Hi :
We hope this email finds you well and looking forward to the 2022 Tour Championship!!!
We wanted to take some time and remind you about the TaylorMade Rewards Program Draw!
TaylorMade has been wonderful Tour partner for the past fourteen years. For the past few seasons, TaylorMade has provided players, first place and partial second and third place prizing. To put this in context, that amounts to over $75,000..!! 
We are hopeful you are able to assist The Tour in letting TaylorMade know that their support of The Tour is appreciated by you, through your purchases of their products.
When you have a moment, and if you have not already done so, please send to me (mark@gtaamtour.com) and Lisa (lisa@gtaamtour.comyour TaylorMade receipts from any 2021 or 2022 purchases. 
For every $50 worth of TaylorMade receipts you send to us, you will receive a ballot. At the 2022 Tour Championship, we will draw for four 2023 rounds of golf at Coppinwood Golf Club (as a guest of Mark Young).
Thank you again for your support of, and engagement in, The Tour..!!
In good health,