Dr. Eiden discussed the following advanced technologies and how they can both be incorporated and applied in optometric practice:
1. Placido-based Corneal Topography
2. Anterior Segment Tomography
a. Scheimpflug Tomography
3. Corneo-Scleral Profilometry
a. NaFl-based
b. Scheimpflug-based
c. Impression-based
4. Specular Microscopy
5. Aberrometry
a. Diagnostic technologies
b. Therapeutic approaches
6. Ocular Surface Diagnostics
a. Meibography/Osmolarity/MMP9s/Others
7. Genetic Testing of Corneal Diseases
8. Ocular Biometry
Some clinical pearls from this presentation included:
★ Outstanding graphics for all of the technologies presented
★ Technology allows us to individualize/personalize our contact lens management strategies
★ New technologies allow you to customize scleral lens design to match the scleral lens and therefore optimize first-fit success
★ Advanced in aberrometry and contact lens manufacturing allows for the correction of high order aberrations
★ New techniques and instrumentation allow for diagnosis and management of ocular surface and dry eye disease
★ With the advancements made in myopia management, the ability to monitor axial length becomes increasingly important