Newsletter for October 2018
Scarecrows! Art That Stands Out In Its Field

New things are happening at the Center! We have a new look to our website, which we hope you will visit often. It’s new, so if there are bugs, please send us feedback! 

We are also trying something new for the ticket sales for our November radio show Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus . We will be selling reserved seats for these performances. You can choose your seats online ( click here to purchase tickets online ), (and we should tell you that to reserve this way costs $2 extra per seat, as we have to pay the company that arranges to sell them...), or you can choose your seats by reserving them at the Center during open hours or by calling the Center at 779-214-0261 . We regret that with this system we will no longer be able to make tickets available at the DeSoto House. I’m sure we will have some growing pains associated with this, but we need to move ahead. We hope this will simplify seating for everyone. And for those of you who would like to volunteer as ushers or help with concessions, please sign up at the Center!
We also are ready to install outside lighting for the lower parking lot, as soon as the rains stop! (We’ve scheduled the installation a couple times already, but have been rained out.) The goal is to make it safer for everyone to get back to their cars after a performance.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

The gallery hours are changing to our fall/winter schedule:
1 pm–4 pm Thursday through Sunday, starting on October 11
The Art of Beth Bird
Only one more weekend to enjoy Beth’s exhibit in our Special Exhibit Gallery. Thursday through Sunday, 11 am–4 pm. Portraits of women and children with props of birds or food (often cake or pie) give us a little glimpse into the story of their lives. How do they speak to you? The work is created with vibrant gouache paint or hand-colored etchings. Prints, both framed and unframed, are available for sale.
Art of the Native Peoples  
Opening Reception Friday, October 12, 5–7 pm
Gallery Hours 1-4 pm,
Thursday through Sunday .  

Traditional and contemporary artworks by native artists will be exhibited through January 13, 2019 in our Special Exhibit Gallery. With the rich history of indigenous people living in this area, we want to celebrate the beautiful craftsmanship and artistic skills of the Native Peoples.
Water Basket  made of paper printed with treaties by McKensie Allen
We will have two presentations in conjunction with this exhibit, beginning with Kim Sigafus McIver on October 17 at 7 pm. Another presentation, “Native Arts Honoring Tradition, Embracing Innovation” on November 16 at 7 pm, presented by Kimberly Blaeser, Karen Ann Hoffman, and Denise Lajimodiere, will be co-sponsored by Galena Womens’ Poetry Group and JDCF.
Kim Sigafus McIver
 October 17, 7 pm
Dressed in traditional regalia, internationally-published, award-winning Ojibwa author and speaker Kim Sigafus McIver will be presenting on the Native people who lived in the Midwest in the 1800s. Her presentation will include oral traditions, daily life, and the planting of the Three Sisters: corn, beans, and squash. 

Drumming and singing, she will share a traditional lullaby with the audience and teach them a song.   The audience will get the chance to learn some Native language and will be invited to participate in a drum and rain stick circle.   Her Native American fiction and non-fiction books will be available for sale after the program.
Regional Artists Gallery
Gallery hours 1 pm – 4 pm, Thursday through Sunday

A diverse collection of artwork by artists from Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Beautiful pieces that will be traveling on in another week, only to be replaced by even more amazing paintings, pottery, baskets, and sculpture…one can only guess what these talented artists will bring in for us to enjoy and purchase for our homes.
Photograph by Barbara Baird, paintings by Janet Checker,
Sue Pro Kiefer, Brian McCormick, and pottery by Richard Hess
Feature Gallery
The art and inspiration of Richard Pearce is in our feature gallery. We now have the documentary of his life playing on the large television and have it available for purchase. Many prints and pieces that were never before available are for sale. The scanner he used to create these amazing prints is also on display.
His DVDs will play during gallery hours
Next Table Reading
 Old Love
Tuesday, October 9, 7 pm
We’ve decided to lighten up October’s table reading, after the very serious play last month, with a romantic comedy  Old Love  by Canadian playwright Norm Foster, on Tuesday, October 9 at 7 pm.
Old Love  is a comedy about senior romance, spanning three decades and half a dozen meetings between Bud, a salesman, and Molly, his boss's wife. It's an insightful, often sweet, and very funny look at two people who fall for each other in the twilight of their years.  One of them is smitten from the very first meeting--the other, much less so. We are along for the ride as we watch Bud’s comically awkward, at times definitely inappropriate pursuit of Molly, in his determined attempt to turn a dream of romance into reality.
Featured actors in  Old Love  will be Chris Ludescher, Cathy Harms, Terri Jackman and Phil Jackman. The audience is invited to join us for a talkback about the play and the subject matter after the reading.
October Songwriters Showcase
RuthAnn Lillstrom
Thursday, October 18, 7-9 pm

