joyful plate community
Please consider a gift today to the
West Side Campaign Against Hunger (NYC)

A couple times a year we pause on our branding and strategy work to connect with our neighbors and celebrate the joy of giving back by  sharing an evening of risotto and wine lessons with friends on the Upper West Side to benefit WSCAH (click here: joyfulplate risotto party for WSCAH). We'd love to be able to contribute more, with your help. 


The West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH) is one of the largest and most
successful food pantries in New York City.   It provides emergency
food assistance to people who struggle to meet their food needs.  
It is a  supermarket-style pantry where customers choose the 
   food that is best for them and their individual health, thus serving the community
  with dignity.   WSCAH's social service counselors connect customers to  food stamps, health insurance, and legal assistance as well as help nearly  200 per year find employment. Their Chef Training Program is part of a job  placement initiative that promotes healthy food preparation and eating, and onsite
 yoga promotes physical fitness.

Last year, WSCAH launched their innovative Mobile Market, bringing New Yorkers the special combination of healthy food and social service counseling that WSCAH has been offering at its brick-and-mortar site since 1979. 

The Mobile Market works in partnership with a number of community-based organizations, health centers, senior centers, and religious institutions to to create new sources of healthy food. Last year the Upper West Side location distributed 1.7 million pounds of food to New Yorkers in need. Check it out on the you tube video here: 
WSCAH Mobile Market Video
WSCAH Mobile Market Video


WSCAH may fit your Corporate Social Responsibility mission. 
Today, GIVING TUESDAY, I'm asking you to think about ways your company can sponsor the Mobile Market. Please email me at michelle@joyfulplate.com for more details, thanks!

Or if you're feeling spontaneous, TEXT TO GIVE: simply text the word PRODUCE to 56512 or donate here:  West Side Campaign Against Hunger

Thank you for considering, and see you at Fancy Food Show San Francisco, 2019!