How an Italian Teenager’s Love for the Eucharist
Transformed a 50th Wedding Anniversary Road Trip
Not only have Bill and Peg White shared nearly
53 years of married life together,
they began traveling the country to celebrate their Golden Jubilee
sharing the truth and beauty of the Eucharist through the
Vatican Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition.
This includes panels researched and designed by the
holy teenager, Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Learn more about their inspiring story
and how a religious community in Miami
is also part of this special mission to share the work of Blessed Carlo.
Click the link below to read more:
I Am with You:
A Documentary on Carlo Acutis
Filmed on location in Italy,
this EWTN original documentary
introduces you to the remarkable story of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Family, friends, neighbors and classmates
paint a moving image of this impressive young man
whose spiritual wisdom far surpassed his age.
Through photos, videos and eyewitness accounts,
you’ll get an insight into his true devotion to Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament and his relentless determination
to spread the truth of Eucharistic miracles
to believers around the world.
Click below to WATCH:
Our Bishops Speak: The Eucharist
On June 9, 2023, during a presentation to the
Catholic Media Association, Bishop Cozzens shared the
powerful story of a man named Fernand,
whom he met when he was a young priest,
and how Fernand’s Eucharistic faith carried him
through more than 50 years of crippling illness.
Click below to read his reflection:
In the Streets
Another major moment in the Revival:
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
one of the largest Eucharistic pilgrimages in history!
We will process with our Eucharistic Lord on 4 routes,
departing from our nation's north, south, east, and west edges.
These branches will meet in Indianapolis in July 2024
for the National Eucharistic Congress.
To see the four routes, and intercessor for each, click below:
The Eucharist and the Sacred Heart:
A Prayer after Communion
By St. John Henry Newman
Most Sacred, most loving Heart of Jesus,
You are concealed in the Holy Eucharist,
And you beat for us still.
Now, as then, you say: “With desire I have desired.”
I worship you with all my best love and awe,
With fervent affection,
With my most subdued, most resolved will.
For a while you take up your abode within me.
O make my heart beat with your Heart!
Purify it of all that is earthly,
All that is proud and sensual,
All that is hard and cruel,
Of all perversity,
Of all disorder,
Of all deadness.
So fill it with you,
That neither the events of the day,
Nor the circumstances of the time,
May have the power to ruffle it;
But that in your love and your fear,
It may have peace.