members, who continue to be on the road visiting all of the districts in Florida with the Annual District Meetings, when I tell you how much we all have enjoyed visiting with you in a smaller and more intimate format. It has been our pleasure to share information about the GFWC Florida Strategic Plan and answer any questions you may have. I must be honest and tell you that my favorite part of these meetings is the brag time by the club presidents. It always gives everyone new, interesting and creative ideas! The actual business of these meetings is the election of the 2022-2024 District Directors and Junior District Directors. My congratulations to each of you for stepping up to leadership! I have said many times that in my opinion, it is the most important job in this federation. The newly elected District Directors and Junior District Directors are the state leaders closest to the GFWC Florida members. They are your connection to what is happening on the state and international level. They each have my strongest appreciation and admiration.
Just a quick note with regard to the “All Aboard Blue Umbrella Train Trip” whose deadline was November 1. We have 60+ members and guests registered at this time, and any further requests will need to be waitlisted. Please respond quickly and completely to any forms that our travel agent requests. Those of us who are already registered will receive further information as soon as possible, but don’t forget, we are approaching holidays and people will be traveling, so please be patient. Thank you for supporting this trip!
I would like to remind you that there will be a Holiday Open House at the GFWC Florida Headquarters in Lakeland on Sunday, December 5, 2021, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. There will be light refreshments, and each of you is invited to share the holiday spirit with us if you can fit it into your busy schedule.
As we get closer and closer to the holiday season, it certainly brings to mind those things for which we are so grateful. I know that includes our families and friends and homes, but I personally want each and every member of GFWC and GFWC Florida to know that I count you as a blessing for which I am eternally grateful. Thank you for always sharing your
Candice Postel, GFWC Florida Director of Junior Clubs
I had an exciting week traveling with Cathy Geary to Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5. We had so much fun with the members in these districts. Every single meeting went smoothly and we loved hearing what all the clubs are doing in their communities. You are all amazing and despite everything going on, you've all made significant contributions. Next week, I'll share some of the amazing projects and ideas we heard, so stay tuned!
Shannon Bailey, GFWC Florida Parliamentary Advisor
Could your club use a refresher on officer responsibilities? Do you have new officers who aren't sure what to do? Did you know that GFWC Florida has manuals for Club President, Club Recording Secretary and Club Treasurer? They are a fantastic resource for running a club efficiently and can be a great way to train new officers. If someone in your club is interested in stepping into these important roles, be sure they know that there are many tools to help! There are also many resources in the GFWC Leadership Toolkit on the GFWC Member Portal. Take advantage of these Benefits of Belonging.
Candi Aubin, GFWC Florida Leadership Chairman
Remember to report your club’s Leadership Plan.
For November, the characteristics, qualities and traits of building leadership are trust and gratitude. These characteristics can be learned and developed. It takes focus and determination to understand the building blocks of solid leadership.
Building Blocks of Solid Leadership.
Trust is important for leaders because it helps them to navigate the work organization. A trusted leader will experience less scrutiny. When you trust someone, you are less likely to question what they do. Trust is the glue that binds the leader to her/his followers and provides the capacity for organizational and leadership success. A leader is only as effective as her team. But building trust takes time and conscious effort. People don't trust words, they trust actions. Leaders who don't walk the talk lose trust.
Ways to Build Trust:
Build positive relationships
Show expertise
Be consistent
Become a champion of integrity
Focus on responsive leadership
Create an organization-wide culture of TRUST
Gratitude is about appreciating the people behind your organization’s success, and acknowledging the contributions they make each day. In the midst of deadlines and board meetings, it can be difficult to take the time to stop and offer encouragement or a pat on the back. However, it is well worth the investment and will pay dividends to recognize when a team member has completed a project, overcome a major hurdle, or hit a milestone.
Look for more Building Blocks of Solid Leadership in the December 2021 GFWC Florida Clubwoman.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy
Looking forward to working with you for continued GFWC Florida success.
Have you seen the GFWC Leadership Link? Share this with your club members.
Are you a storyteller or a poet? Share your creativity and inspire others! GFWC sponsors a creative writing contest to foster community spirit, talents, and growth, so get those creative juices flowing! Although the deadline to enter the GFWC Florida writing contest is February 1, 2022, your entry must have been written in 2021. Visit the Contests & Competitions section of the Member Center on for more details, or contact Julie Babcock.
GFWC Convention Workshop Webinars are now available for purchase! A package of five popular 2021 Convention presentations have been modified for viewing from the comfort of your home. Learn how to effectively advocate for issues in a nonpartisan way and how to educate youth about the early signs of an unhealthy relationship. Provide tools for developing club and state leaders, growing a positive club culture, and creating a brand and website that will make your club stand out in its community.
The following pre-recorded sessions, with handouts, are at your fingertips for just $25:
- Communications and PR: Let’s Talk About Branding…And Your Club Website!
- Leadership: Tools for Developing and Encouraging Leaders
- Legislation/Public Policy: Staying Nonpartisan in a Partisan Time
- Membership: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
- Signature Program: Fifty Ways to Make a Difference
Register today in the Events section of Member Portal on Registration and viewing for this five-webinar package closes November 30.
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
- Dec. 4 - GFWC Florida Webinar - Membership and Retention
- Dec. 5 - GFWC Florida Holiday Open House, Lakeland
- Dec. 15 - GFWC Florida dues, membership list and remittance forms are due
- Jan. 15 - GFWC Florida Junior Woman's Club reports due
- Feb. 1 - GFWC Florida Woman's Club reports due
- Feb. 19 - GFWC Florida LEADS
- March 1 - Community Impact Program award entries postmarked (no email)
- March 30 - April 4 - GFWC Florida Blue Umbrella Rail Trip to Washington, DC
- May 20-23 - GFWC Florida Convention
Easy links to GFWC Florida Social Media
GFWC Florida Members Leading by Example
GFWC LaBelle Community Woman's Club was proud to partner with The Kiwanis Club of LaBelle for the Annual Kiwanis Kids Day Event! The clubwomen sponsored a table for the children playing corn hole, and distributed handheld bird airplanes to over 250 children who attended this event.
Members of GFWC Temple Terrace Junior Woman's Club volunteered at the children's craft table during their city's annual Fall Festival. The event was a rousing success, with hundreds of folks coming out on a Saturday to celebrate an early Halloween.
GFWC Brandon Junior Woman’s Club spent a Saturday morning sorting and boxing food items at the Feeding Tampa Bay warehouse. These boxes of non-perishable food are distributed to families in need in the community.
In recognition of Children's Advocacy Week and the Kicks for Kids shoe and sock challenge, GFWC Lake Placid Junior Woman's Club members presented four pairs of shoes to an elementary school for their Comfort Closet for Children.
GFWC Lutz Land O' Lakes Woman's Club members donated delicious pies to be sold at the fall festival at a local elementary school, as well as Halloween costume accessories for the school parade. The clubwomen also stuffed 48 soft plush animals for the kindergarten children. The club has taken four elementary schools under their wing to sponsor.
GFWC North Pinellas Woman's Club members partnered with a community café to prepare delicious meals for several groups in need of a helping hand, including a group foster home. A trained chef was on hand to lead the way!
GFWC Naples Woman's Club held a successful fall flea market. The women enjoyed getting together over four days to prepare and price the items. This fund raiser helps pay the bills to keep their clubhouse open!
GFWC Coral Springs Woman's Club members helped collect, set up, sell, and take down items for their annual garage sale. This garage sale is one of their favorite fund raisers.
GFWC Palm Beach Gardens Woman's Club, in partnership with city government leaders, celebrated National Read for the Record Day. The clubwomen put together literacy buckets and fall book bags containing the book, Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon, as well as fall treats for their adopted classes and teachers. Club members attended the city celebration to hear the mayor and vice mayor read aloud. They delivered the literacy buckets to their adopted class and enjoyed their fall costume parade.
Congratulations to GFWC Woman’s Club of Crestview, Inc. for 100 years of community service! Letters of Proclamation were presented by the mayor, and received from Governor Ron DeSantis. The clubwomen were honored by a surprise visit from GFWC First Vice President Suellen Brazil, who presented them with a certificate signed by GFWC International President Marian St.Clair. Suellen and the clubwomen were also featured on community TV.
The October outreach program for GFWC Fort Walton Beach Woman's Club focused on the importance of oral health education for young children. Members filled decorated Halloween bags with dental supplies appropriate for children 3 to 5 years old. The little ones are enrolled in a local Head Start program.
Please submit brief articles & photos to each week by Wednesday. Indicate area of focus in subject line of your email. If your article or event is not in the newsletter, it could be scheduled for a future week!
If you would like this newsletter delivered to your email inbox, visit the home page on Scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the newsletter sign-up form.
The Junior Newsletter sign-up form is also located at the bottom of the home page.
Membership Montage - the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together various activities of GFWC Florida to form a cohesive whole. Every Monday we will feature a different area of focus with aligning articles, stories, club activities and photos. Please submit your stories for each area of focus!
1st Monday - Membership
2nd Monday - Leadership
3rd Monday - Programs
4th Monday - Communications and Public Relations
5th Monday - (if there is one) - Special Edition