Grapevine Coverage is here!

New Grapevine Coverage Available for 2024

We are excited to announce Grapevine Coverage for the 2024 crop year. Contact us for a quote or further information.

Grapevine Coverage

Sales closing date will be November 1st for 2024 crop year.

Report Production

As always, don't forget to send in your harvest totals. You should have received a Harvest Summary sheet with your Summary of Coverage. You can use that to quickly find your insurance guarantees by unit and forward back to us with your tons harvested.

Notice of Damage or Potential Loss

Notice of Damage can be reported at any time. As we approach this late harvest, you may want to notify us if you are concerned about your crop.

Remember, November 10th is the End of Insurance for Grapes. If you still have fruit hanging after November 1st, please contact us so we can schedule an appraisal.

***There is no penalty for opening a notice of damage and then releasing it after harvest. There is risk of not being paid a claim if damage goes unreported.

Policyholder Accounts

We highly recommend signing up for an account with the insurance carrier. You will be able to view coverage and policy documents, sign up for paperless billing, pay premium and sign up for ACH direct deposit. Links below will walk you through setting up your account. You will need your policy number and Tax ID/Social Security Number. We are always happy to help too!

Policyholder Services registration:

Navigate to Rain & Hail

Go to Manage Account - Create An Account - Policyholder Services Account

Enter Policy Number

Farmer Account registration:

Navigate to NAU Country

Key in your policy information:

Policy Number

Policy Type (MPCI)

Tax ID (last 4 digits)

At this time AgriSompo only offers online bill pay. You will need a copy of your premium statement to pay online.

Navigate to AgriSompo

Hover over Sign In on top right and select 'Pay Online'

Premium Billing

Premium statements will all be out by September 1st. You can use the links above to log into your policyholder account and view/pay premium.

Pasture Range Forage (PRF) Coverage

PRF is a Rainfall Index policy. If you are grazing animals or growing hay and rely on annual rainfall, we have a policy for you! Sales closing date is December 1st for 2024 coverage.

Contact us for more details

Thank you for being a valued customer and for your referrals!

Don't forget to add our office email to your contacts to avoid our newsletter from going to junk.

Shannon Antonini, Emily Carvajal or Fred Carvajal


email NorCoast Crop Insurance

NorCoast Crop Insurance Agency LLC 

CA License #6008001