October 2020 Issue
Director's Article
Upcoming Events & Program Updates
New Optical Oxygen Sensor Developed and Deployed on BGC Argo Float
Adrift NTAS Buoy Successfully Recovered
Hurricane Drifters Deployed Ahead of Epsilon
15th Annual US-Indonesia (NOAA-BMKG) Partnership Workshop a Virtual Success
2020 Ocean Observing System Report Card and OceanOPS 5-Year Strategic Plan Released
NOAA Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) NOFO Released
Join the Underwater Glider Network User Group (UG2)
Call For Senior Management Meeting Spotlight Presentations
News from Around NOAA
New Publications
Director's Article

With the election outcomes now a little clearer, NOAA is preparing for a change of administrations.  Such preparations have been underway for some time with the expectation that messages and opportunities will be tailored to the interests of the party that wins the election. With the prospects for increased respect and support of climate science, we are actively contributing to emerging plans and ideas for transition teams and new members of Congress. Later this month I will be making my first visits to Capitol Hill to introduce the face of GOMO and speak directly to our mission and value for the American people. I look forward to that opportunity and many more in the future, as GOMO gains the opportunity to convey directly its many achievements and highlight future opportunities.
We are very excited with the recent announcement of a significant ($53M) NSF investment in BGC-Argo. This will complement the important work of NOAA and strengthen the community’s contributions towards a growing multi-mission Argo enterprise. The integrated Argo system will catalyze even more future discoveries about the global oceans!
Lastly, please join me in congratulating the GOMO team on being recognized for excellence in promoting Diversity and Inclusion within NOAA and within the ocean community. While this is a group award, the credit belongs to our outstanding staff, a few of them called out specifically in the award citation, for their creativity and energy in supporting women in science and oceanography.  

-David Legler
Upcoming Events & Program Updates

  • NOAA GEO-XO Satellite Program's Oceans Stakeholder Workshop focusing on user needs for ocean observing: Nov. 17-20. Learn more and register.

Congratulations 2020 OAR Award Recipients!
Congratulations to the GOMO Team, OAR Communications' Caitlin Valentine, AOML's Dr. Renellys Perez and PSL's Taneil Uttal!

OAR EEO/Diversity Awards for Exemplary Service - Laboratory/Program Award: Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program

In recognition of the GOMO contractor employees for their creation and participation in diversity initiatives that have drawn attention to NOAA and the great work and research that women are conducting. The GOMO contractors include: Jessica Mkitarian, Caitlin Valentine (OAR Communications) and Dr. Emily Smith.

OAR EEO/Diversity Awards for Exemplary Service - Individual Award: Dr. Renellys Perez, AOML

The NOAA Distinguished Career Award - Taneil Uttal, PSL
For advancing Arctic system process understanding, modeling and forecasting through the development and application of state-of-the-art observing technologies. (Scientific Achievement)
Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing News
A revolutionary new optical oxygen sensor for Argo floats has been developed, completing the first stage of the biogeochemical (BGC) Argo float redesign project. This sensor was mounted on UW Float 1173 and deployed in the tropical Pacific on November 4, 2020. The newly developed SBE83 oxygen sensor will allow for the collection of air oxygen samples while the float is on the surface and it will calibrate upon each float profile. UW Float 1173, fabricated jointly by the University of Washington and Sea-Bird Scientific, is equipped with three oxygen sensors for intercomparison. The goal of this project is to produce an improved version of the SeaBird BGC-Navis profiling float that can be purchased commercially for use in future BGC-Argo-like field experiments. 

