The GRA is appalled by the political prosecutions occurring in Fulton County, and their effect on undermining the fabric of our nation. The GRA strongly supports GRA-endorsed State Senator Colton Moore's effort to call a special emergency session to respond to these actions.

We urge you to contact your state legislators and have them sign onto Senator Colton Moore's letter. You can find their contact information here.

Constituents from Moore's district have expressed elation at him taking the initiative to present this course of action. Meanwhile, some in Republican Caucus leadership at the state capitol in Atlanta are reportedly saying there is nothing the legislature can do, but this is a cop-out. The legislature has the power of impeachment to remove wayward district attorneys—and in Florida recently such government attorneys have been removed from office for irresponsibility. One of the reasons for the reluctance, as Senator Moore has pointed out, is that there are a disproportionate number of lawyers serving in the legislature who are afraid of offending courtroom judges since it may adversely impact their legal practice.

Since Colton released the news of his letter to the Governor, he has been interviewed by conservative media outlets from across the country, including by Charlie Kirk of TurningPoint USA and Steve Bannon. The story has gained national media attention and even been commented on by former President Donald Trump on his TruthSocial:

We were pleased last year to endorse State Senator Colton Moore (R-Trenton) in the Republican primary, to campaign on the ground for him, and to financially support his race through the GRA-PAC to see him elected. If you would like to help us get more Republican legislators elected to office of his caliber, join the GRA as a member and/or consider donating to the GRA-PAC.

Cobb Board of Education Votes to Protect Children from Transgenderism & in Favor of Parental Rights

Last Thursday evening a controversy that our Cobb RA chapter has been reporting about for the last two weeks reached a head. The ordeal began when a Cobb County teacher read a book promoting transgenderism to a group of gifted ten-year-old children without their parents' knowledge and permission. A parent complained and the superintendent fired the teacher. The firing was appealed to a three-person panel of retired educators.

Local activists thought the panel would easily affirm the firing of the teacher, but even though the tribunal affirmed the contested facts in the appeal, acknowledging that rules were broken, they recommended that the teacher not be fired. The story swelled with national attention from the media as the Cobb Board of Education met last week to decide whether to accept the recommendation of the tribunal or of the superintendent.

Cobb RA members and other concerned activists in the county sounded the alarm and mobilized numerous people to show up at the board meeting Thursday evening to encourage them to do the right thing during the time for public comments. They argued for parental rights and against brainwashing children in the unrealistic radical ideas of transgenderism at taxpayer expense.

In Cobb County, the only elected civil government board that Republicans still have majority-control over is the Board of Education. The county commission is regretfully now composed of three Democrats to two Republicans, but even when Republicans still controlled the county commission Republicans frequently voted for Democrat policies such as tax increases rather than spending cuts and corporate welfare over free markets. Constituents wondered if once the Republicans in the majority Board of Education would likewise in this instance join with the Democrats to absolve the teacher. But we are grateful that they remained true to parental rights and the protection of children.

If she was allowed to get away with this violation, how might other educators be emboldened to push the envelop in the future?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) defended the teacher, arguing among other things that the book should be allowed to be read to enable a free-flow of ideas. The SPLC betrayed their hypocrisy, however, since they were the organization that back in 2001 sued Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore for merely displaying a Ten Commandments monument in the state Judicial Building. In that case, the SPLC argued that it was too offensive for an adult attorney to happen to see the Ten Commandments in his peripheral vision as he walked by on his way to the law library—but the SPLC has no problem with minor children being forced-fed transgender ideology at the cost of the taxpayer!

SPLC attorney defends teacher at tribunal hearing

This shows the hypocrisy that although groups such as SPLC have claimed they defend freedom of expression for all, in reality they favor using state power and tax-funding to coercively censor ideas they disagree with and to push ideas they approve. They do this not just on adults, but on vulnerable and impressionable minor children. They want to censor ideas contrary to their worldview, and indoctrinate children in their faith-based presuppositions from their woke secular humanist worldview even though they have spent decades making similar accusations against Christians in the public arena. This hypocrisy illustrates that they are devoid of credibility.

GRA members Abigail Darnell & Rhonda Thomas with

Truth in Education

Thankfully, the Cobb Board of Education voted along party lines to uphold the firing of the teacher. Those constituents in favor of parental rights and protecting children overwhelmingly outnumbered the other side.

You can watch the video of the two hearings before the board recorded last Thursday and see the public comments expressed by many Cobb RA members at this link.

The GRA's 3rd Vice President Abigail Darnell from Cobb, who spoke at the hearing, was interviewed by WSB radio Saturday evening about the story on the MalaniKai Show, and you can hear her interview here at timecode 20:50 of the broadcast.

Northwest GA RA Chapter Hosts FACL Training in Catoosa County

Last Saturday, GRA members and other conservative activists from around the state came to a training by the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL) in Ringgold, Georgia. The training was hosted by our Northwest GA RA chapter.

The event was organized by our GRA Secretary Joanna Hildreth and the chapter President Eddie Caldwell. At least four county GOP Chairs and one district Chair were among the attendees. Georgia native Bethany Young served as the instructor at this training.

Attendees came away bolstered, equipped, and ready to lead the charge for accountability at any level of government.

FACL trainings are one of the best available resources at a low cost for grassroots organizations to employ to empower new activists to be effective, and many of our new chapters have utilized them.

We would encourage you to sign up for one of their trainings in your area at the first available opportunity. Also see if a Republican Assembly chapter in your area will be hosting one soon that you can attend.

GRTL Annual REACH Dinner: Sept. 7th

If you haven't yet signed up for the annual Georgia Right to Life REACH Benefit Dinner at the Cobb Galleria on September 7th, the event is only four short weeks away! The memorable evening event including a delicious meal and an inspiring program will be at the elegant Cobb Galleria Centre from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Their keynote speaker will be Alison Howard Centofante, a national pro-life speaker with an impressive resume. Over the last dozen years, she has served at Live Action (Director of External Affairs), Alliance Defending Freedom (Director of Alliance Relations) and Concerned Women for America (Communications Director).

Alison has been featured on Fox News, ABC, NPR, The Christian Broadcasting Network, and other national and international media outlets. Her work and expert perspective has been published in Yahoo News, Business Insider, Buzzfeed, National Review Online, Fox News, World Magazine, Red Alert Politics, and The Federalist.

Click here to register for the GRTL REACH Benefit Dinner on September 7th.

Register for the NFRA Convention in October

Our new Republican Assembly T-shirts are available now for $15 plus shipping.
This new design with the famous Edmond Burke quote now appears on the front of the shirt:

"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing!"

available sizes: small / medium / large
The Georgia Republican Assembly is the state chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA). Republican Assemblies have organized around the nation since 1935, and the national entity was founded in 1996. Described as "the Republican Wing of the Republican Party," the Republican Assemblies have worked to mobilize and ensure people who truly reflect the stated principles of the GOP get elected to civil office and to prevent those who do not. Ronald Reagan once said, "The best symbol of the grassroots worker I can think of is the Republican Assembly ... The Republican Assemblies are the conscience of the Republican Party."

To refer friends to become a member of the GRA, send them to our web site Let’s work together to get the Republican Party in Georgia advancing its Republican agenda!
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