December 2018 - January 2019
Happy Holidays from all of us at the Mothers’ Club-
Grosse Pointe South’s Parent Organization!

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped turn Cleminson Hall into a festive holiday display which will be enjoyed by the staff during the annual staff luncheon, planned by Helen Srebernak and Sharon Kuchta.

Anne Grobel and Mindy Barry did a wonderful job, helping to orchestrate another successful Holiday Tea & Concert . The annual event features both GP North and GP South Choirs and was held on December 5 th .

Jim and Trish Moritz and their committee are hard at work putting the finishing touches on this years fundraiser, Date with the Devil , featuring dinner, dancing, live & silent auction items to satisfy all interests. Plan on attending Saturday, February 9 th at the beautiful Belle Isle Casino

As you know, it takes a village to organize, plan and execute events that benefit our students, staff and community. For this, I am eternally grateful for the “Village” of volunteers that help out on a daily basis- from assisting with Homecoming to executing the All Night Party. Thank you to the hundreds of people that donate their time, resources and support to the Parent’s Organization, the Mothers’ Club of Grosse Pointe South. Without your support, we would not be able to offer enrichment grants, student scholarships and help with the preservation of the building. 

I wish you a wonderful Holiday season and look forward to working with you in the New Year.

Wendy Bruetsch
2018-2019 Mothers' Club President

Please join us at our next General Membership meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 7:00pm in Cleminson Hall.             
December 12
String Extravaganza
7:00 PM
GP North Gym

December 13
7:00 PM
GP South Gym

December 24 - January 1
Winter Break
January 15 - January 18
Morning school only
Mid-term Exams

January 16
Mothers' Club General Meeting
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Cleminson Hall

January 21
No School
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Both GPPSS high schools hold their Info Night for parents of incoming 9th graders at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 9th. Invite your friends and neighbors with children starting high school next fall to join us and learn about the academic and extracurricular offerings at Grosse Pointe South. South's meeting is in the auditorium.
Happy Holidays! As radio stations shift to 24 hour holiday music and media keeps reminding us about shopping days it is so important to build healthy coping mechanisms to dealing with stress and anxiety over the holidays – especially as we model coping mechanisms for our kids! All of us can be affected by the pressure of the season so consider taking time out of every day to breathe, live in the present, and feel gratitude for our many blessings. Here is a great blog to get started.

I went to a professional development session on resilience and, wow, was it powerful! I was reinforced in the message that our current culture is building anxiety with obstacles in technology, isolation and developmental challenges of adolescence. Here is a powerful clip to think about with regard to social media. Check out Dr. David Walsh, a strong parent resource here: I have read his book Why Do They Act That Way? A survival guide to the adolescent brain for you and your teen . I thought it was fantastic.

Senior Parents
As college admissions are trickling in for the early birds, many students (especially in the arts communities) are just getting their college applications sent out. Other students may still be unsure about where to apply or what steps to take next. Remember that we are always happy to help! Just send your student in to see us and we will be more than happy to sit down and talk post-high school options.

As we move into the second semester, we begin to shift our senior focus from admissions to financing college. We strongly encourage parents to apply for federal student aid via FAFSA . Some schools may require the CSS Financial Aid Profile .  
Parents can only apply for the FAFSA online . FAFSA worksheets are available online to print in PDF form to prepare. In order to apply for financial aid you must go online to  Step one is to apply for your financial aid ID (FSA ID) now at the website. Once you get your FSA ID, you will be able to fill out the application immediately. If you are not sure that the FAFSA will be fruitful, we recommend that you complete it anyway as an opportunity to trigger institutional aid offers that you may not otherwise receive. Colleges will start awarding money as soon as they receive your information from the federal processing center, so don’t delay. Some schools may require the CSS Financial Profile. Click here to see the list of schools on the profile.

When we met with kids at the end of November we introduced them to Scholly . This website is a scholarship search engine that works to connect you to scholarships. Each student was given a special code so that this is free for six months. Another great resource is Fastweb

Tips on Applying for Financial Aid
1.       If you are in doubt as to whether or not to apply for aid…apply.
2.       Students will need their social security number.
3.       Secure the necessary forms. Check which form is needed by each college.
4.       Always read the entire form carefully.
5.       Download (or pick up from the counseling center) the FAFSA Worksheets
and use them as a rough draft.
6.       Double check that proper code numbers are used. PROOF READ!
7.       Keep a copy of everything you send (electronically or via mail).
8.       Do not send a copy of your taxes with the FAFSA or Profile, colleges will ask
you to submit them directly to them if they are required.
9.       Investigate possible outside sources of aid.
10.    Read carefully any responses you get and respond.
11.    Call the college’s financial aid office for help with forms or problems.
12.    Develop a personal calendar.
13.    Meet all required deadlines.
14.    Do not get distracted by frauds that guarantee aid in return for an
enrollment fee.

