Greater Grand Rapids Womens History Council
  P.O Box 68874, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-8874                 Phone: 616-574-7307


March 17, 2014
GGRWHC Board of Directors

Falinda Geerling,
Ruth VanStee,
Connie Ingham
Janet Brashler
Jo Ellyn Clarey
Susan Coombes
Gayle Davis
Sharon Hanks
Kyle Irwin
Mary Jane Keeler
Jef McClimans 
Mary Seeger
Ruth Stevens
Jill Straub
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Celebrate Women's History Month with GGRWHC!



Rediscovering Merze Tate: A Treasure in Our Backyard

Merze Tate
Merze Tate


Sonya Bernard-Hollins














7 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 17,  

on GRTV, Channel 25

Preview Thursday's program on Merze Tate.
Time to Talk
host Argie Holliman interviews speaker Sonya Bernard-Hollins after ten minutes with Grand Rapids Study Club members Yvonne Sims, Shirley Miles, and Jo Ellyn Clarey.

GRSC member Aquoinette Blair is the producer and also appears on camera.
Aquoinette did the ten-minute feature on the club a while back:

Remember to invite friends.
Remember to RSVP
for lunch: or
Other details found on our Homepage:

See you on Thursday!

Women at the Bar: A Century of Women Attorneys in 
Grand Rapids, 1870s to 1970s


If you missed GGRWHC board member, Ruth Stevens', local attorney and Legal Studies coordinator at GVSU's School of Criminal Justice, interview with WGVU Public Radio host Shelly Irwin, click on this link: Interview

Ruth talks about her recent program at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Look for a follow-up article about the presentation on our Homepage:


Not a current member of GGRWHC? Membership is easy and helps offset the expenses associated with research and programming presented each year. Your membership helps to set the record straight on the women who've made history here in our community.

GGRWHC Board Meetings

Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Vanderveen Center for the Book at the Grand Rapids Public Library. If you have suggestions for programs, oral histories or other items, please email us at or plan to attend a meeting.


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Please take a moment to forward this message to others you know who may be interested in Women's History.  If you've received this message as a forward, consider joining our mailing list (click on the button in the left column above!) in order to receive future updates about programming.

Thank you for your interest in preserving and celebrating the history of the many phenomonal women who've helped to shape West Michigan!  If you aren't already a member of the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council, consider showing your support through annual membership.  Visit our web site for more information and the ability to register using Pay Pal online!

Hats off to the historical women who've shaped West Michigan!