RuthAnn Lillstrom started singing with her family around the piano as a child. Her love of music and family started to come out in poetry and song at 12 years old. Decades later she's still at it, writing songs about love, struggle, kids and the earth. Music is the golden thread that binds us all together.

As always, there is no charge for the Songwriters Showcase, but
we do appreciate a donation. Join us for a great night of music!
Falling Back
a poetry reading by Carol Gloor
Sunday, October 21, 2 pm

Carol will be reading from her most recent book,  Falling Back , published by WordPoetry.

This is poetry for people who think they do not like poetry. It is in plain language about ordinary experiences: being a parent, dealing with illness and old age, managing Midwest weather, or still loving your spouse of many years.

She will be open to questions and will sign her book, which will be for sale following the reading.
In Memory of Bruce Howdle
We mourn the sudden death of one of our talented potters, Bruce Howdle. He exhibited interesting and beautifully crafted sculptures and large vases in clay at the Center.

The Raven is currently in our gallery for another week or so. Bruce was also known for his large sculptural clay mural installations in public spaces around the United States. Shake Rag Alley gave a touching tribute to him in their newsletter. Link to Shake Rag Alley Newsletter
Feeding the Arts
We were excited to see our cookbook featured in the recipe section of last month’s  Illinois Country Living

And, what a perfect time to remind you that we have copies in our gift shop for your holiday giving. It’s never too early!
The Center has always been known for tasty food at our gallery opening receptions, Songwriters Showcase, and theatrical events. Now you can buy a cookbook that includes many of these great recipes. We have also featured many of the artists who exhibit in the galleries, with full color covers and divider pages, and line drawings incorporated with the recipes.

The price is $18 and all profits benefit Galena Center for the Arts. 
Figure Drawing
Thursday, 1:30–3:30 pm
We have an enthusiastic group of artists coming on Thursday afternoons, 1:30-3:30 pm, to perfect the art of the human figure. We supply the model, you supply your own art materials. $10 per session.

We even have a couple easels available if you’d like to use them. Come join us!
Sketch by Nick Majesky
Embroidery Circle
         Wednesday, 1-3 pm
The Embroidery Circle is a weekly gathering of hand stitchers working on their own new and unfinished needlework projects. This is a great opportunity to work on unfinished embroidery pieces that you never have enough time to complete, to share tips with others, and to learn about the activities of local embroiderers. This group is open to all levels of hand embroiderers who enjoy a variety of needlework interests, including first-time stitchers too! This is a casual stitching group. There is no instructor or fee, but our participants often assist each other as questions arise.
For more information, call 779-214-0261 .
Yoga with Marion the Bubble Lady
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 am

Mindful Yoga with Kate Miller, RYT
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm 
October 10 - October 24

No Class on October 31

Integrating Body, Mind and Breath
  • Focusing on foundational breathing and postures
  • Develop strength, flexibility and balance
  • Experience relief from physical & mental tension
  • Each class ends with deep relaxation

Participants are guided in basic Hatha Yoga postures to their capacity while maintaining moment to moment awareness, utilizing the breath to enhance flexibility, exploring boundaries and limits in a gentle and caring way. Weekly class $10 or $65 for full 7 weeks.

As weather permits, the class may take place outdoors, on the lower level parking lot.
Katherine Walker
As the Center for the Arts has grown and expanded its offerings and reputation, more and more of Galena's visitors have discovered us. However, many people are missing out. Except for local papers and the Center's newsletter, information about our various performances and exhibits is not easy to find outside of our area. As Carole Sullivan says, “It's time to reach out further.”

