Today has been a day of anticipation and legislative understanding as Indiana has now moved into a "Stay at Home" state due to the efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Indiana Governor Holcomb, in a press conference this afternoon, issued an EXECUTIVE ORDER IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 No. 20-08 spelling out the state’s position and directives. Please
click here
to read the executive order. Additionally, please review the
Handling many member calls and emails today, I heard the primary concern asking if the printing/mailing/bindery community is essential or non-essential. In the executive order you will see that the print (manufacturing) community
essential and will be allowed to continue production. This is listed under the area's related to:
- Mail, Post, Shipping, Logistics, Delivery, and Pick-up Services
- Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations
I am aware that each company will manage this essential order in their own way and the continuing concern is to practice safe guidelines that have been spelled out by the CDC.
Thank you to those members, at my request, who reached out to the Governor’s staff via mail or phone explaining why print/mailing/bindery is essential in the State of Illinois for the safety and welfare of our citizens.
Brent Eckhart
Indiana Director
Great Lakes Graphics Association