Hello Richard,
Hyung Jin Nim started the service by talking about the young people preparing for the three day 40 mile Colorado hiking trip. They will need to do advance training because of the high altitude.
Then he discussed the DNA which is the basis of all life. In the 1950s scientists discovered that in every living cell in our bodies, the “alphabet of life” is based on four letters. We call them A, T, C, G after the four nitrogen-containing molecules (“nucleotide bases”) that make up the large chain of them called DNA. This life code has been present in all living organisms since the dawn of creation.
Genesis, although written for cultures thousands of years ago, does not suggest that in creation God “waved a magic wand.” The Bible suggests God in creation was “speaking.” Speaking is encoding information transmitted from one intelligence to another. Study of DNA suggests life was formed by encoded information transmitted from an undetermined (by scientists) source to every living thing on earth. Only one source is known for intelligent information, for code, for language—a mind, a designer. (God's Alphabet--DNA)
The DNA chains are held together by a sulphuric bridge (disulfide bonds). And the sulphuric bridge appears in the following manner: every 10 acids there was a bridge, every 5 acids a bridge, every 6 acids a bridge… and again every 5 acids a bridge. [Number sequence: 10-5-6-5] In Hebrew, since numbers correspond to letters, the 10th letter = Yud, the 5th letter = Heh, the 6th letter = Waw, the 5th letter = Heh, it spells YHWH, the name of God. As it says in John 1, the word of God is written in every single living thing. (The Signature of God in DNA)