- April Advisor Spotlight
- GTAAN Updates
GTAAN Best Practices Information - New!
FASET Updates - New!
Registrar Update
- GA Legislative Requirement Update
- Upcoming Events & Deadlines
GA Tech 2024 Pacific Program Info. Session: Apr. 26 - New!
- CM Change of Major Meeting: Apr. 27
Summer/iGniTe 2023 Session: May 1 - New!
GA Tech 2024 Pacific Program Info. Session: May 3 - New!
- College & Departmental Updates
Post-Graduate Fellowship Application Summer Writing Workshop Series - New!
GA Tech Office of General Counsel Hiring Fall 2023 Intern - New!
Office of Undergraduate Admissions Hiring Student Assistants - New!
Summer and Fall Global Research and Internship Programs - New!
- ME4803 for Undergrads
School of City and Regional Planning Asynchronous Online Course Offerings
- BIOS 1220 Biology of Sex and Death
- Carbon Reduction Challenge
- GT Athletics is Hiring Peer Tutors
- Be a Commencement Volunteer!
- School of Psychology Summer 2023 Courses
- Honor's Program Assessment and Resource
- Exploratory Advising Drop-In Hours
- HMED Minor Updates and Advisor Resources
- Nunn School Outreach & Recruitment Student Assistant Hiring
- New Tutoring Option for CoE Students
- Job Openings
Assistant Director for Summer and Special Session Initiatives - New!
- BME: Academic Advisor I
- Advising & Advisor Resources
- GTAAN Canvas Course
What would you like to see featured in the GTAAN Weekly? Let us know at gtaan@gatech.edu!
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Barbara Howard
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Title: Academic Advisor
Years at Tech: 24! 1 ½ years in GT admissions, 7 years in Degree Certification, and 16 years in ECE
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Alma Mater: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!)
Q: What are some of your favorite activities and hobbies?
A: Traveling to visit friends and family, walking our dog, Tucker, watching sports/attending sporting events (college football, UNC basketball, Atlanta Braves—took my mom to see the Braves at spring training last month), and most recently, wedding planning with my California-based daughter!
Q: What is the best part of your job?
A: Working with our students--They’re so ambitious, and they work so hard. There aren’t enough hours in a day for all they want to do during their time here.
Q: Where is your favorite place on campus?
A: As of today, Tech Green—I try to walk during lunch when it’s nice outside and there are always interesting things happening in that area.
Q: Unique/exciting thing you bring to Georgia Tech?
A: I’m a GT parent (not new news for those that know me): our daughter Reese cheered here for 4 years and graduated in May ‘21 (BSBA and a T & M minor); our son Ben is about to finish his 3rd year in Scheller and has accepted an internship in Boston for this summer; and our future son-in-law Grayson graduated last May (BSEE)! I enjoy meeting new families at FASET every year. As a GT parent, I can share with parents and students how Reese & Ben enjoyed student life outside of the classroom with different clubs, study abroad, activities, organizations, internships, and job offers. Parents and students like to hear it’s possible to achieve that school-life balance.
Thanks for letting us shine the spotlight on you this month, Barbara!
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GTAAN Best Practices Conference
May 22 from 8:00am to 4:10pm (tentative) at the John Lewis Student Center
This year’s conference theme is Focusing on a Growth Mindset and we are excited to welcome our keynote speaker, Dr. Sarah Kyte. Dr. Kyte leads a responsive, action-driven, and rigorous portfolio of research and partnerships focused on supporting student success. As a sociologist of education, her research takes a holistic view of the practices and policies that support student success with a focus on student persistence in college and within majors, effective strategies for bringing data-driven tools to practice, and equity for underserved groups.
Don’t forget to register for the 2023 GTAAN Best Practices Conference! Registration costs $35 (not payable via PCard). Please check the GTAAN Best Practices website for updates on the day-of schedule and program. We look forward to seeing you all in-person and to learning from each of you!
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Register for the Degree Works Upgrade Meeting
April 27 from 1-2pm. Register here.
