We're happy to announce that registration for the GVBL Winter League opens on September 15th! Be sure to check your email every week for more information about the 2022-23 GVBL Winter League!
Skills Assessments will be held in mid-October and teams will be assigned the 1st week of November. Beginning the 2nd week of November, teams will start their one night of practice and one game per week. The end of the season double elimination playoffs will be held in late February. Look for a complete schedule on the basketball section of the site in early September.
GVBL Winter League Grades 1-8 is open to:
- Players who attend Great Valley public schools
- Players who attend schools located within the GVSD boundaries
- A player's grade is that of Fall 2022
GVBL Boys Winter High School League:
- All players must reside within the GVSD boundaries
Preliminary GVBL Schedule:
- 9/15 - Registration Opens
- 10/17 - Skills Assessments Begin
- 11/4 - Team Assignments Finalized
- 11/5 - Uniform Distribution
- 11/7 - GVBL Winter League Practices Begin
In order for our robust winter basketball program to run for the past 20 years, we need volunteer coaches! Our coaches are the backbone of this program and are a huge reason why this has been so successful!
GVBL would be looking for you to donate a mere 3 hours a week during the season to help and teach basketball to the kids here in our community. Volunteer registration opens on 9/15.
Visit our socials for news, information, cancellations, and more! Stay connected and keep up to date with all of our programs.
See the links along the bottom of this section for our social media pages and website! Be sure to check out our most recent YouTube videos! There are plenty from the season to enjoy! More content will be posted throughout the fall in preparation for the winter season!
Sign Up for Caring Hands this Fall
Caring Hands is a student-led volunteer group that supports the community through various activities. Students in grades 7-12 and their parents can sign up for the Constant Contact Caring Hands News distribution list for the 2022-23 school year.
Registration is open for students in grades 8-12 as of Fall 2022. All area students are welcome to participate in the Fall Crew program.
Great Valley Crew will be rowing out of the John S. Trinsey Jr. Memorial Boathouse in Bridgeport. Students must provide their own transportation but there is a carpool interest list.
Practices begin August 15th: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 3:45-6:15PM and Saturdays at Trinsey from 10AM to 1PM.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a competitive rowing team and we need your full commitment to all practices and regattas. We need the whole team at every practice to ensure we can get on the water ever day the weather conditions allow. One rower missing practice means an entire boat must stay on-land.
Monday, September 5 - Registration CLOSES
Flag Football Cheer for Grades K-1
We will have our first practice on Thursday, August 11th at the Great Valley Middle School. We will practice every Thursday from August 11th through September 1st at the GVMS from 6:30-7:30pm. After Labor Day, we will be holding our practices at Grand Slam, same nights and times (Thurs 6:30-7:30pm). Practices are closed to parents, but we will make sure to take pictures and videos to upload to Instagram and Facebook. The athletes will cheer at flag football games during the fall, which are typically held on Saturday mornings at GVCO, 51 N. Bacton Hill Rd., Malvern.
Fall Cheer for Grades 2-6
The Junior Patriots Cheer Program for grades 2-6 combines sideline cheer for football and basketball with competitive cheer where the athletes will compete in competitions in the local area. The athletes will spend time on the fundamentals of stunting, learn a competition routine, condition, work on tumbling and learn cheers for football and basketball.
We will have our first practice on Thursday, August 11th at the Great Valley Middle School. We will practice every Tuesday and Thursday from August 11th through September 1st at the GVMS from 6:30-8pm. After Labor Day, we will be holding our practices at Grand Slam, same nights and times (Tues/Thurs 6:30-8pm). Practices are closed to parents, but we will make sure to take pictures and videos to upload to Instagram and Facebook. The athletes will cheer at home tackle football games during the fall, which are typically held on various Sundays through the last weekend of October. There will be a couple competitions during the fall on the weekend.
Once football games and competitions are over, the athletes drop to one practice a week to continue to work on stunting and learn basketball cheers. They will cheer at GVBL tournament team games. During basketball season, the schedule is significantly reduced to allow for the cheerleaders to also play for GVBL or other winter sports. The cheer season will wrap up in December. Questions can be sent to Cheer@GVCO.org
Fall Flag & Tackle Football
K-1 Flag Football
Registration is open for K-1 Flag Football. Our K-1 Flag Football program is open to all students in and around the Great Valley School District. Students from all schools are welcome.
This league is run internally with all GVFL flag teams playing each other. Practices begin Thursday Sept. 8th at 6PM. Games are 1 hour long and begin Saturday, Sept. 17th in the morning at GVCO, 51 N. Bacton Hill Rd., Malvern.
Whitford Charitable Trust
We hope you can be part of the celebration at Whitford Golf Course and join GVCO and Hall of Fame Coach and Honorary Chair of the Event, Dick Vermeil for a weekend all about community. The Whitford Classic will take place Friday, September 23rd - Sunday, September 25th. To be part of the celebration you can:
Purchase raffle tickets: Grand Prize $2500, 2nd prize is $1500 and 3rd prize $1000.
- Each ticket costs $100 and only 200 tickets will be sold.
Purchase a ticket via PayPal - price includes transaction costs
- Purchase a ticket by check payable to Whitford Country Club. Mail it to GVCO, 51 N. Bacton Hill Road Malvern PA 19355
Attend the Gala Auction & Cocktail Party on Friday, September 23rd.
Purchase 1 ticket via PayPal - price includes transaction costs
Purchase 2 tickets via PayPal - price includes transaction costs
GVCO is honored to be selected as one of the Whitford Charitable Fund’s 2022 Beneficiaries. We hope you will get involved and give back to those right in your own neighborhood.
GVCO Community Yard Sale
Save the Date:
September 10th, 2022 9AM-2PM
GVCO Community Center;
- Yard spots for rental
- Food, drink and activities
- Sponsorship and vendor opportunities available
- No rain date - sign-ups will be refunded
Sign up for a spot and learn more about the yard sale
2022 Steps4Hope 5k Run/1 Mile Walk
Great Valley High School on Sunday, October 9, 2022, at 9:00AM
Steps 4 Hope proceeds from the race will help us continue to assist essential local programs, awareness and educational events, grief support and provide much needed resources for those in early recovery. Steps4Hope is committed to raise awareness, end the stigma associated with the disease of addiction, and save lives.
· Virtual participation is $30 until October 9th at midnight
· Day of registration: $30.
· T-shirt guaranteed with pre-registration until 9/22/2022.
Cradles to Crayons Giving Spot Hub
Coming soon to GVCO!
Cradles 2 Crayons Philadelphia supports people facing clothing insecurity in the Philadelphia region including Malvern and Chester County. The hub will be a convenient year round location for donations and a focal point for the annual Caring Hands collection drive this Fall. We are looking forward an even greater partnership with this wonderful organization.
More Ways to Support GVCO
Do You Match?
It's a great way to contribute and help GVCO complete the entire new GVCO Community Center project.
Use code #47309 for GVCO!