2021 in Review from the Partnership's Sustainable Housing Team
The California Housing Partnership’s Sustainable Housing Team would like to express our gratitude to our partners as we worked together to provide much needed support to affordable housing providers and their residents. As we begin the new year, our team remains committed to continuing our sustainability advocacy work by developing strategic solutions and resources aimed at making building decarbonization more equitable for affordable housing.

Keep up-to-date with the latest industry news, expert opinions, clean energy funding sources, and green events by subscribing to our GREEN mailing list. We look forward to connecting with you throughout 2022!

The Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of two new clean energy programs in 2022. Our team will be administering these, in addition to SOMAH and LIWP. Please contact us to help review which of your multifamily housing developments may qualify for these programs:

Our Sustainable Housing team is also hiring for a Sustainable Housing Program Associate. Please see the website for details.
  • Increasing and renewing funding for LIWP while also protecting Net Energy Metering to enhance solar access for lower income residents 
  • Advocating for funding and regulatory changes to make the electrification/ decarbonization of new and existing affordable rental housing more feasible 
  • Informing local reach code development 
  • Researching and socializing proposals for reforming utility allowances to promote electrification

City of Los Angeles
  • Ensuring Mayor Eric Garcetti's vision for a proposed building decarbonization ordinance integrates affordable housing priorities
  • Advocating to the Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to improve and expand its clean energy policies and programs for low-income renters living in multifamily affordable buildings

This was a forum for nonprofit affordable housing teams to discuss and recommend equitable decarbonization strategies for new and existing affordable housing properties. Summary findings will be released by the Partnership in Q1 2022. 

Solar 101 Institute | May 4 & 11, 2021
This Institute provided training on the strategy and logistics of solar photovoltaics (PV) on multifamily apartment buildings, including how to finance this type of installation. The second annual Solar 101 Institute will be held in Q2 2022. 

Panel Presentations Available

Hosted by the USGBC

Hosted by the Verdical Group - 2021 Net Zero Conference 

Hosted by the SJVHC - 2021 Summit

Hosted by the San Diego Housing Federation 

Hosted by the SCANPH - 2021 Annual Conference
Affordable Housing Building Decarbonization Summit
LIWP Multifamily
Impact Report
LIWP Case Study:
Florence Avenue Villas
Our team would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the GREEN Advisory Board members who have supported us in our effort to make California’s affordable rental homes sustainable and resilient:

  • Amelie Besson, Design & Construction Program Manager, MidPen Housing
  • Andrea Barnier, Senior Asset Management Specialist, Self-Help Enterprises
  • Christopher French, Assistant Asset Manager, Hollywood Community Housing
  • Dave Brenner, Project Manager, Fresno Housing Authority
  • Kranti Malik, Portfolio and Sustainability Associate, BRIDGE Housing
  • Sochiata Vutthy, Senior Asset Manager, Community HousingWorks
  • Tom White, Associate Director of Building Performance and Sustainability, Eden Housing
We would also like to thank our valued housing association partners for their crucial work towards preserving affordable housing:
About the Partnership's Sustainable Housing Team
The Partnership's Sustainable Housing Team makes affordable housing sustainable, energy efficient and resilient by providing expert technical assistance to nonprofit partners. Additionally, the Sustainable Housing Team administers a variety of clean energy programs such as Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development (BUILD), Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofit (CAMR), Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH), and the Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP). | chpc.net/green