This meeting will give an overview of the new look of Degree Works that is coming in May. The upgrade is scheduled for May 19-21, 2023. We will review new look/features of Degree Works, applying exceptions, adding notes, and time for Q&A.
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FASET Advising Schedule
As a reminder, NSTP switched from using the listserv to Microsoft Groups. Please click this link, FASET Academic Advising, to be added to the group. You can use this link anytime to share with new staff who should be getting FASET Advising information.
FASET registration for Summer First-Years opens on Wednesday at 10 AM. Fall First-Years will open on Thursday at 10 AM. For more information, you can visit our website. Please note that our iGniTe FASETS consist of two half days (virtual and in-person). In conjunction with Housing and the Summer Programs Office, we are trying something new due to the placement of the Juneteenth federal holiday. The information about the schedule and how this works can be found here.
Here is the FASET Calendar. You can view the calendar at FASET 2023 Calendar.xlsx. There are downloadable calendar files embedded for each date. If you want to use the calendar files, you must download the Excel file to your desktop and then download the calendar files. It will not work from the web version of the calendar at all. It will also not work if you don’t download the Excel file and the individual dates.
Day of Schedule
- Academic Advising will happen from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM for every in-person FASET session. This applies to all FASET sessions.
For all virtual sessions, except the one on Tuesday, July 18th, academic advising drop-in will be from 2 PM to 3 PM.
The July 18th session will open first to international students to help a little bit with the time change. Academic Advising on that day will be 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
For the iGniTe session, Academic Advising is only scheduled on virtual days (June 13th and 14th), so that will be from 2 PM to 3 PM.
For in-person days, registration will begin at 3:30 PM. For virtual days, registration begins at 3 PM.
Additionally, we are holding rooms on the second floor in the Exhibition Hall for Academic Advising. If you are interested in utilizing that space, please let us know. They will be equipped with a projector and screen. I will find out how many computers we can use from the Exhibition Hall staff. As these sessions will be the largest we’ve seen since pre-COVID, it will help not to move dozens of people throughout campus. This is not mandatory, but it would help us immensely with staffing.
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GA Legislative Requirement Update | |
Updates On The Georgia Legislative Requirements Canvas Courses
The Office of Undergraduate Education, Office of the Registrar, and Canvas implementation team are working together to launch the Canvas courses for students who need to complete some/all of the Georgia Legislative Requirements (U.S. history, U.S. Constitution, GA history, GA Constitution). Please see this pdf for some information and reminders about this process. If you ever have any general questions or inquires about specific students, please don't hesitate to email me and/or refer to the information in the Undergraduate Advising Canvas course.
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Upcoming Events & Deadlines
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Advisors: Please share with interested students. |
Georgia Tech 2024 Pacific Program Info. Sessions
April 26 from 6-7pm via Zoom
- 12-week study abroad program in Spring 2024 semester
- Travel to New Zealand and Australia while taking GT classes
- Expected travel dates of January 5 - April 1, 2024
- Information sessions on Zoom Apr 26 and May 3; See website for details
Visit https://pacific.gatech.edu/ ; Email pacific@oie.gatech.edu
- The once in a lifetime experience Down Under is back!!!
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Advisors: Please share with students.
CM Change of Majors Meetings
- The last CM Change of Major Meeting is April 27, 2023 at 11am.
All Thursday’s 11am, virtual. The site here has been updated.
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Advisors: This is for you.
Summer/iGniTe 2023 Session
Mon., May 1 (new date) from 10-11 a.m. via Teams.
The session will be recorded. All are welcome!
With the push-back in the registration schedule, the Summer/iGniTe 2023 session for Advisors that was scheduled for next Monday has been moved to the following week.
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Advisors: Please share with interested students. |
Georgia Tech 2024 Pacific Program Info. Sessions
May 3 from 6-7pm via Zoom
- 12-week study abroad program in Spring 2024 semester
- Travel to New Zealand and Australia while taking GT classes
- Expected travel dates of January 5 - April 1, 2024
- Information sessions on Zoom Apr 26 and May 3; See website for details
Visit https://pacific.gatech.edu/ ; Email pacific@oie.gatech.edu
- The once in a lifetime experience Down Under is back!!!
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College & Departmental Updates
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Advisors: Please share with interested students.
Post-Graduate Fellowship Application Summer Writing Workshop Series
Drafting a Post-Grad Fellowship Application in Four Easy Steps
Workshop Series: A series to maximize your potential to achieve prestigious fellowships or scholarships. A hands-on series using homework, guest presenters, group work, and discussions.
Objectives: By the end of the course, you will: 1. Gain a greater awareness of fellowship and scholarship opportunities. 2. Understand the application and review processes. 3. Successfully draft a personal statement and a project synopsis/statement of grant purpose.
Class Schedule
- May 30, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Introductions Overview of Fellowships and Post-Grad Opportunities
- June 6, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Application Processes, Letters of Rec, and Personal Statements Brainstorming Activity
- June 13, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Workshop Session – First Draft of PS due Statements of Grant Purpose or Project Proposals
- June 20, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Workshop Session - Statements of Grant Purpose/ Project Proposals due
- June 27, 2023 5:00-7:00 PM – Writing Bootcamp
Register Today!
Questions? Email karen.mura@gatech.edu
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Advisors: Please share with interested students.
Georgia Tech’s Office of General Counsel Hiring Undergrad Student Intern for Fall 2023
Georgia Tech’s Office of General Counsel, in collaboration with Georgia Tech’s Law, Science, and Technology Program, is seeking an undergraduate student intern for Fall Semester 2023. Students will assist with a wide range of legal, ethics, compliance, and risk management issues, which potentially include day-to-day operations of the Office of Ethics & Compliance, providing advice and counsel on ethics questions, privacy, export, and investigations issues, as well as governance matters, employment and litigation, transactions, IP, athletics, and various faculty and student issues.
The internship is unpaid, but it will be offered for 3 hours of course credit (PUBP 4652: OLA Legal Internship), and interns will be required to work 12 hours per week for 15 weeks during fall semester for a total of 180 hours. Weekly written reflections will be due to Prof. Slieper, along with a final presentation on a topic of interest agreed upon with the student’s supervisors in the Office of General Counsel. PUBP 4652 is approved for credit toward both the Law, Science, and Technology Minor and the Pre-Law Certificate.
TO APPLY: Please submit a resume and cover letter to Attorney Macy Fennell via e-mail. Applications are due by 5:00pm on Monday, May 1, 2023. Attorney Fennell’s e-mail address is macy.fennell@legal.gatech.edu. Interviews will be held virtually early this summer, and the successful applicant will be issued a permit to register for PUBP 4652 during phase II registration.
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Advisors: Please share with interested students.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions Hiring Student Assistants
OUA is seeking student assistants to work for our office starting this summer. Please share the attached employment opportunity with interested students.
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Advisors: This is for you.
Summer and Fall Global Research and Internship Programs
Advisors, if you know of a student who's doing research or an internship in an international location that meets the following criteria--they can register that internship with the Office of International Education to ensure they have adequate insurance coverage and to ensure that it shows on their transcript. For international students, this also maintains their US immigration status.
- Full time (35+ hours/week)
- 14 weeks (fall/spring), 10 weeks (summer)
- Is related to major/career interests
- In good academic/disciplinary standing
- Has completed 2 full-time degree seeking semesters
Please send any questions to jrivera@oie.gatech.edu or elizabeth.reese@oie.gatech.edu.
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Advisors: Please share with students. | |
ME4803: Engineering-Based Intrapreneurship
The major restrictions will be removed on Tuesday, April 18 at noon. It will open to all students who are juniors or seniors, at that time.
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Advisors: Please share with students.
School of City and Regional Planning Asynchronous Online Course Offerings
The School of City and Regional Planning is happy to announce several undergraduate asynchronous online courses that will be offered this summer that might be of interest to your students, as all but one of them can satisfy the social science requirement. They can also satisfy Sustainable Cities minor course requirements. Please share this information with your students - I think they will be happy, we have fabulous instructors for these exciting topics!
- CP 2233 Sustainable Urban Development, CRN 57384
- CP 4020 Intro to Urban and Regional Planning, CRN 56569
- CP 4030 The City and Its Technology, CRN 57388 - focuses on smart cities and the technologies used, such as smart grids, autonomous vehicles, 5G networks, data analytics, etc.
- CP 4310 Urban Transportation and Planning, CRN 56570
CP 4813 Special Topics: World Cities, CRN 57389 -https://tinyurl.com/WorldCities2023
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Advisors: please share with your students!
BIOS 1220 Biology of Sex and Death
BIOS 1220 The Biology of Sex and Death is moving to Spring semesters. It will next be offered in Spring 2024. This course is for non-science majors and fulfills a Core Area D Lab Science requirement.
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Advisors: Please share with students.
Carbon Reduction Challenge
The Carbon Reduction Challenge, An initiative of the GT College of Sciences and, Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, in collaboration with the Georgia Climate Project, is a competition focused on empowering students to become part of the climate change solution. Interning and co-op students work with an organization, during their internship, on a project that achieves significant reductions in carbon emissions and yields cost savings. While the program is based out of Georgia Tech, we welcome all students. Students are guided by GT professors throughout the summer and culminate in Final Expo in August where the top three teams win cash prizes!
If you want to talk to one of our team members to learn more, check out our website(https://www.carbonreductionchallenge.org/), or email us here.
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Advisors: Please share with interested students.
Georgia Tech Athletics is hiring student Peer Tutors
GT Athletics is hiring student Peer Tutors, for the ‘23-‘24 academic year! An upcoming information session will be held before the Spring Football Game on April 15th. Please stop by the GTAA Academics booth for some GT swag and a quick Q&A. More information to come!
If students are interested in this great opportunity please scan the QR code (attached) or reach out to GTAA Tutors at gtaatutors@athletics.gatech.edu
Please visit the website for more information and subjects wanted: https://ramblinwreck.com/tutoring-services/
Go Jackets! GTAA
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Advisors: Please consider volunteering! | |
The Georgia Tech Commencement Office is looking for enthusiastic faculty and staff who want to take part in one of the biggest days for Georgia Tech students. Volunteering for Commencement is a fun and gratifying experience to help make a graduate’s day a great one. This website is a resource for all Commencement volunteers, providing event updates and other volunteering tips. | |
Advisors: Please share with students.
School of Psychology Summer 2023 Courses
The School of Psychology wants to ensure students from other majors are aware of our course offerings in case they have an interest in pursuing a minor, certificate, or just exploring psychology. Please click here to learn more.
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Advisors: This is for you.
Honor's Program Assessment and Resources
Dear Academic Advisors,
My name is Amy D'Unger and I'm the Associate Director of the Honors Program. In my role, I handle all of the program assessment for HP and one of our goals is to empower academic advisors across campus to assist the Honors Program students in their majors. In order to do this, we've created an informational video about advising HP students. I'm reaching out to you—hopefully before things get too crazy when the schedule of classes goes online—to ask if you could assist in reviewing this content.
The entire process takes about 15 - 20 minutes and includes a 10-question multiple choice pre-test (about 3 - 5 mins), an "explainer" video (9 mins), and a 10-question multiple choice post-test (about 3 - 5 mins). These three items are located a module titled "Honors Program Advising" in BOTH the Undergraduate Academic Advising and GTAAN Canvas sites (please complete it only in one place).
I would ask that, before you begin, you do NOT review any websites or information about the HP. We really want to get a baseline assessment on the pre-test of advisor knowledge about the Honors Program (it's an anonymous survey on Qualtrics, so no grade shaming!). Please go through the items in order (pre-test, video, post-test) and only complete the module in the UG advising or GTAAN site, but not both. I'm putting it in both places, as there are some folks who are members of one but not the other.
