Great Mountain Forest is home to at least two of the most common bats in Connecticut. The little brown bat weighs in at less than half an ounce, with a wingspan of 9 to 11 inches and a body only 2 to 4 inches long. They belong to the taxonomic family Vespertilionidae, with Myotis translating to “mouse-eared,” and lucifugus to “light-fleeing.” This bat species has suffered declines in population from the fungal infection that causes white-nose disease.
The big brown bat belongs to a different genus than its more diminutive cousin; the impressive nomenclature of the “vespertilionid Eptesicus fuscus” means “brown bat that flies around in the evening.” These reach almost a full ounce in weight with a wingspan of just over a foot. Both of these bats eat insects, but sadly eschew mosquitos, as those fly closer to the ground than bats prefer to hunt.