Junior Parents
Junior Meetings!  Each year we attempt to meet individually with each Junior (and parents if they would like to join us) to have an in-depth, personalized discussion about college searching, applying, and financing. In efforts to meet with more students, we have moved these meetings up from Spring to Winter. So make your appointments now! We are anxious to get started.

Students should register now for the ACT and/or SAT tests that will be given in the second semester. Keep in mind dates for AP testing and final exams. Remember, that your child will take a free SAT at South in April as a part of the state tests. This score is official and may be used for college applications. Taking an April or June ACT is a great idea since students will have addressed the entire Algebra II math curriculum required for the test.
You can go directly to the testing companies’ websites ( and ) to register and to obtain more information about the tests.

We recommend that you register early to secure a spot at your preferred testing center. Please pay attention to deadlines; there are financial penalties for late registration. When you register, you will need to use the Grosse Pointe South school code: 231-802. 

Sophomore & Freshman Parents
We spoke with freshmen on December 4 about suicide prevention and awareness. They are an impressively informed group! We challenged them to share with a trusted adult the information that we provided on signals that someone may be hurting and considering suicide. Also add to their phone contacts the 24/7 text line for help 741741. Just text “Hello” to engage someone to help! Also the Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255) is a great resource for both the individual that is hurting and their supporters. Free 24/7 help is available.

This holiday season you may find yourself loading up the family car for places near and far to visit and vacation. Consider taking a detour to a convenient college on the way and doing a short tour. This is a great opportunity for students to be exposed to some new options that they may never have thought about for college. It can be so valuable to get a sense of priorities and possibilities for College. Even if the student dislikes their visit that is time well spent because they can continue to hone their wish list for the perfect college match. If you don’t have any travel plans consider taking a “Gas Tank Tour” to a few local colleges. At this point it is all about exposure to develop that sense of desire and motivation for next steps in education!

Peace and Joy to you and your family this holiday season!
Grosse Pointe South Mothers’ Club Scholarships

What: Each year the Mothers’ Club designates a one-third of its fundraising profits for need-based and merit scholarships to graduating seniors. In 2018, the Mothers’ Club awarded over $56,200 in scholarships. In addition to scholarships awarded directly from the Mothers' Club, some scholarships are awarded from organizations and families in the Grosse Pointe community.

Who:       Any graduating senior continuing their education at a public or private college or university or vocational school. 
                 Merit Scholarship Applicants: minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA
                 Need-Based Applicants: minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA & completed/processes FAFSA form.

When: Applications will be available February 1, 2019. 
                They will be online or in the Counseling Center

                The application deadline is March 8, 2019.

              The Mothers’ Club Scholarship Awards Night is Tuesday, April 30 th ,

How: Students submit both a written application and letter of recommendation. Applicants also undergo an interview with the Mothers’ Club Scholarship and Enrichment Vice Presidents. All applicants must demonstrate exceptional leadership, community service, involvement in extracurricular activities and/or work experience.

If you have further questions, please contact Paige George, Scholarship Chair at  

Through the Enrichment committee, the Mothers’ Club supports the educational experience of our students by funding in-class enhancements, extracurricular programs, and equipment and materials, which the district does not have the financial means to provide at the time. Each year, teachers and staff have two opportunities to request enrichment funds, one in October and another in February. 

Thank you for your continued support of the Mothers' Club. It is through your support that we are able to continue to enrich the classroom and academic environment of our students. 
Mothers' Club Alumni Membership

Do you someone who is a former South student or a parent/legal guardian
of a former South student with no current students at South?
Invite them to become an Alumni Member of The Mothers' Club.
Alumni Membership Dues support  enrichment preservation,  and  scholarship  for South.  Alumni Members receive a copy of the student / alumni directory, invitations to Mothers’ Club events, a monthly email of the High Pointes Newsletter, and other emails showcasing what is happening at South.  Alumni Members may attend and vote at monthly membership meetings.  

To become an alumni member go to  (Alumni Membership information is at the bottom of the home page) or contact Julie Mathews Schuetze (  
Class of 2021
Class Officers

President: Jack M.
Vice Pres: Spencer R.
Treasurer: Jacklyn W.
Secretary: Kate B.
Eva M. & Keelin D.

Faculty Advisor
Todd Hecker
Parent Sponsors

Grant & Sue Gartrell
Roger & Isabelle Mason
Angela & John McBride
Tami & Todd Riley
David & Amanda Roraff
Tanya & Rob Rulison
Brian & Stephanie Schantz
Tracy & David Skupien
Elizabeth & Steve Tengler

  Class Council Meetings are Wednesday mornings at 7:15 am in Room 174. 

Pep Band has started for the boys basketball games
12/7-Middle school Band & Orchestra tour
12/7-Yule Be Boppin Concert (7p-South Auditorium)
12/12-String Extravaganza (7p-GP North)
12/13-Band-O-Rama (7p-South Gym)
1/8-Band & Orchestra parent and booster meeting (in band room 7p)
1/19-MSBOA District Chamber Festival
(1/24-1/26)-All State-Grand Rapids
High Pointes | Grosse Pointe South Mothers' Club |