This Fall, elementary students at 22 Tacoma Public Schools will have on-site access to Expanded Learning Opportunities due to wide-reaching community partnerships, with funding from national and local sources.  These Expanded Learning Opportunities - like visual and performing arts, dance, robotics, STEM, mentorship, sports, and more - take place before and after school, providing a safe place for students to learn new skills, build positive relationships, and connect with their community.

Over the last three years, GTCF's Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Fund has outperformed its endowment fund by 1%. GTCF CFO Mo Mousa, pleased with the SRI fund's performance since its introduction in 2016, likes to think of SRI as, "Doing well while doing good."

An accurate census count drives decisions that directly affect daily life in Pierce County. (IMAGE: Mark Monlux)

The catch-phrase, "Fill Out the D@?? Form", came out of a meeting of the 2020 Census Black Caucus. The caucus formed as part of Pierce County's Complete Count committee, a group of representatives from organizations, networks, and associations throughout the county dedicated to making sure every resident of Pierce County is informed, engaged, and valued in the census process. 

Many other census sub-committees are forming within communities to identify how the census impacts their members, and to develop messaging that resonates with them.

PHOTO: Members of the 2018-19 Youth Philanthropy Board

GTCF is now accepting applications for the 2019-20 Youth Philanthropy Board cohort.

Greater Tacoma Community Foundation's Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) connects a diverse cohort of young people, ages 15-24, with a passion for community to the skills and tools necessary to cultivate change.  In addition to connecting with local youth-serving organizations, YPB members build collaborative relationships with other young people from Pierce County and work together to support solutions for issues that matter to them in the community.

Applications are due by September 30 at 11:59pm.

Dr. Ali Modarres is the director of Urban Studies at the University of Washington- Tacoma (UW-T) and is engaged in the work of developing UW-T's Center for Applied Urban Research, dedicated to archiving, aggregating, and synthesizing urban data for the region. He is also a member of GTCF's Board of Directors.

UW-T's Center for Applied Urban Research conducted research into the ways that census data affects everyday life in Pierce County.

"My whole career has been concerned with notions of access. Access defines equality and segregation. It is the difference between getting left behind and getting ahead together. Data is about having the right information and the democratization of data is about how you get and package important information in accessible ways to inform the public."

"This is what our work with the census is about - trying to show the public how data impacts their everyday life. If you don't participate then you don't exist. You actually erase yourself as far as they are concerned and those decisions are made without you. Decisions that can impact a whole generation of people."

White River Hometowns Fund was created by Marydale Brooks, a longtime Buckley community resident and a quiet philanthropist.  Marydale passed away in 2018. This Fund was set up as an endowment for the White River community and will continue to support it's residents for years to come.

Applications are due by October 13, 2019

Upcoming Fundraisers