Issue #55, September 2021
Featured News
Mythbusters: Uncovering Nature’s Economic Value
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are in unprecedented decline and, like with climate change, the associated risks are material to economies. Nearly 200 countries are expected to adopt a new set of post-2020 global targets, to conserve, sustainably use and share the benefits of biodiversity at a landmark Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the coming months. In a bid to inform these discussions and policy decisions, the World Bank’s new report The Economic Case for Nature, makes a powerful case that economic development and the state of biodiversity and ecosystem services are closely linked.  
Investing in Nature Unlocks Development Benefits
Loss of nature and biodiversity worldwide has become a crisis. The World Bank Group’s approach paper on biodiversity and ecosystem services, Unlocking Nature-Smart Development, argues that the global nature crisis is both a systemic risk for development and a development opportunity. Solutions to the global nature crisis lie in the economic sectors that put the greatest pressure on biodiversity and ecosystem services: land and ocean use, infrastructure, and energy and extractives. The report proposes six global response areas to guide governments and inform broader discussions on how to integrate nature into development planning.
Photo: Lalibela countryside with the Lasta Mountains in the background
(WitR / Shutterstock)

Ethiopia aims to build a green economy and follow a climate resilience and green growth path that fosters sustainable development. On July 29, the Africa NCA CoP hosted an online webinar to discuss the country’s experiences through the lens of socio-economic and ecological benefits, challenges, and opportunities associated with the planning, implementation, and reporting of the Green Legacy Initiative.
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Upcoming Events
Fifth Policy Forum on Natural Capital Accounting for Better Decision Making: Greening the Recovery
September 15–16, 2021
7:00-10:30am EDT (6:00–9:30am CST) both days
In case you missed it
Natural Capital Accounting in MENA Shifts Towards Sustainable Growth

Natural capital accounting looks at a country’s natural assets by placing value and measuring the condition of the environment. By assessing nature's contribution to the economy and the impact of the economy on the environment, NCA provides a comprehensive picture of development progress. Morocco and Egypt are NCA leaders in the Middle East & North Africa region.

Photo: Lush oasis landscape in Morocco (Cdrin / Shutterstock)
Measuring Nature's Contribution to the Economy

The UN Statistical Commission adopted a new international standard: the System of Environmental Economic Accounting—Ecosystem Accounting. This means that countries can calculate the ecosystem services—such as carbon storage and flood protection—and their economic contributions in a standardized way and with the same confidence as calculating GDP.

Photo: Quirimbas National Park, Mozambique (Borgarello / World Bank)
Eight African countries will receive Targeted Technical Assistance under GPS

The World Bank is set to give Targeted Technical Assistance to 20 countries, eight of which will be supported by GPS: Chad; Ghana; Morocco; Kenya; Nigeria; Rwanda; Uganda; and Zambia

Photo: Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana
(TG23 / Shutterstock)
News from the community
Cover Photo: aerial view of mangroves in The Gambia (Curioso.Photography / shutterstock)
This newsletter is published by the GPS Communications Team
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