Dear One,

Today is the day when you can decide to start living differently and to pay more attention to what happens within you. I invite you to reconnect with who you are and to allow yourself to shine brightly with your unique light. It is time to rediscover yourself!

Connect with me if you want to benefit from a free discovery call to know how we can work together at [email protected].
Gift-Letter: Your True Self

You have an opportunity to discover who you are apart from the roles you play and the ideas you have accumulated about yourself. Connect with yourself, the real you. Be courageous enough to go inside yourself and to see who you are. Don’t be afraid, be curious. When you find out who you are in essence, you will see an incredible being. One that you may even have forgotten. You will discover your light, uniqueness, and divinity. 

Many people are afraid of looking within themselves because they think they will find all the bad stuff they have stored. As if we have a storage unit that can’t be opened, where we accumulate all the things we don’t like about ourselves. We put all the traumatic events, bad experiences, remorse, guilt, sadness, shame, or other suppressed feelings there. But this is not what you will find if you meet yourself with Love. Look at yourself with kindness and understanding through the eyes of Love. Love yourself enough to observe yourself without judgment.  

Your true self may be buried under behaviors learned during your childhood or belief systems you accepted throughout your life. You may think that you know yourself enough. You spend 24 hours a day with you, it is true. But in essence, you are much more than your personality. It may not be easy to recognize at first sight, but you are pure Love energy. You are interconnected with everything that exists and part of the Universe. You can connect with your true self in many different ways. Some ideas are: spending time with yourself reflecting, journaling, meditating, being in nature, or accessing the Akashic Records.
You are alive to express your true self. You are invited to share it with the world. You may have learned to build a wall of protection and hide from others, or put a smile on your face all the time. You may have always acted in the way it was expected of you. But this is the moment of truth where you have to show everything you are. You may have been in hundreds of situations where you didn’t give yourself the opportunity to be yourself and express all you have inside, your ideas, creativity, points of view, and talents. Do it from now on!

Fear of rejection, not fitting in, or being judged, can be very powerful and stop us from showing our authentic selves. We want to be loved. We learn at an early age that we have to adapt or be different from who we are to receive the acceptance and Love we want. We try so hard to be one more in the group and to be loved that we end up betraying ourselves by changing who we are, or putting on a mask not to show our real selves. 

Being two different people, the real you and the one you have created to be accepted, creates a lot of tension and robs you of energy. You have to protect yourself constantly and be in a state of alert to avoid being discovered. You have to scan your environment looking for threatening situations, and this means that you cannot relax and enjoy yourself totally and freely. An authentic connection with yourself brings connection with others and better and deeper relationships. Allow your light to shine and appreciate who you are. A great fulfillment will come out of it. Your purpose is very simple: to be yourself.

Online· Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd, 11-7 pm EST.

Online· Saturday 29th, 11-7 pm EST.

Do you want a class that is not on the calendar? Ask for it at [email protected]

"Being yourself means shedding all the layers of looking good, wanting to be liked, being scared to stand out, and trying to be who you think people want you to be. Being yourself means being naked, raw, and vulnerable."
—Jeff Moore

"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner."
—Lao Tzu

"Accept the responsibility of being yourself as you are, with all that is good and with all that is bad, with all that is beautiful and that which is not beautiful. In that acceptance, a transcendence happens and one becomes free."
Blog: Add More Love
Add More Love

Love is the powerful force that connects all of us, and all that exists. It is the reason for our existence and the energy that transforms us. How can it be more present in our lives? Love is an...

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With Love,
Judith Costa
