Oak Grove Baptist Church Senior Outreach Ministry

 Glory to God for all He has done. God is so good. The 2024 plans have been compiled and submitted as required. Special Thanks for each person who contributed.

Agenda - ALL Are Welcome

Thursday, November 2, 2023


Teleconference Line: (617) 793-8499

Call to Order



Old Business

1. Foliage Ride - Grandfather’s Mountain… Go/NoGo Decisions

2. MIDDAY Meetup

1. Population

2. Participation

3. Bible Study

4. OGBC Connect

5. Refreshments

6. Volunteer Support Team

3. Solicitation Response: Leadership Nominations

4. Solicitation Response: 2024 Plan of Action

5. Convalescence Engagements

1. Calls

2. Cards

6. Random Acts of Kindness

New Business

1. 1st Saturday November: VIRTUAL Cupid BINGO

1. Setup - Game, Facility Setup, Arrival Time …

2. Callers (Roles, Responsibilities)

3. Verifiers (Roles, Responsibilities)

4. Number of Games … Give-aways

5. Snacks/water Setup

2. 3rd Tuesday November: Craft (Guest Crafter). Fruit …

3. Homeless: Blessing Bag Inventory/Christmas Gifting

4. 3rd Tuesday December: Ugly Christmas Sweater Fellowship

1. Potluck??

Psalm 66:16-20 is a passage from the Old Testament of the Bible that speaks of thanksgiving and praise to God. The psalmist invites all who fear God to come and hear what He has done for his soul. He then goes on to describe how he cried out to God with his mouth, and how God was extolled with his tongue. The psalmist also acknowledges that if he had cherished sin in his heart, the Lord would not have listened to him. However, since he was sincere in his prayer, God heard him and attended to the voice of his prayer.

One way you can apply this passage to your life today is by taking time to reflect on the things that God has done for you. You can make a list of all the blessings in your life and thank God for them. You can also take time to pray and ask God for help in areas where you need it.

Another way you can apply this passage is by being sincere in your prayers. The psalmist acknowledges that if he had cherished sin in his heart, the Lord would not have listened to him. Therefore, it’s important to confess your sins and ask for forgiveness before praying. This will help you approach God with a pure heart and increase the likelihood that He will hear your prayers.

Finally, you can apply this passage by praising God with your words. The psalmist extols God with his tongue, and we can do the same by speaking words of praise and thanksgiving to Him. This can be done through prayer, singing hymns or worship songs, or simply speaking words of gratitude throughout the day.