God Wrapped Himself in Flesh
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14)

A story is told about a small boy who was afraid of the dark. When he woke us during the night, he called his father. His father checked on him and told him to go back to sleep because God would keep him safe. The five-year-old boy replied, "Father, I want you to come back to check on me so I can see someone with skin on."

God knew people wanted to see someone with skin on. That's why He wrapped Himself in flesh and came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ.

At the heart of our Christian faith is that Jesus was God and also the Son of God with skin on. In His humanity, He became one of us to be our representative, example, and substitute for us on the cross.

Rev. Margaret Minnicks

Reason Easter Comes So Late This Year

In most years, Easter is observed either late in the month of March or in early April. In 2022, Easter is celebrated on April 17. That is late...

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Interesting Things About the Month of April

There is a saying, "April showers bring May flowers." That might be true, but there are so many other interesting things about the month of April. The name April comes from the Latin word meaning "to open." It is during the time when flowers and...

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