03SEP24 1520
GICA contacted by the Port of Morgan City and the USACE New Orleans District and both advised zero funding has been allocated in the President's 2025 Mississippi River and Tributaries (MR&T) Budget for dredging in the Stouts Pass portion of the Atchafalaya River in the vicinity of MM 114 and Berwick Harbor.
See below letter from the Port of Morgan City to GICA.
GICA coordinated with Waterways Council Incorporated (WCI) to assist the Port of Morgan City submit two Community Project Funding Requests with both Senator Cassidy (R-LA) and Senator Kennedy (R-LA) to acquire funding through the USACE Work Plan Process as the non-federal sponsor for these areas of the Atchafalaya River.
Outreach from GICA member companies who rely on this portion of the Atchafalaya River may be required as we progress through the Work Plan funding process over the coming months.
GICA will remain in close contact with both the Port of Morgan City and Waterways Council Incorporated (WCI) and advise GICA membership as needed.
CLICK HERE for a Copy of the Port of Morgan City's Ltr to GICA re: the Lack of Funding in the 2025 President's Budget