November Newsletter
Painted Trees, photograph by Karen Durrant
Dear Friends of the Arts,
We were sadly reminded that COVID is still with us when we had to cancel Jim Post’s concert last week. We were so sorry to miss this, and hope that we can find a time when Jim can join us in the future. We started this pandemic closure in March 2020 with a cancelled run of a play “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” and here we are, twenty months later, cancelling again due to the pandemic. We hope this is the last time we need to cancel, but remain careful and concerned for everyone’s health and safety.
We have been blessed with generous donations this month from people who believe in the arts and want us to be ready to roll once it is safe to hold events again. Thanks so much (you know who you are)! 
We are so grateful for all those who have expressed their encouragement and support through memberships and donations. We are fortunate to live in this amazing region, with beauty all around us, and thankful for so many people wanting to be involved in the arts. 
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Progress Report for October
It may not look like a performance space yet, but we have now installed 316 sheets of 4’ by 12’ drywall, and what felt like miles of sound insulation in the lower level of the building. We’re close to completing all the drywall, and drywall finishing will start soon.  We are thrilled that Jo-Carroll Energy/Sand Prairie has finished their work to get a high-speed Fiber connection to our building. It will be activated once we are ready for it.

There are some supply issues that are plaguing us, but still lots of progress.
Be a part of it! We will be moving ahead with the mirror walls in the audience bathrooms, so, if you would like to have a part of you be a part of the Center, please email Carole your images of framed mirrors you could donate that are at least 6” by 6”, and up to 3 by 3’, so we can determine what will make the most artistic walls.
Just a few of the 316 sheets of installed 4' by 12' drywall
photo by Jan Lavacek
Virtual Exhibit
In this holiday season, our thoughts turn to giving thanks for all of our blessings. Art is such a blessing for all of us. It can inspire us to appreciate the beauty in the world, communicate ideas and perceptions, or generate a response. It makes us feel.

In this virtual exhibit, click here or on the image below, our artists are grateful for nature, friends, the brave people who help us in the face of tragedy, our families, pets, and loving times shared.

Many of the artworks are for sale. If you are interested in adding a piece to your collection, let us know, and we will connect you with the artist. Contact Patricia, gallery manager.
Robert Rivoire has again collected beautiful photos of the many things he is grateful for in this YouTube presentation "gratitude."

Sit back and enjoy this amazing montage.
And enjoy all of our past virtual books at:
Songwriters Showcase
Thursday, November 18, 7pm
Join us for a virtual watch party!
YouTube Premiere
Music in Construction
In November, we will be featuring three new young songwriters from the area, all whom are all actively writing, recording and playing out. And, of course, a tune by Pearl Olson, backed up by Lenny Wayne on bass.

We recorded these in the midst of the construction at the new Center for the Arts, so they have the distinction of being the first music performed there.
Addison Aronson
Sarah Lentini
Lenny Wayne and Pearl Olson
Ty Bailey
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Galena Center for the Arts Video Releases

Click on this link, scroll down to the Center's logo, move your cursor
to the right and click on SUBSCRIBE. To receive notification of new videos, click on the bell icon next to SUBSCRIBED, then click on ALL.
View from the Studio
With the physical gallery still shuttered, and construction in our new site, we thought you might want to see what our regional artists are up to.
Stephanie O’Shaughnessy
Stephanie O’Shaughnessy discovered pottery in the early 70s, when asked to do some research on the old Galena Potteries while working at The Galena Gazette. She dug some clay out of the ground and started playing with it. Her husband, Keith, built her a wheel, and together they built a kiln in the yard. With primitive beginnings, her love of the art flourished, and became her on-going learning passion.
She exhibits her pottery in her own home studio, in galleries, and at shows. Currently she is also teaching adult and children pottery classes at the Galena ARC.
Feeding the Arts
We have always been known for tasty food at our gallery opening receptions, Songwriters Showcase and theatrical events. Now you can purchase a cookbook for many of these great recipes at:

** Galena Book & Paper 306 S. Main Street (815-281-9404)
** Tammy’s Piggly Wiggly 997 Galena Square Drive (815-777-1111)
** Aldrich House 900 3rd Street (815-777-3323)

All in Galena.

We have also featured many of the artists who exhibit in the galleries, with full color covers and divider pages, as well as line drawings incorporated with the recipes. 
"Cooking Season” is upon us! and they make great holiday gifts for your friends and family to sample a taste of Galena Center for the Arts. 
Coming Event
Broad Ideas is back!
The Broads are making plans, and would like you to consider submitting artwork for the March 2022 exhibit.

Check out the
submission guidelines here:
Corporate Spotlight for November
We are very appreciative of the many businesses that have become Corporate Members of the Center, and will be featuring them monthly in our newsletter as a way of letting everyone know the many ways they reach out to help their community.
The Galena Center for the Arts considers itself fortunate to have the continued corporate support of Mount Hope Vineyard/Farm, owned and operated by Gerald Podraza.

Gerry, who has lived in the Apple River area since the 1970’s, has a range of interests from wine production to music, film and art that have been an asset to all of us in Galena.

An artist in his own right, Gerry has displayed photographic work in the Center, as well as being instrumental in arranging a film festival with Southern Illinois University and our presentation by Pulitzer Prize winner Art Cullen.

Presently, the farm is transitioning from viniculture to medical hemp. It is generous corporate sponsors like Mount Hope Vineyard/Farm that help us accomplish our mission of elevating and celebrating the arts.
In Memoriam
John D. Cooke, III
(1928 - 2021)
We mourn the loss of John Cooke, who benefited our community in so
many ways.
Thank you, John, for all you have done for Galena and Jo Daviess County.
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is November 5 - 7.
  • Ty Bailey
  • Jim Baranski
  • Addison Aronson
  • City of Galena
  • John Cox
  • Jim Durrant
  • Illinois Bank & Trust
  • Janelle Keeffer
  • Sarah Lentini
  • Lord of Love Lutheran Church
  • Joe Mattingley
  • Montgomery-Timmerman Construction
  • Pearl Olson
  • Jim Post
  • Nisha Shah
  • Joseph Stuart
  • Dennis Waltman
  • Lenny Wayne
We are looking for a volunteer to clip and file press articles. This is a task you can do at home, and we will supply binders and file folders. If you subscribe to the Flash, Galena Gazette, and Telegraph Herald newspapers, and are willing to compile clippings about the Center for the Arts, please email Carole for more information.
We received notice that we will be receiving an Illinois Arts Council Agency General Operating Support Grant for fiscal year 21/22. These funds provide general operating support to established not-for-profit organizations that make a significant local, regional, or statewide impact on the quality of life in Illinois. 
We will be proud to print “This program is partially sponsored by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency” on our posters, programs, and press releases. We are grateful for all the Illinois Arts Council Agency does for the Arts in Illinois.
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971A Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is funded in part by a
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
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Have a preferred email address? Please let us know. 
Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman