This guidance is intended to assist workplaces to respond in the event of an employee suspected or confirmed case, of COVID-19. In all instances, the contact tracing team of the Department of Health will contact the workplace of the confirmed case to provide the necessary guidance.

Employees should notify their employer if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and attended the workplace whilst infected. This means workplaces will be made aware of a confirmed case linked to their workplace.

Employees should also notify their workplace if they develop symptoms whilst at work or home and/or if they are awaiting a COVID-19 test result. This communication must always-maintain the confidentiality and protect the privacy of the employee(s).

This information would limit further potential exposures to other staff and contain any workplace outbreaks should they occur.

Once the workplace is notified of a confirmed case, they may be required to undertake certain actions. These may include:

Conducting a risk assessment to inform what actions must be taken.

Identifying close contacts of a confirmed case.

Initial Response

If an employee notifies an employer that they have symptoms of COVID-19 or are a confirmed case, the employer, should enquire as to when the employee first developed symptoms and determine whether they attended work during this period. The infectious period is taken to be from 48 hours prior to symptom onset up until the point at which the person isolates. This allows for the identification of the possible contacts of the confirmed case....READ MORE