myFS Account Upgrade - Requires Password Reset
You currently have a myFS account with GRAINCO FS, Inc. to access account information, view statements and invoices, pay bills, etc.

This email is to notify you that our platform is going through a Single Sign On upgrade and you will have to reset your password to access your account.
So how do you reset your password?
Visit the myFS website, or open your myFS app to change your password.
Click the "Need Help Logging In" button.
If you experience problems on your computer with your account not fully loading after clicking the link above, you may need to clear your cookies/cache, which can be done by going to your browser settings and then in the security section.

If you experience problems in the myFS app on your phone, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app. Then, follow the directions below.

All bank information will need to be re-entered after you complete the Single Sign On process.
Click "Forgot your password?" above the Sign In button.
Enter the EMAIL ADDRESS you have previously used to sign into your myFS Account in the username textbox. Note: the email is case sensitive and needs to be entered accordingly. Avoid all caps.

Click "Reset my password"
Your email address will receive an email with a 6-digit verification code you will need to type in the next screen to complete changing your password. Once you receive the email and code, go back to the myFS screen.
Back on the myFS screen, enter in the verification code and type in your New Password in both fields.

Click “Change Password”
You will be directed back to the Sign In page. Enter your EMAIL ADDRESS as your Username and your new password.

Click "Sign in"
Once you click "Sign in," it will take you into your myFS account to view your customer information.
Download the myFS App
Thank you for changing your password!
Contact us with any questions you have regarding your myFS account.