"Pretty Kitty," photograph by Jan Lavacek
Dear Friends of the Arts,
I hope that you have been able to enjoy the art that Mother Nature has been providing. Last fall, I took some time to divide and replant crowded sets of daffodils and small spring bulbs, and even purchased a batch of tiny new bulbs. It felt like a long winter, but I have been reinforced this spring, seeing hundreds of blooms … crocus, of course, and daffodils, but also scilla, snow drops, squill, winter aconite, iris reticulata, glory of the snow, and bloodroot, with more to come. I keep feeling that if these little bulbs can survive the long cold winter, I can hang on for a while longer too.
I long to work with real artists on a real stage for a real audience. However, it has become clear to us that, in the future, we will need to include some virtual events, even though we will be showing art in a personal way.

One of the unexpected positives of this pandemic is that we were able to share our regional art with people all over the country, and, indeed, in other countries as well. I appreciate all the virtual opportunities we have had, all that we have learned, and those of you who have followed us from a distance.

Please join us again, for our virtual events in April.

Progress report on 971 Gear Street
Our design planning continues to move ahead. We have so many things to consider while planning our performance space, including flexibility of seating, sight lines, acoustics, audience restrooms, backstage areas for performers, concessions, elevator, storage, and more. With the help of our architect Jim Baranski, and our theatrical consultant Katherine Georgeson, we are making great progress.
Bob Felderman thought it might be fun for us to provide you with a “before” and “after” video tour of the space. He brought in his 360 degree camera, and spent hours photographing what was there the day he visited. We have done a good deal of work since then to open up the space, so it’s ready for construction to start. If you click on the image you can maneuver through the space, and get a general idea of what will be constructed in what area.

A big thank you to Bob Felderman. Enjoy your 3D tour!
If you’d like a tour in person, please email Carole
We need some folks who will help us move boxes of books from the lower level of the New Center to upstairs, on Wednesday April 7 at 3:30 pm. (Rain date, April 8, at 3:30 pm). If you have a moving dolly to loan us, that would be great too! 

Please RSVP to Carole at info@GalenaCenterForTheArts.com
Our galleries will reopen when it’s safe
for our patrons, artists, and staff.
Virtual Exhibit
Animal Art...wild and wonderful
Animals have long been the subject of interest for artists around the world. Our regional artists are no exception, as they have demonstrated with photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, embroidery, collage, digital illustration, and poetry. Click here to view.

Thirty-six artists from our Tri-State area are sharing their talents in this virtual exhibit. We are proud to promote their work to you to enjoy. Many of the pieces in this catalog are for sale. Please let us know if you are interested in purchasing artwork, and we will connect you with the artist. Email Patricia, the Gallery Manager, for details.

If you would like to order a print copy of "Animal Art…wild and wonderful" please email Patricia before April 15. The cost is $24 which includes tax and shipping to your home.

Other virtual visual art exhibits click here.
Songwriters Showcase
The Amazing City of Galena
YouTube premiere, Thursday April 15, 7 pm
Musicians Liz Snavely and Lenny Wayne have created something completely new for the April Songwriters Showcase. The Galena Center for the Arts is excited to present “The Amazing City of Galena.”
This music video project is the product of Liz Snavely (videographer and editor) and Lenny Wayne (producer), who arranged to have the songwriters sing in numerous locations around Galena. You will see Lenny Wayne at the Galena Public Library, Ted Williams at Greenwood Cemetery, Andrew Houy at Grant Park, Desiree Irwin at the Galena Train Depot, Sarah Lentini at an historic home on Prospect Street, and LA Seuss in downtown Galena.
The Center is grateful to Liz and Lenny for taking on this creative project. Liz has an art and music background and has always been interested in trying this type of production, and, together with Lenny’s talents, the two have created a video that reminds us again of the depth of musical talent that we have here in the Tri-State area. After the premiere, it will remain on the Galena Center for the Arts YouTube channel.
To receive an automatic email notice when “The Amazing City of Galena” goes live on April 15 at 7pm click on the image to the right. When on YouTube, at the bottom left corner of the image, click on Set reminder.
Virtual Open Mic
April is National Poetry Month! We're celebrating with a poetry open mic featuring Chicago slam poet Marc Kelly Smith. All poets with original work are welcome to read. The virtual event will begin at 6 PM on Thursday, April 29. This event is a collaboration between the Galena Public Library and the Galena Center for the Arts.
Marc Kelly Smith is creator/founder of the Uptown Poetry Cabaret. As stated in the PBS television series, The United States of Poetry, a “strand of new poetry began at Chicago’s Green Mill Tavern in 1987 when Marc Smith found a home for the Poetry Slam.” Since then, performance poetry has spread throughout the world exported to over 1000 cities large and small.

You may register on Eventbrite as a poet, or as a listener. Here is the Eventbrite link for registration. Click "Register" and choose which ticket you would like - a poet or listener. Poets will receive an email with their time slot.
Broad Ideas was once more a resounding success, even if it had to be virtual. Our Songwriters Showcase “Songbirds of a Feather” has had close to 300 views so far, and our other events were well attended.

We are happy to announce the winners of our
Broadening Opportunities Scholarships.

The Aspiring Artist scholarship was awarded to Kitrina Keeton, from Janesville, Wisconsin. Mackenzie Jane Witman from East Dubuque, Illinois, was awarded the Established Artist scholarship. This year we were pleased to also award an Honorable Mention award to Angela Bullard, who lives in West Plaines, Missouri.
If you would like to learn more about these artists and Broad Ideas, or help sustain the Broadening Opportunity Scholarships, please go to www.broadideas.org.
Kitrina Keeton
Mackenzie Jane Witman
Angela Bullard
View from the Studio
With the physical gallery still shuttered, and soon to be in construction in our new site, we thought you might want to see what our regional artists are up to.
Catherine Basten
Catherine Basten has been drawing animals since she was a small child. Her medium of choice is watercolors. Though it's a difficult medium to master, because it is unforgiving and unpredictable, she is up for the challenge.
She is working on a series of four paintings. Each painting will feature a maple tree from their backyard, with the foliage changing in each season. Also each seasonal painting will have a different bird in the tree. One down, three to go. The one you see standing up in the picture is the winter season; the one she is painting currently is spring. Catherine is very happy that spring is finally here.

Catherine is a regular contributor to our virtual flip book exhibits. You can see more of her work on pages 44 and 45 in "Animal Art…wild and wonderful."
Karen Ann Hoffman
Karen Ann Hoffman is an artist who was part of the group that presented “Native Arts Honoring Tradition, Embracing Innovation” as part of our exhibit, "Art of the Native Peoples" in October/November 2018.

We are pleased to learn that she has recently been awarded a 2020 National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts. She is of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.
Learn more about her on this website, listen to a podcast,
or view a short video about her and her beading here.
Virtual Tour
The Louvre
Need a vacation? The Louvre is closed to the public, due to…well, you know…but you can get a virtual tour by clicking here. Enjoy!
  • Liliana Asta
  • Jim Baranski
  • Karen Buechele
  • Robyn Davis
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • Katherine Georgeson
  • Kara Gordon
  • Maureen Kilgore
  • Maureen Leytem
  • Michelle London
  • Jody McGill
  • Jacquie Miller
  • Kate Miller
  • Colleen Nielson
  • Jan Nottrott
  • Pearl Olson
  • Gladdy Ressler
  • Nancy Schuldt
  • Liz Snavely
  • Carole Sullivan
  • Cindy Tegtmeyer
  • Irene Thraen-Borowski
  • Dennis Waltman
  • Connie Warnsing
  • Lenny Wayne
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Galena Center for the Arts Video Releases
Click on this link, scroll down to the Center's logo, move your cursor
to the right and click on SUBSCRIBE. To receive notification of new videos, click on the bell icon next to SUBSCRIBED, then click on All.
Please contact Carole at info@GalenaCenterForTheArts.com if
you are able to donate copier paper to the Center this month.
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit smile.amazon.com (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
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Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971A Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is supported in part by an award from The Chicago Community Foundation, from the Arts Work Fund – Arts for Illinois Emergency Relief Fund housed at The Chicago Community Trust.
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Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman