June 9, 2023

This Week's Edition

  • June Advisor Spotlight - New!
  • GTAAN Updates
  • GTAAN Call for Fall Meeting Content
  • FASET Updates - New!
  • Math 1111/1113 Placement Update - New!
  • GA Legislative Requirement Update - New!
  • College & Departmental Updates
  • 2023 Diversity Champion Awards Seeking Nominations - New!
  • Career Center: Steppingblocks Launch
  • Honor's Program Assessment and Resource
  • Pre-Graduate Advising: SMART Program
  • Post-Graduate Fellowship Application Summer Writing Workshop Series
  • Office of Undergraduate Admissions Hiring Student Assistants
  • Carbon Reduction Challenge
  • Advising & Advisor Resources
  • GTAAN Canvas Course

What would you like to see featured in the GTAAN Weekly? Let us know at gtaan@gatech.edu!

June Advisor Spotlight

Jessica Sherrington

(Call me Jess!)

Department: Scheller College of Business Undergraduate Program Office

Title: Academic Advisor II

Hometown: Kennesaw, GA

Alma Mater: University of West Georgia (Go Wolves!)

Degree(s): B.S. in Mass Communication with a concentration in Film & Media Arts. M.Ed. in Professional Counseling with a concentration in College Student Affairs. Currently pursuing a M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication with a concentration in Emerging Media at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!)

Q: Favorite activity/hobby:

A: Rock climbing, traveling, visiting breweries and coffee shops, going to concerts, puzzles with my coworkers, watching (and then talking about) movies and tv shows, supporting Atlanta United and watching Premier League with my hubs, hanging with our dog Burnley.

Q: What is the best part of your job?

A: The best part of my job is my amazing, supportive, fun, quirky, brilliant work family! It doesn’t feel like work when you get to hang out with your friends every day

Q: Where is your favorite place on campus?

A: The Scheller atrium, of course. Have you seen those Chihulys?

Q: Unique/exciting thing you bring to Georgia Tech?

A: Not sure how unique or exciting this is, but I think that my background and interests in media, design, and art have been useful in many ways throughout my advising career. I love creating and always jump at the chance to flex my artsy muscles when I can

Q: Anything else that you would like for the GTAAN community to know about you and/or your role at Tech?

A: I’m an open book and I love teaching and learning from others. If there is ever an opportunity to collaborate, please feel free to reach out to me!

Thanks for letting us shine the spotlight on you this month, Jessica!


Call for Fall Content

The GTAAN Executive Board will be meeting in the near future to set the fall schedule and we'd love to hear from you on what you want to learn about or connect on. If you'd like to suggest a topic or present at a Fall GTAAN Meeting, please email: gtaan@gatech.edu to let us know. There are options to present at a GTAAN Meeting and also do something more collaborative or connect with advisors at a GTAAN Connections meeting.

FASET Update

FASET Advising: Request for Information

Our first two FASET sessions are next week. As a reminder, these sessions are virtual.


The advising session/drop-in will be from 1 PM to 2 PM.


Registration is from 2 PM to 5 PM.


Please take a moment to fill out the advising form at: https://transitionprograms.gatech.edu/form/2023-summer-fy-virtual-advising


The Registration Assistance Center will be hosted on Zoom at this location both days: Registration Assistance Center


Here is the full schedule of iGniTe FASET.


Please complete the form by 9 AM on Monday, June 12.

Complete the Form

Advisors: This is for you.

Math 1111/1113 Placement Update

The School of Math is going to experiment this summer with using ACCUPLACER to allow students with ACT/SAT scores in the Math 1111 or 1113 range to attempt to place out of those courses. 

We still will not be offering Advanced Standing Exams for students to attempt to receive Math 1113 credit after entering; this is only for incoming First Year students.


The School of Math page for incoming students is updated with the information (https://math.gatech.edu/faset-and-incoming-students), including test dates. For Summer First Year students, the test will be in person on June 20, the day before the summer session starts, or they can pay a fee to take it online in a small range around that day. For FYSA students, the test will be in person on July 12, or they can pay a fee to take it online in a small range around that day. We will update the link above to include registration for Fall First Year students next week.

Important: Please strongly encourage students to register for Math 1111/1113 even if they intend to attempt the ACCUPLACER exam to test out of it so that if they do not pass the exam they have a math class on their schedule and do not fall behind.

Updates on the GA Legislative Requirement

Updated on May 25, 2023.

Updates on the Georgia Legislative Requirements


On March 31, 2023, the Office of Undergraduate Education and Office of the Registrar announced a revision to the implementation of the plan for completion of the Georgia Legislative Requirements (U.S. history, U.S. Constitution, GA history, GA Constitution).  


The new implementation extends the "four-for-one" plan that has been in place since 1995 through April 30, 2023. This means that all students who first matriculated any semester before summer 2023 can fulfill all four GLR requirements with one of the following classes: HIST 2111, HIST 2112, INTA 1200, POL 1101, or PUBP 3000. This class also fulfills three of the 12 required hours for Core Area E.  This policy is based on MATRICULATION YEAR, so any student who matriculates before summer 2023 needs only one of the five classes to complete all four GLRs, even if they haven't taken any of the classes yet (i.e., the policy will not apply retroactively to any students matriculating before summer 2023).


Beginning May 1, 2023, students can complete the four required Georgia Legislative Requirements in a variety of ways, through combinations of AP/IB/dual enrollment/transfer credit, coursework at Georgia Tech, and/or examination through a non-credit, non-tuition bearing Canvas course. The most notable change in the revised implementation is that HIST 2111 and HIST 2112 taken at Georgia Tech will now fulfill both the U.S. history and GA history GLR, while INTA 1200, POL 1101, and PUBP 3000 will now fulfill both the U.S. Constitution and GA Constitution GLR. It should also be noted that the requirements for Core Area E remain the same: all students MUST earn credit for HIST 2111, HIST 2112, INTA 1200, POL 1101, or PUBP 3000.  


Canvas courses with the learning modules and examinations will be rolled out in late August or early September. Moving forward, all students will be added to the appropriate GLR Canvas exam sites early in their second semester on campus. For the students matriculating in summer 2023 (the first students to need access to the exams), this means early in the fall 2023 semester.


There are a variety of resources to assist advisors and students in learning more about the Georgia Legislative Requirements and we encourage you to include this information in your FASET orientation materials.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you find a student who matriculated before summer 2023 who is missing GLR credit, please reach out to Amy D'Unger at amy.dunger@gatech.edu. 



College & Departmental Updates

Advisors: This is for you.

2023 Diversity Champion Awards Seeking Nominations

This year's Diversity Champion Awards will recognize campus community members who have actively worked to advance a culture of inclusion and belonging among all members of the Georgia Tech community.

One faculty member, staff member, student, and campus unit who have advanced the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Georgia Tech will be recognized at the 2023 Diversity Symposium in September.

2023 Diversity Champion Awards recipients should have demonstrated one or more of the following within the past three (3) years:

  • Commitment to research and/or activities that engage and challenge racism and expand diversity, equity, and inclusion at Tech
  • Leadership in building a culture of inclusion and belonging among all members of the GT campus community
  • Scholarship or work that advances a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence at Georgia Tech
  • Organized, conducted, and/or supported programs, events, and activities that promote an understanding of different cultures, and create an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging at Tech

Nominations are due no later than Friday, July 14.

For eligibility criteria or more information about the award, visit diversity.gatech.edu/about/awards-recognition/diversity-champion-awards

Nominate Today

Advisors: This is for you and your students.

GT Career Center Launches Steppingblocks

The Georgia Tech Career Center is excited to announce the launch of a new Career Planning Resource Platform funded by the USG and powered by Steppingblocks. This new resource is an innovative web-based platform designed to help students make informed decisions about their career paths and provide them with the resources they need to succeed in the workforce. With features like a 20-question personality assessment, career path explorer, institutional outcomes explorer, and tuition analyzer, Steppingblocks is a comprehensive tool that can help students at all stages of their college journey.

Learn More

Advisors: This is for you.

Resources for Advising Honors Program Students

Need information on how best to advise students in your major who are part of the Honors Program (HP)? Visit the modules section of either the Undergraduate Academic Advising or GTAAN Canvas sites (same content in both places) for resources, information, and video content, including info specific to summer 2023 FASET sessions. If you ever have questions or concerns about Honors Program requirements or an HP student, please don't hesitate to contact Amy D'Unger.

Advisors: Please share with interested students.

SMART Program

The SMART Program, part of the Department of Defense (DoD) science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) portfolio, provides STEM students with the tools needed to pursue higher education and begin a rewarding career with the DoD. 

Undergraduates, those about to start graduate school, and those in graduate school in particular disciplines are eligible. See the full description of eligibility 

With a full scholarship, students pursuing STEM degrees will be able to focus on complex research to further the DoD's mission and create a lasting impact. Summer internships are performed at DoD facilities alongside scientists and engineers; these experiences prepare scholars for full-time employment and get them accustomed to working with the DoD. SMART is a one-for-one commitment; for every year of degree funding, the scholar commits to working for a year with the DoD as a civilian employee.

The DoD civilian workforce is responsible for solving our Nation's most complex challenges by developing the next generation of defense technologies. Click the flyer for more information about the DoD civilian employee benefits.

For full details and how to apply: 



Contact Susan Belmonte, Asst. Director, Pre-Graduate Advising, sbelmonte@gatech.edu

SMART Program Flyer

Advisors: Please share with interested students.

Post-Graduate Fellowship Application Summer Writing Workshop Series

Drafting a Post-Grad Fellowship Application in Four Easy Steps

Workshop Series: A series to maximize your potential to achieve prestigious fellowships or scholarships. A hands-on series using homework, guest presenters, group work, and discussions.

Objectives: By the end of the course, you will: 1. Gain a greater awareness of fellowship and scholarship opportunities. 2. Understand the application and review processes. 3. Successfully draft a personal statement and a project synopsis/statement of grant purpose.

Class Schedule

  • May 30, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Introductions Overview of Fellowships and Post-Grad Opportunities
  • June 6, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Application Processes, Letters of Rec, and Personal Statements Brainstorming Activity
  • June 13, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Workshop Session – First Draft of PS due Statements of Grant Purpose or Project Proposals
  • June 20, 2023 5:00-6:30 PM – Workshop Session - Statements of Grant Purpose/ Project Proposals due
  • June 27, 2023 5:00-7:00 PM – Writing Bootcamp

Register Today!

Questions? Email karen.mura@gatech.edu

Register Here

Advisors: Please share with interested students.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions Hiring Student Assistants

OUA is seeking student assistants to work for our office starting this summer. Please share the attached employment opportunity with interested students.

OUA Student Assistant Job Posting

Advisors: Please share with students.

Carbon Reduction Challenge

The Carbon Reduction Challenge, An initiative of the GT College of Sciences and, Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, in collaboration with the Georgia Climate Project, is a competition focused on empowering students to become part of the climate change solution. Interning and co-op students work with an organization, during their internship, on a project that achieves significant reductions in carbon emissions and yields cost savings. While the program is based out of Georgia Tech, we welcome all students.  Students are guided by GT professors throughout the summer and culminate in Final Expo in August where the top three teams win cash prizes!


If you want to talk to one of our team members to learn more, check out our website(https://www.carbonreductionchallenge.org/), or email us here.  

Advising & Advisor Resources

GTAAN Canvas Course

The GTAAN Canvas course is the perfect place for collaboration and we want to invite you to add to it! Join the course below and email gtaan@gatech.edu to submit material that you think will benefit other advisors!

Join the GTAAN Canvas

Did you miss any GTAAN Meetings?

View the recordings of our previous GTAAN meetings in the GTAAN Canvas Course.

Have a Feature for the GTAAN Weekly?
Newsletter Feature Request

The GTAAN Newsletter goes out twice a month.

To submit content, please send your submissions by Tuesday at 4PM

Graphics? Make sure that they are .jpg or .png

Georgia Tech Academic Advisors Network
Georgia Institute of Technology