Now, thanks to newly-hired consultant Katherine Walker, people living within a much wider range of distance from Galena will soon have media coverage of our many

Katherine comes very well qualified for the job. With a BFA from Quincy University
and Master's degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Administration from Western Illinois University, she has had extensive experience dealing with media and publicity. She spent thirteen years as a photographer with the Quincy Herald Whig, and was president and CEO of the Macomb Area Convention Bureau for twenty years. From 2011 to 2017, when it closed, she was head of the Galena JoDaviess County Convention Bureau. She has also been a member on the Board of the Freeport Art Museum Grant Committee, and is currently one of the Interpreters at the U.S. Grant house in Galena.

We welcome Katherine to the Center and look forward to greeting more visitors from all around the area!
Looking Ahead
Radio Play
We are happy to announce that we are in rehearsal for our next radio play, to be performed November 8-11.

Revisit the fun of old-time radio shows with the holiday radio drama Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus , complete with live sound effects and radio jingles. Based on a true story from the 1890s, a young girl writes a letter to the editor of the  New York Sun newspaper. “Dear Editor, I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says if you see it in the Sun , it’s so. Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa
Claus?” Ed Mitchell, the  Sun’s  editor, assigns Frank Church--a reporter on the verge of self-destruction--the task of answering Virginia’s question. Church’s quest and reply have become one of the world’s most-quoted and beloved editorials.

Sponsored by Illinois Bank & Trust, Baranski Hammer Moretta & Sheehy, and The Galena Gazette , this production is directed by Carole Sullivan and features Susan Barg, Ben Behlke, Michael Crawford, Jay Dickerson, Dan Harms, Emily Painter, Brian Schoenrock, with David Resnick at the piano.
Broad Ideas

Broad Ideas will be returning,
opening March 1, 2019.

Save the date!
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of NW IL. October ARRT tour dates are 6 and 7.
Thank You!
  • Susan Barg
  • Deb Bertucci
  • Elizabeth Boggess
  • Kathy Carlson
  • Michael Crawford
  • Jay Dickerson
  • Cathy Dorwick
  • Janet Eggleston
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • Lynn Giles
  • Mark Haman
  • Sheila Haman
  • Joan Harmet
  • Richard Hess
  • Hulscher Fencing
  • Nancy Hyman
  • Terri Jackman
  • Al Jirkovsky
  • Kathy Leonard
  • Steve Lundgren
  • Diann Marsh
  • Van Meyer
  • Arlene O’Callaghan
  • Emily Painter
  • Kathy Pearson
  • Charlene Price
  • Cory Ritterbusch
  • Sandy Scott
  • Judy Sutcliffe
  • Kathy Winkelhake
  • Bill Wubben
  • Janet Zehr
Wish List

  • Laptop computer with Windows 7 or later; internet capable; I3 processor or newer. This will be used at our front desk to sell performance tickets for reserved seats.
Because we know you love the Arts, we encourage you to visit the Dubuque Museum of Art, now featuring “Just to Live is Holy: Women Religious and a Tradition of Art, Faith and Justice”.

This is a remarkable exhibit of artwork by regional artists, each of whom was affiliated with a religious order.

For more information, go to
Artwork by Corita Kent
If you need help signing up, just call 779-214-0261 and we can assist you.
Gallery Volunteers

Volunteering is good for the soul, and it really helps us to keep the gallery open four days a week, Thursday thru Sunday.

The gallery hours are changing to our f all/winter schedule: 1 pm–4 pm Thursday through Sunday, starting on October 11. Please check out the available dates, choose a shift that works for you, and fill out the information at the bottom of the page.

Don’t forget to click the “Sign up to volunteer” button. Thanks for all your valuable time and talents to share artwork with our visitors.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
Don't forget to "Like" the Galena Center for the Arts on  Facebook  
Have a preferred e-mail address? Please let us know.  
Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
  Galena Center for the Arts | | 779-214-0261 Contact us by e-mail--
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman