GOD's SIGNATURE in All Living Things!

The CULT of Ruthless Compassion

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:1-3

Do you want to enjoy eternal life?...seeing this point, you can see that eternal life IS an inevitable consequence of true love. Only true love makes things eternal. Everything else will perish. That is the law of God's universe.

American democracy is an example of a relationship along the horizontal line alone. It doesn't have a true vertical line coming down from God. Because of that lack, it shall fail without doubt.


You must understand what hell is. Hell is the place where vertical true love and horizontal true love cannot be found anywhere. There is no trace of it... The most hellish place on earth is where no trace of vertical and horizontal true love can be found.

SMM, Wake Up, America! June 12, 1988

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by talking about the young people preparing for the three day 40 mile Colorado hiking trip. They will need to do advance training because of the high altitude.

Then he discussed the DNA which is the basis of all life. In the 1950s scientists discovered that in every living cell in our bodies, the “alphabet of life” is based on four letters. We call them A, T, C, G after the four nitrogen-containing molecules (“nucleotide bases”) that make up the large chain of them called DNA. This life code has been present in all living organisms since the dawn of creation.

Genesis, although written for cultures thousands of years ago, does not suggest that in creation God “waved a magic wand.” The Bible suggests God in creation was “speaking.” Speaking is encoding information transmitted from one intelligence to another. Study of DNA suggests life was formed by encoded information transmitted from an undetermined (by scientists) source to every living thing on earth. Only one source is known for intelligent information, for code, for language—a mind, a designer. (God's Alphabet--DNA)

The DNA chains are held together by a sulphuric bridge (disulfide bonds). And the sulphuric bridge appears in the following manner: every 10 acids there was a bridge, every 5 acids a bridge, every 6 acids a bridge… and again every 5 acids a bridge. [Number sequence: 10-5-6-5] In Hebrew, since numbers correspond to letters, the 10th letter = Yud, the 5th letter = Heh, the 6th letter = Waw, the 5th letter = Heh, it spells YHWH, the name of God. As it says in John 1, the word of God is written in every single living thing. (The Signature of God in DNA)

Sanctuary Service 5/14/2023

In 1 Chronicles 16-17, God tells David not to build the temple, that it must be built in a time of peace. At the 2nd coming, God establishes his kingdom. Steven Covey interviewed billionaires to learn some of the keys to their success. He found they all shared habits like delayed gratification, discipline, and “hussling.” Sacrifice now to get something good in the future.

The current Woke agenda seeks to control the worldwide population through requiring new terminology. He spoke about a 3 minute animated video of “bottom surgery” for a man. If circumcision of the foreskin is considered to be mutilation by some, then what is this?

In times of prosperity, there is always the temptation of hedonism. The term “body positivity” applied to obese people is used to approve or excuse bad habits.

He praised moms who have committed to be good, just mothers who have emotional self-control. Not overly controlling, but not overly laissez-faire. Children come to distrust someone who is continuously venting.

The holy temple was a symbol of Christ, in whom God manifests in the flesh. All Jews were required to come several times each year to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices in the temple, but even more importantly they should have come to see and attend the living temple, Jesus. There were also predictions of the bride of Christ and of His everlasting lineage, which is the dwelling place of God. David asked “how am I worthy to have countless generations in my lineage blessed by you?”

We may feel unworthy to have our lineage blessed like David’s line was blessed. That’s how Hyung Jin Nim felt when True Father anointed him.

In a recent FFWPU leadership conference in Korea, Hak Ja Han told church leaders that True Father is not the messiah, but that she is. She became angry when her message was leaked.

Hyung Jin Nim teaches his children that your public and private image must be close as possible. Don’t put on a “church face” and then act differently at home. If children see that their parents are “emotional junkies,” they will conclude that it’s a show. They will become angry at God. Don’t send “ammo” to the devil.

Men comprise the majority of porn users, but there have also been increases in women watching porn, leading to accepting deviant behavior. Warn your children about this in advance. Assume the devil has a target on their back. Porn content is even promoted in the schools. Don’t be embarrassed to talk with your children about these issues clearly.

In Central Park they celebrated 72 genders. Men cannot become women. Women cannot become men. In the UN, there are efforts to abolish the age of consent, to give children legal decision-making power. In effect that would be affirming pedophilia.


Israel had belief in the God of the Bible which united them. The founding fathers were not just fighting for wealth, they were fighting for a Godly, free and just nation.

In nature female animals are often very strong. The male lions come out to fight when there are attacks by hyenas, lionesses are the hunters. All of us need a balance of strength and softness. We need to get back to a shared American identity founded on “In God We Trust.” If we lose that, there will be dividing and conquering of our nation.

We can have confidence because God, Jesus, True Father have been victorious. We are fighting from their victory!


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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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