News Brief - January 2022 | |
We’re starting 2022 with a freshening up of our News Brief, bringing you the same extensive coverage of all you need to know with a renewed look and feel.
Thanks for keeping up with GLOBE around the world.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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- News and Announcements
- Regional/Field Measurement Campaign Updates
- 2022 IVSS Updates
- Community/STEM Professional Blogs
- GLOBE Student Vloggers Update
- GLOBE Star Stories
- STEM stories /Community Profiles
- Opportunities for Teachers
- Opportunities for Students
- Anniversaries
- Additional Info
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The NASA GLOBE Cloud Challenge 2022
Begins 15 January
A new year, a new challenge! Starting this month, you can join in the NASA GLOBE Cloud Challenge 2022: Clouds in a Changing Climate. The challenge begins on 15 January and runs through 15 February. Using The GLOBE Program's app, GLOBE Observer, students, teachers and citizen scientists can record and enter the measurements into the database.
Throughout the challenge, tune in to social media (both NASA Earth and The GLOBE Program) for some special features.
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GLOBE Teachers, Partners, Country Coordinators, and GISN Members: Please Complete the GLOBE Annual Survey by 17 January
Survey links and email invitations were sent to GLOBE Teachers, Partners and Country Coordinators in mid-December (the GISN will receive their survey in early January). Please take a few moments to complete the survey and share your feedback. This is our fourth year tracking the GLOBE community’s progress toward the performance targets in the GLOBE 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. Responses from the previous years’ Annual GLOBE Survey show that we are close to achieving most of our targets. However, we need full participation from the GLOBE Community so that we can be confident of the excellent progress toward achieving our performance targets. Your feedback helps to ensure that the GIO stays on track in supporting the GLOBE Community.
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The GLOBE Program Celebrates AGU Award
On the evening of 15 December, Dr. Tony Murphy, Director of the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO), and Dr. Allison Leidner, NASA Program Manager for GLOBE, stepped onstage in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, to receive the prestigious American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2021 Excellence in Earth and Space Science Education Award. The award is given annually in recognition of long-lasting, positive impacts in Earth and space science education
“The GLOBE Program has made outstanding achievements and contributions by pushing the frontiers of our science forward," said AGU President Susan Lozier, on behalf of the AGU Earth and space science community. "GLOBE has also embodied AGU’s shared vision of a thriving, sustainable, and equitable future for all powered by discovery, innovation, and action. And you did this with integrity, respect, diversity, and collaboration while creating deep engagement in education and outreach."
To learn more about the AGU, click here.
To learn more about the award, click here.
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Regional/Field Measurement
Campaign Updates
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2021 Autumn European Phenology Campaign Wrap-Up
The 2021 Autumn European Phenology Campaign, which began in September 2021, has concluded. Overall, 2,400 students and 151 schools from 19 countries participated!
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October GLOBE UHIE Surface Temperature Field Campaign Wrap-Up
The October 2021 GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign wrapped up, with over 1,200 observations submitted from 43 schools. Over 50 percent of the data was submitted in the final two weeks of December.
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Join 13 January GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Projects for GLOBE IVSS Using the Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover Data”
The GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) webinar will be held on Thursday, 13 January, at 02:00 p.m. EST (07:00 p.m. UTC).
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How to Submit IVSS Student Reports in 2022
It’s 2022 now and that means your research should likely be underway for this year's International Virtual Science Symposium. This year, the IVSS is focusing on Engineering Solutions for a Changing Climate. Learn more about the theme and how to submit your final report by clicking below.
More Info on Applications
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Join 18 January 2022 IVSS Webinar (In English and Spanish) “Conducting a Literature Review for your IVSS Project”
The speaker will be Juan Felipe Restrepo Mesa, who is the Knowledge Management Chief, Environmental Education Coordinator, and Biontessori's Research Group Leader for Colegio Montessori de Cartagena in Colombia, South America. Juan will present the first half in English and the second half in Spanish.
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Community/STEM Professional Blogs | |
New STEM Professional Blog: “Mosquitoes: Sentinels of Our Changing Climate”
In a recent GLOBE Community Blog, Dr. Rusty Low, the Science Lead for GLOBE’s Mosquito Habitat Mapper and the GLOBE Mission Mosquito campaign, discusses mosquitoes as “avatars” of climate change.
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U.S. High School Student in 2021 SEES Intern Program Shares Experiences Using Mosquito Habitat Mapper
U.S. high school students participating in a collaboration effort between The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium (TSGC) to extend the TSGC Summer Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Internship program are sharing their research experiences using The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper (MHM) via GLOBE’s “Community Blog.”
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GLOBE Student Vloggers Updates | |
GLOBE Student Vloggers to Become “Investigative Reporters” During NASA GLOBE Clouds Challenge 2022
The GLOBE Student vloggers have been asked by NASA scientist and the GLOBE Clouds Science Lead, Marilé Colón Robles, to become investigative reporters as part of the upcoming NASA GLOBE Clouds Challenge 2022 (15 January to 15 February).
This month, look for a special video from the vloggers all about the clouds and climate in their individual areas, as well as the changes seen over time. Plus, look for a big announcement in GLOBE’s February News Brief concerning vlogging opportunities in 2022/2023 for current GLOBE students.
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Student Vlogger Playlist
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GLOBE Uruguay Conducts “In-Person” Visits to Schools to Strengthen Collaboration in Constantly Changing Times
From August through to the end of October 2021, GLOBE Uruguay engaged in a “hands-on” and “in-person” learning and scientific adventure designed to help promote GLOBE activities that included visiting a variety of GLOBE schools.
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GLOBE Vietnam Zika Education and Prevention Project Trainings “Push the Edge of Citizen Science Impact”
Over the course of two years, GLOBE Vietnam conducted various Country Mosquito Trainings (CMTs) and Local Mosquito Workshop (LMWs) in connection with the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project. Over 260 teachers have been trained, and the country has contributed thousands of unique data points.
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To learn more about GLOBE Star Stories, and to submit your GLOBE Star Story,
click here
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GLOBE STEM/Community Profile Stories | |
GLOBE Helps STEM Professional “Stand Out” and “SEE” New Discoveries
Yashraj Patil, an Associate Software Engineer at Hexaware Technologies Limited (Chennai, India), credits The GLOBE Program – and his experiences learning and growing within the program – with helping him achieve a personal and professional dream.
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What’s Your GLOBE Story? Learn the Difference Between GLOBE Star, STEM, and Community Profile Stories – and Share Your Story Today!
Calling all GLOBE community members! Is it time to share your GLOBE story? There are many ways to inspire, educate, collaborate, and share how The GLOBE Program has enhanced your educational and scientific journey.
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Opportunities for Teachers | |
NASA STEM Educator Webinars
The NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) is presenting a series of webinars open to all educators. All pre-service, K-12, and informal educators, as well as university faculty, are invited to join NASA education specialists to learn about NASA missions, activities, lesson plans, educator guides, and online resources that integrate NASA and STEM into the classroom.As part of the series "“Earth Right Now: Elementary GLOBE: Using Picture Books to Initiate STEAM PBL," will be offered on January 6th.
See Planned Webinars Here
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U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Watercoolers in January
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Join the Watercoolers in January. Watercoolers are held most Thursdays, at 04:10 p.m. EST. They provide an informal opportunity to connect with other GLOBE teachers and partners to share ideas. Each week begins with a presentation from a teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following.
Find Future Watercoolers
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Sign up to Present
GLOBE Teachers and Partners: You are invited to share your experience and expertise. Please consider signing up to share how you are using GLOBE in your region.
To sign up to present at a Watercooler, click here.
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YLACES Offers Awards, Scholarships, Grants – and Support – for Science Education
Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES), based in the United States, offers awards, scholarships, grants, and support – all to assist and reward the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to understanding of our environment through recognition and financial reward programs.
Those working with youth to do research projects through environmental citizen science are invited to submit proposals for support to help their efforts. Grants range from support for taking simple measurements to teacher professional development and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching.
In addition, support is provided for prizes recognizing student achievement and effective teaching; for infrastructure necessary for contributing, storing, and sharing data and methods; and for science fairs/symposia that assess student work.
For more information on YLACES, and the specific types of assistance
YLACES provides, click here.
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Opportunities for Students | |
U.S. GLOBE Sophomores/Juniors: 2022 Summer Internship Opportunity in STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Program – Applications Due 15 March
The United States GLOBE program is accepting applications for a GLOBE intern at the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) 2022 Summer High School Intern Program. This opportunity is open to U.S. GLOBE high school Sophomores and Juniors. Applications are due 15 March 2022. (The internship will be a “hybrid model,” with both on-site and virtual opportunities in the summer 2022.)
Selected interns will learn how to interpret NASA satellite data and work with scientists and engineers at the University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research.
More Info Here
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U.S. Undergraduate/Grad Students: Applications for SOARS Summer Internship (Boulder, Colorado) in Atmosphere or Related Science Due 01 February
U.S. undergraduate/graduate students (U.S. citizens or green card holders): Applications for SOARS (Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science) 2021 summer internship program are due 01 February.
SOARS is an undergraduate-to-graduate research internship program for students interested in the atmospheric and related sciences, based at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
More Info Here
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Congratulations to the seven GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of January:
Fiji – 25 years | 28 January 1997
Italy – 25 years | 21 January 1997
Latvia – 24 years | 27 January 1998
Moldova – 27 years | 30 January 1995
Palau – 25 years | 30 January 1997
Philippines – 23 years | 14 January 1999
Togo – 04 years | 30 January 2018
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GLOBE Program Items Available at Lands’ End Online Store
You can have the GLOBE logo a variety of items including clothing and accessories at Lands End Business.
To get started, click here.
(Then click on the product, choose the size, and select The GLOBE Program logo.)
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GLOBE Implementation Office Closed 17 January for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
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GLOBE Website Tech Update
As always, GLOBE continues to work to ensure that your “use” of the website, and associated apps, is as user-friendly as possible. Work this month focuses on new and upcoming capabilities to support teachers, students, and GLOBE teams.
If you have any questions, or need assistance, contact the GLOBE Community Support Team (CST) by filling out this form.
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