Green Thumbs Growing Kids E-News May 2011 - Spring edition
Trees and biodiversity education
If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people. -- Chinese Poet, 500 BC
Green Thumbs Growing Kids is doing both! Check out our VarieTREE Show, coming to three school grounds on May 19, in time for International Biodiversity Day and the 2011 Focus on Forests. The four species are top picks for school gardens in the GTA.
 The tree nursery space is ready, but if you love trees AND biodiversity education, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Check out the details of how you can help by clicking the image above.
Read ahead for more news!
Greenhousing It Up at Allan Gardens!
Early spring planting for the school food gardens

We're in our sixth year at Allan Gardens Children's Conservatory, a City of Toronto - Parks, Forestry and Recreation site, running school day programs for neighbouring schools.
Classes have been visiting to learn about different subjects ranging from needs of plants, ecosystems, biodiversity, soil and composting, plant parts functions, and how to plant seeds!
The greenhouse space allows many schools to start tomato, basil, okra, eggplant, pepper and other sun-loving plants that need a little early kickstart in the growing season, ensuring a beautiful bounty of vegetables and fruits later in the year.
A few extra sets of helping hands at GTGK
Green Thumbs Growing Kids is excited to welcome two internship students who will be helping out over the next few weeks.
Adi Zeharia is a teaching candidate from Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). She is passionate about promoting food garden programming in the city and thinks it's integral for students to becoming active members in the community.
Meghan Poultney is a Master's student from Ryerson University studying Nutrition Communication. She chose Green Thumbs Growing Kids as the perfect place to do her practicum because she passionately believes that health is supported by a relationship with food - and where better to begin this relationship than in the garden?
Both of these students love to work with kids and are excited to learn more about gardening in the process!
Welcome Adi and Meghan!
"Digging Into Healthy Snacks and Healthy Soil"
A day of fun for teachers, educators, and parents
What do you get when groups representing gardening, food security, nutrition and health, and physically active living collaborate to form programming initiatives? An amazing educational opportunity for teachers, educators, parents, and student teachers! The final segment of the Growing Up Together series called "Digging into Healthy Snacks and Healthy Soil"
will be held at the Winchester School Garden on May 13th. This hands-on event will incorporate gardening, physical activity, and nutrition workshops and will be lots of fun for our kid-at-heart participants! Big thanks to our funder, the Healthy Communities Fund at the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport.
This event is extra special because this year marks 10 years of the Winchester School Garden (the biggest one in the Toronto District School Board!). We'd especially like to welcome the teachers who have supported us over the past decade!
There's still time to sign up - e-mail growing.up.together.hcf@gmail.com for more information or to confirm your attendance!
We Love Green Thumbs Growing Kids!
And we hope you do, too...
Our friends at Ontario Natural Food Co-op told us that they
"appreciate the work that [we] do to sustainably transform the land through the hardworking hands of young gardeners."

This is the work that we love to do and want to continue doing! But, like many non-profit organizations, we need a little help from our friends. If you are in a giving mood, we'd be most grateful for any help that you can offer. The easiest way to do this is at Canada Helps: http://www.canadahelps.org/CharityProfilePage.aspx?CharityID=s99816.
Alternatively, call our office at 647-FIT-KIDS (647-348-5437) or contact us at kidsgrowing@gmail.com
Again, we thank you for your friendship and support! |
Become a GTGK member:
By becoming a member you contribute to a sustainable future for Green Thumbs Growing Kids. To learn more about membership please go to our site for more information. You can also call us at 647-FIT-KIDS (647-348-5437).

To see the multiple benefits of school food gardens see our BIG IDEAS.
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