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Livestream @ 10 on Facebook

8:00 AM Rite II

9:00 AM Coffee Hour

9:15 Adult Formation

10:00 AM Rite II: Choir & Sunday School

Click either button to watch the livestream

Visit our virtual worship page for the Sunday Bulletin

Livestream @ 10 on YouTube

Thanks to our Adopt-A-Highway Road Cleanup crew for all their hard work last weekend! They cleaned 1.6 miles of Concord Rd and even found a fire extinguisher!

Upcoming Events @ St. John's:

See Sunday's Lectionary here.

Giving Train Fundraiser

Saturday, 11/9 @ 5-8 PM

Green Team Meeting

Sunday, 11/10 @ 11:15 AM

We Believe Class

Sunday, 11/10 @ 6 PM

Café & Healing Eucharist

Thursday, 11/14 @ 10 AM & 11:15 AM

Compline Service

Thursday, 11/14 @ 6:30 PM

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The Giving Train: LIVE at St. John’s!

THIS Saturday, November 9

5-8 PM

A few tickets are still available!

Delicious food from Tone's Spot Food Truck & fellowship!

Dance the night away with The Crooked Rose Band!

(Tickets $40 at the door, $35 in advance)

You can support the event using the button below, even if you are not able to attend.

Details & Tickets Here



The Prayers of the People

Episcopalians aren't known for our long, extemporaneous prayers. Rather we are a people of the (prayer) book - a book that lists many different types of prayers from the Collects that start each Sunday's service to the individual prayers at the back of our book, like our birthday/anniversary prayer.

We also have a time during our worship when we have the "Prayers of the People" which are not read by clergy, but by a parishioner on behalf of the gathered people. During this time we regularly pray for the Church, the world, and our nation - especially our elected officials. These are prayers that I hope you will pray not just on Sunday, but each day. So, I encourage you to join me in praying that Donald Trump and all those elected this week to public office take their vocation to service as a sacred trust, one that puts into practice values that seek justice for all with genuine compassion.

As our new Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe wrote this week, "Regardless of our political allegiances, we must remember that God has called us in The Episcopal Church to seek and serve Christ in all persons. No matter the party in power, we are one church, and we will continue to fulfill our baptismal covenant by proclaiming in word and example the Good News of God in Christ, striving for justice and peace among all people, and protecting the dignity of every human being." Or put a different way, as our own Bishop Daniel Gutierrez has written, "we must go forward believing that our identity is not party, label, or ideology; our identity is Christ."

And so, at St. John's we will continue to love and support one another, celebrating and praying for one another, regardless of whom we voted for, because our primary identity is as God's beloved children and as members of one family, our goodness and humanity are bound together in the same love that Christ has shown us.

Peace and blessings,

Rev Jill

On All Saints' Day, Juliet and her brother Robbie were baptized and marked as Christ's own forever.

Our Youth Group bake sale raised over $900 for their next mission trip.

At our Election Eve Prayer Vigil, parishioners Bob and Linda light candles of hope.

Chester Eastside

This Sunday we welcome Rev Andrew Jacob, executive director of Chester Eastside, to our pulpit (pictured center, with St. Johners). Rev Andy will share stories of his ministry in Chester, which is his “dream job – to work with an agency that is addressing issues of social justice and peace.”

Come and learn more about the amazing ministry being done in Chester and how we can continue to deepen our relationship with CEI.


Schedule Note

Bishop Visiting November 24 – ONE SERVICE

Please note that we will have only ONE service on Sunday, November 24 at 10 AM. The Bishop will be confirming and receiving new members. Please plan to join us!

What is the Bible?

Adult Formation this Fall -- Sundays Mornings at 9:15

Join Rev Jill and Rev Terry this October and November as we unpack the question, "What is the Bible?"

Visit our website for the syllabus.

Thursday, Nov. 14 @ 6:30 PM in the sanctuary, we will again follow the service from the New Zealand Book of Common Prayer. Compline is a wonderful way to conclude your day – ALL are welcome!


Fall Cleanup

The St John’s clean up will be on Saturday November 23 from 8 am -12 noon. 

Bring rakes, blowers and gloves if you have them. There will be breakfast treats and beverages available.

Any amount of help will be appreciated even if it is only an hour.

Thanksgiving Food Collection

benefiting Chester Eastside

Donations of frozen Turkeys and anything on the list below can be brought to the Parish Hall for collection now through November 20. Other items needed include: Corn- 15 oz cans; Green Beans- 15 oz cans; Sweet Potatoes- 15 oz cans; Cranberry sauce- 15 oz cans; Turkey Gravy- 15 oz jars; Instant Mashed Potatoes; Instant Stuffing; Mac & Cheese- 7oz Boxes; Jiffy Corn Muffing Mix  PLEASE…NO CANNED PUMPKIN

Bernie Miller plants peony roots after teaching about this beautiful flower at our final Flower Forum.

An ancestor of St. John's founding families recently visited! Christine is a descendant of both the Hall and Armant families and is pictured with our 300+ year old Penn Oak.

We remembered St. John's saint Lois Jean Bak when we dedicated the Archive Room in her honor.

Please sign up!

We are in need of hosts to provide our treats for Coffee Hour on Sunday mornings. Hosts can attend either the early service at 8:00 or the second service at 10:00. Please sign up on the clipboard on the treats table.

Delivery Help Needed on Wednesday Mornings

Our team that takes turns making the delivery of food donations to St. Mary’s on Wednesday mornings could use a few more volunteers in the rotation. If you are interested, please contact Ronnie Liberi.

Parkinson's Support Group

1st Wednesday of the Month

Next one is

December 4 @ 1:30 PM to 3 PM

More info here.

Submit Prayer Request
Pastoral Care Needs

Diocesan News

Retreat: All Creatures Great And Small

Saturday, Nov 16 from 9:30-2pm

Join the Rev. Patricia Cashman at St. Martin's in Radnor for prayer, story sharing, music, reflection, and journaling. The retreat will share views on how a variety of domesticated animals, and those roaming free in nature, relate to us and our spirituality. Coffee, morning refreshments, and lunch will be provided at no charge. Details.

St. John's Episcopal Church

Usual Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 AM - 1 PM


The Rev. Jill LaRoche Wikel, Rector

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