November 23, 2020
Focus on Communications and Public Relations
Dianne Foerster, GFWC Florida President
Happy Thanksgiving, GFWC Florida members! 2020 has without question been a difficult year for so many people. And yet, there are many places we can see the blessings of the time. One of my favorite Facebook posts reads, “There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.” And I do think that is true. I know that we have had to avoid meeting in person together for almost a year, but what a blessing our improved technology has been. So many of our members are now comfortable meeting with Zoom or Big Marker. These are people, including myself, who would never have learned how to use the new technology unless there was a motivating force. Now we all are so happy to see each other's faces! I certainly count seeing all of your faces as a blessing!
I challenge you to look at this unusual time that we are still living in and to find the things to be thankful for. Let’s give someone a reason to be thankful for us. Many are suffering, many need help, even more will be alone this Thanksgiving. What can you or your club do to be a blessing to them? Please let me know!

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!

Love, Respect, and Kindness for all!

Candice Postel, GFWC Florida Director of Junior Clubs
Happy Thanksgiving!

Although this year is different and maybe not exactly how we would like things, we still have so much to be thankful for. I'm thankful for GFWC Florida and each one of you! I'm thankful to be a part of an organization that does so much good for our communities. I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving Day, however you choose to celebrate. 
GFWC Florida Communications & Public Relations Committee
In this season of gratitude, we are thankful for you, our members….all 8,400 of our amazing and dedicated GFWC Florida clubwomen! We appreciate this opportunity to communicate our thanks through this newsletter. How does your club communicate with its members? How do you let them know how grateful you are for them, and their hearts for service? How do you lift each other up during tough times, celebrate your successes and recognize the many ways your club serves the community? A monthly club newsletter is an excellent way to deliver this message! Please don’t let your newsletter slide during COVID because you think you don’t have any news to share. Now, more than ever, our members need to hear from us. Club officers can share messages of hope and encouragement. You can spotlight members; celebrate birthdays and club anniversaries. Photos of service projects or get-togethers are a great way to keep your members engaged. Consider sharing the many great tools coming from GFWC and GFWC Florida that show your members the value of being federated. We have a lot to be grateful for, and at the top of our list are all of YOU! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you!
GFWC Florida News and Reminders
A reminder from Trish Renau, GFWC Florida Bylaws Committee Chairman

Proposed bylaws amendments may be submitted to the bylaws committee
no later than January 1


PROPOSAL.  Amendments may be proposed by members of the board of directors, the executive committee, a federated club, or by the bylaws committee; and shall be submitted to the bylaws committee not later than January 1.  
  • Please consider choosing GFWC Florida as your charity of choice for Amazon purchases. Go to click on the Smile tab, choose Change Your Charity and select GFWC Florida from the dropdown. Our federation needs our support!
  • GFWC Florida Monthly Webinar Series Schedule Link -Register in the Member Center on Registration opens 30 days prior to each event, and recordings of the webinar are posted in the Member Center.
  • ESO November book is The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes. The discussion will be on November 28.

Upcoming Due Dates and Deadlines
  • Dec. 5 – GFWC Florida Webinar Series: Domestic Violence
  • Dec. 15 – Remittance Form and Dues must be postmarked
  • Jan. 1 - Proposed bylaws amendments due
  • Jan. 15 - Junior Clubs reports due
  • Feb. 1 – Women's Clubs reports due
  • Feb. 1 – Contests deadline - GFWC Florida Newsletter, Photography, Website, Writing, Yearbook
  • Feb. 1 – Volunteer of the Year nomination due
  • Feb. 20 – LEADS application due
Easy links to GFWC Florida Social Media
GFWC Florida Clubs Communicating their Message

District 12 is proud to announce that Stephanie Pavlik, President of GFWC Naples Junior's Woman's Club, has just been elected Junior District 12 Director. She was pinned with her new Junior District Director's pin by Lee Kraus, District 12 Director.

Congratulations, Stephanie! As the first Junior District Director in District 12, you are making history!
Woman's Club of Fort Pierce recently had a Paint N Sip fundraiser for their scholarship fund that raised over $500. The club had such a fun night with members and friends. They signed up a new member that night, and she has agreed to chair an upcoming fundraiser. Great job getting new members involved!

GFWC Palm Beach Gardens Woman's Club generously donated goods to the GFWC Juniorette Club of Jupiter-Tequesta. They donated two packs of holiday paper for their card crafts and a box of non-perishable food items for their bi-monthly collection for a local food pantry. Great teamwork!

A GFWC Lutz Land O'Lakes Woman's Club member has exceeded her own prior records by preparing over 7,000 hand-written Christmas cards to be sent to active duty troops on behalf of the club. Cards will also be distributed to veterans who reside in a local nursing home, and to homebound seniors receiving Meals on Wheels. The club's message of Christmas joy will be communicated locally and worldwide!
The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove established the Florida Plastics-Free Initiative Coalition, which partners with local businesses, organizations, and all concerned Floridians in order to minimize or possibly stop the amount of plastics collecting on Florida's shores. Thank you for leading the way and sharing this important message! Click to see press release

The ladies from GFWC Jupiter-Tequesta Junior Woman's Club and the Juniorettes of Jupiter-Tequesta honored veterans by placing American flags on veteran grave sites. This was extra special because some of the gravesites belonged to family of club members.
How did GFWC Southside Woman's Club of Jacksonville celebrate their club's 107th birthday? By "Packing the SUV" for an underserved ESL elementary school! With the holidays quickly approaching, the need for food, school supplies and PPE for some of the most impacted families was great. This is just one way the club loves to support this neighborhood school whose children and staff have grown near to their hearts. 
GFWC North Pinellas Woman's Club ladies didn't let the approaching hurricane stop them from volunteering! They spent the morning sorting and hanging clothing donations for foster families, smiling behind their masks as they worked! This community partner provides essentials to 400+ children a month entering foster care in several counties.
Cedar Key Woman’s Club will celebrate its 14th year of the Fall Market on November 28, and they promoted their event with an article in the local paper. In addition to arts and crafts by local artisans, the club will be selling their 2021 club calendar. The newspaper
article informed the community that proceeds from the market support local organizations and a local school.

The Miami Woman’s Club is honoring our GFWC Florida President’s Project every month with a donation to a Special Education Class through  Anyone can go there and find a classroom in their neighborhood and find teachers who need help. Club members are happy to recommend this program to other clubs! The teachers always send a thank you note describing how the donation was used.

Members of GFWC Greater Ocala Woman's Club gathered with students from Pace Girls School to paint flower pots. The pots were donated by local businesses. Succulents were then planted in the beautifully-decorated pots! The flower pots will be donated to the residents at a local senior living community.

Members of GFWC Wesley Chapel Woman's Club collected gently-used luggage collected from their members. They also purchased 14 new duffle bags. All of the luggage was donated to a local program that provides luggage for foster children to transport their personal belongings with dignity and pride.
Please submit brief articles & photos to [email protected]
each week by Wednesday. Indicate area of focus in subject line of your email.

If your article or event is not in the newsletter, it could be scheduled for a future week!

If you would like this newsletter delivered
to your e-mail inbox, visit the home page on Scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the newsletter sign-up form.

The Junior Newsletter sign-up form is also located at the bottom of the home page.
Membership Montage - the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together various activities of GFWC Florida to form a cohesive whole. Every Monday we will feature a different area of focus with aligning articles, stories, club activities and photos. Please submit your stories for each area of focus!
1st Monday - Membership
2nd Monday - Leadership
3rd Monday - Programs
4th Monday - Communications and Public Relations
5th Monday - (if there is one) - Special Edition