The result of this effort is we'll get a better sense of how helpful the video is, where knowledge gaps might be, and about other items that might be helpful. For example, I have a document all about HP advising that will be added to the module after data collection is completed. We want to build a connection between the HP and academic advisors, make sure advisors have the information needed to share with their students, and assess the state of HP advising (or lack thereof) on campus. It should benefit advisors and the HP in the long run.
Thank you so much for your time and please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about this process or about advising HP students in your major(s). I am happy to help at any time.
Regards, Amy
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Advisors: Please share with students.
Exploratory Advising (In-Person) Drop-in Hours
Thursdays, 9:00-10:30 and 2:00-4:00
CULC 283
Appointments are also available in Advisor Link
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Advisors: This is for you.
HMED Minor Updates and Advisor Resources
As advising for Summer and Fall approaches, please take a few minutes to become familiar with the popular HMED Minor (Health & Medical Sciences). Due to changes in staffing, major advisors will need to oversee their advisees interested in this minor.
Dr. Mary Peek has prepared several great resources for advisors:
HMED Minor Advising Checklist: A writable-PDF checklist that advisors may use to help with the rules for the minor. The HMED Minor confuses a lot of people because it is interdisciplinary and is restricted to courses within the College of Sciences only. The initial version of the checklist is attached.
Spring 2023 HMED Minor Information Sessions: There are still 2 upcoming Spring 2023 sessions via Zoom for students who are considering the minor and want to learn more. Advisors are also welcome to attend as well to get any questions answered and/or to learn more about the minor.
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Advisors: Please share with students.
Nunn School Outreach & Recruitment Student Assistant Hiring
The position has a starting pay rate of $15/hour. The schedule is flexible, up to 20 hours a week, as a hybrid position. Start date is ASAP and we are asking for a commitment through the Spring 2023 semester, with an option for continuing on in future semesters. Position announcement link.
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Advisors: Please share with CoE students.
New Tutoring Option for CoE Students
We are pleased to share a new tutoring option for engineering students this semester. TAS has partnered with Knack, an app-based tutoring platform, to deliver peer tutoring for engineering courses. Please help us promote this option to your students! Tutoring is free, online, and can be scheduled at the convenience of the student + tutor. Students can sign up to be a tutor for courses in which they have earned an A at Tech, and completely manage their work hours. This provides much more flexibility than a current tutor position with TAS, and we hope it allows us to offer more tutoring in engineering. If our spring pilot goes well, we will expand to the full campus course directory. Students can request a tutor or sign up to be a tutor at gatech.joinknack.com.
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Assistant Director for Summer and Special Session Initiatives
Position # 256846
We're looking for a motivated and experienced individual to join our team and provide onboarding support to our new spring and summer transfer students, as well as ongoing summer programs. We're seeking candidates who are passionate about creating a welcoming environment for transfer students and can collaborate to develop and implement comprehensive onboarding programs that ensure a smooth transition for our students as they join our academic community. Questions about the role can be sent to demorris.walker@gatech.edu.
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Biomedical Engineering: Academic Advisor I
Position # 253918
Application Open: Until filled
Provide information and counsel to undergraduate and graduate students within an assigned area regarding their academic pursuits and progress. Prepare and maintain associated student records. This position will interact on a consistent basis with: current and potential students, parents, faculty, staff, and general public. This position typically will advise and counsel: students
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Advising & Advisor Resources
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The GTAAN Canvas course is the perfect place for collaboration and we want to invite you to add to it! Join the course below and email gtaan@gatech.edu to submit material that you think will benefit other advisors! | |
Did you miss any GTAAN Meetings?
View the recordings of our previous GTAAN meetings in the GTAAN Canvas Course.
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Have a Feature for the GTAAN Weekly?
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The GTAAN Newsletter goes out twice a month.
To submit content, please send your submissions by Tuesday at 4PM
Graphics? Make sure that they are .jpg or .png
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Georgia Tech Academic Advisors Network
Georgia Institute of Technology
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