Did Cicada 3301 Find the Original Spear of Longinus?

Separating legend from fact, our research team gets closer to truth about the spear's provenance. 
There are several lances in history that are claimed to be the one that pierced the side of Christ by Longinus. They have been called many names - the Spear or Lance of Longinus, the Holy Lance of Antioch, the Spear of Destiny, and others. In the last few lessons of our story, you have seen how we are researching the authenticity of these claims. 

Now that the reader has some familiarity with the early Christian and medieval history claims of the lances, Douglas Gabriel  and Michael McKibben start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. 

In this audio, the two of them discuss their early research. 

Searching for the REAL Holy Lance
Searching for the REAL Holy Lance

The Holy Lance of Antioch seems to have been forgotten in history, hidden for hundreds of years, as though it were being protected for a special time and place to appear in the future. 

Spoiler Alert: It happened again. 

Know Her
Begin your journey in opening the Seven Seals and discover the living imaginations and hidden nature of Sophia -the Great Triple Goddess.

Know Yourself
Learn how the etheric light that dances from the pineal gland to the pituitary gland is of utmost importance in turning matter into spirit. 
Be Pure
Open the seventh seal and secret teachings of the Sophia Christos Initiation and consciously cross the threshold of the spiritual world. 
The life-giving teachings that enliven the etheric body are explained in this new theory of education derived from Waldorf education and philosophies that teach that each person replicates the entire evolution of humanity.
A comprehensive overview of the ethers from ancient teachings to the ideas of anthroposophists and modern scientific theories and their function in the human etheric body.

Reading  The Gospel of Sophia helps the aspirant understand the cosmic significance of the mystery of who was "under the cross" of Jesus Christ and shares the wisdom of Sophia about the devotion to the blood relics.

In 2017, a Cicada 3301 player named deFango will begin to discover why Douglas Gabriel will tell him in early 2018 that he had not reached the "inner court or circle" of solving the grand puzzle. 

He had certainly reached an "outer court or circle" as it is known in esoteric language, but he hadn't uncovered ultimate truth of the grand puzzle. Cicada 3301 is a "level of play" of the Glass Bead Game. There are many doorways into the game and many levels of play. 

As he did in the Cicada 3301 puzzle, deFango shares what he finds so that others can crowdsource the truth along with him. Thank you, deFango for playing the Glass Bead Game with us. 

deFango uses offensive language. Just clutch your pearls, listen and do it "for the research".

Templar letter from the 1600 from Sevens.exposed Cicada 3301 Reward.
Templar letter from the 1600 from Sevens.exposed Cicada 3301 Reward.

Mastery of Mystery

The Glass Bead Game

An even more specific comparison can be made to Herman Hesse's "Glass Bead Game," in which he presents an ideal of intellectual mastery of diverse cultural elements in his fictional vision of a future society. He calls the Glass Bead Game an eternal idea

This same eternal idea, which for us has been embodied in the Glass Bead Game, has underlain every movement of Mind toward the ideal goal of a universities litterarum, every Platonic academy, every league of an intellectual elite, every rapprochement between the exact and the more liberal disciplines, every effort toward reconciliation between science and art of science and religion. 

In the Glass Bead Game, a book for which he won the Nobel Prize, Hesse formalizes an ideal of high civilization in his fictional, futuristic city of Castalia.  In a monastic setting, painstakingly trained and socially reclusive scholars uphold an age-old tradition of playing what is known as the "Glass Bead Game," the most prestigious demonstration of their ability to draw cultural and symbolic connections among various disciplines - music, art, philosophy, history, science, symbolism and all other forms of study that one might find in a university curriculum.

In competing annually in the Glass Bead Game, the town of Castalia coalesces all of the disciplines into one expression of mastery that unifies the wisdom of broader human civilization.  Players of the game become initiates in a mystery, versed in complex symbolism they have spent their lives working tirelessly to master.

The Glass Bead Game, then, is about mastery of mystery. Brilliantly, Hesse never describes the complete working intricacies of a game end-to-end, preserving the concept of mystery about the game itself as its own fictional symbol. 

    As Hesse describes:

The game is an abstract synthesis of all arts and sciences. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics. 

It is "a kind of synthesis of human learning" in which themes, such as a musical phrase or a philosophical thought, are stated.

 As the game progresses, associations between the themes become deeper and more varied. 

The game uses artistic forms, and eventually cultural symbols. 

Themes are developed almost as a poet would, and building variations as a composer. 

It was a way of symbolizing music and of building broad insights into the world.

So, too, is The Gospel of Sophia about mastery of mystery.

So, too, like the scholarly monks in Castalia, are readers of The Gospel called to be initiates in a great wisdom process of seeking the ultimate knowledge that takes a lifetime to master. 

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