This project is funded by GOMO through the the 2019 NOPP Broad Agency Announcement, in partnership with NASA's Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program. Read more.
On October 20, 2020, after a 450 mile drift lasting over 5 months, the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Station Mooring (NTAS, located at 15°N, 51°W, 5055 meter water depth) buoy and all of its subsurface instrumentation were successfully recovered. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) science team was able to prepare the replacement buoy on short notice, and it was deployed during the same cruise to re-establish NTAS. It was a significant effort, both ashore and at sea, and many thanks are owed to those involved. The NTAS buoy was first discovered to be adrift on April 28, 2020. It was most recently deployed in January 2020, just prior to the NOAA’s Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC) field campaign. The buoy was drifting in the EEZ of Barbados. Read more.
On October 22, 2020 a C-130J of the US Air Force Reserve 53rd squadron “Hurricane Hunters” deployed 12 drifters ahead of Hurricane Epsilon northeast of Bermuda. The drifters are measuring directional wave spectra, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, sea temperatures from the surface to 150 meters depth, and near-surface ocean currents. All 12 drifters transmitted data that were placed used by National Hurricane Center forecasters. The data are being analyzed as a case study of a hurricane transitioning to extratropical status, with an unusually large gale-force wind field. Read more.
Image from the 2019 NOAA BMKG Partnership Workshop
The 15th Annual US-Indonesia Partnership Workshop was held from September 9-11, 2020. This annual workshop brings together NOAA and BMKG colleagues for a series of ocean observing capacity building workshops led by NOAA scientists. The workshop was originally planned to take place in Lake Toba, Indonesia. Instead, it was held virtually, despite a 12 hour time difference between participants. GOMO Program Manager Sidney Thurston said the workshop exceeded expectations and was able to include even more participants than if it were held in person. Thurston says a highlight was the ability of the partners to maintain momentum despite the pandemic and the 9pm start time on the East Coast. RDML Timothy Gallaudet delivered welcome remarks at the start of the workshop, and noted the value of this strategic partnership, calling it a “national treasure.” Read more.
The 2020 Ocean Observing System Report Card has been released, providing an update on the status of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on ocean observations, the advances in observing measurements and initiatives, and the connection with vital services resulting from the observations. In addition to the Report Card, OceanOPS (formerly JCOMMOPS) has released a 5-year Strategic Plan, with a foreword from GOMO Director and Chair of the GOOS Observations Coordination Group, Dr. David Legler.

Access the Ocean Observing System Report Card, the Strategic Plan, and learn more about these reports here.
NOAA Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) NOFO Released
NOAA has released its latest Notice of Federal Opportunity (NOFO) under the Small Business Innovation Research Program. Grants provided under this program benefit small businesses in the execution of NOAA's mission.

US small businesses are encouraged to take a look and consider submitting a proposal:

For more information visit the NOAA SBIR Program website.
Join the Underwater Glider Network User Group (UG2)
Based on feedback over the last several years, the US Glider Community is working on some exciting initiatives which will be rolled out over the next couple of months. To stay informed of these initiatives, individuals in the underwater glider community are encouraged to join the Underwater Glider User Group (UG2). When you click the link below, you can also choose to join the UG2 Glider Hotline. This is a listserv members use to engage with other members and ask questions, get help, or share ideas. If you join the Hotline, you can opt-out at anytime.  

Join here: http://eepurl.com/gYzHrr  
Call For Senior Management Meeting Spotlight Presentations

Are you looking for a way to build excitement and support for your research? Consider signing up to deliver a Spotlight Presentation at an upcoming Senior Management Meeting! Every Monday, OAR leadership attend the NOAA Research Senior Management Meeting. During each meeting there is an opportunity for scientists and program managers to showcase their research with a 10-15 minute, high level (virtual) presentation. The NOAA Research Communications team offers help with a guided practice session. Please contact your program manager and/or our Communications Specialist, Jessica Mkitarian to sign up!
News from Around NOAA
Recent Publications
Zilberman, N. V., Roemmich, D. H., & Gilson, J. (2020). Deep‐ocean circulation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean interior: Estimates of the mean flow and variability using Deep Argo data. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088342. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL088342
As always, for the GOMO Community, by the GOMO Community. 

Do you have news to share with the GOMO Community, or beyond? 
Contact Jessica Mkitarian: [email protected] or (301) 427-2472.
Subscribe or unsubscribe to GOMO's monthly community newsletter.