Dear Friends of the Arts,
How fortunate we are to live in a community where people care about art and history and culture, and work to make sure that these values survive. I am frequently overwhelmed by the generosity of our supporters, and humbled by the efforts of our volunteers to make it all work. Thank you to all who continue to pitch in to make it happen.
We know we still have lots to do in this new building, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel, and for that I am very grateful. Our new art exhibit, Building Bridges, will be wonderful, and Jon Troast, featured in Songwriters Showcase, looks to be a very unique performer. It is a joy to be in rehearsal again, and I think you will love laughing at our Radio Show version of Baskerville. Scroll down for all the details.
Wishing you a beautiful art-filled Fall.
Progress Report for September
As you may have noticed when driving on Gear Street, we now have our new sign up on the building! Other progress has been made on the gift shop (hope to open it within the month) and in the lobby of the performance space. Check it out when you next visit.
Our Board of Directors, planning the future of
the Galena Center for the Arts.
Around the table from the left: Megan Gloss, Jean Dregne, Matt Carroll, Irene Thraen-Borowski, Denise Spielman, Cathie Elsbree, Connie Warnsing, Jay Dickerson, Carol Mantey, Al Jirkovsky, Colin Sanderson, Matt Blaum.
Karen Wilson, who has been our office manager for almost six years, retired on September 30. We can’t thank her enough for all she has done for the Center, for her professionalism through thick and thin, and her friendship. The Center has grown in many ways in those years, and she has been a big part of that. We wish her well as she turns to new adventures, and we hope to see her amazing embroidery in our art exhibits in the future.
Building Bridges Exhibit
Opening Night Reception
October 7, 5 - 7 pm
Through December 30, 2022
To us at the Center, “building bridges” can mean many things. We experience so many bridges being built daily here when we share regional art, music and theater with the community and have engaging conversations about the Center’s offerings with our happy patrons. Thank you for building bridges with us!
And on that note, we are excited to host our third exhibit, Building Bridges, in our new space! The Building Bridges Opening Night Reception will be on Friday, October 7, from 5:00 -7:00 pm, and the exhibit will run through December 30, 2022. We hope to see you there!
Questions? Click here to contact Laura Primrose, Gallery Manager,
by email.
Angel in the Cello
image by Cindy Taylor
Audio Described Gallery Tour
October 22, 1 pm
October is Blindness Awareness Month, so why not make visual art more accessible? Audio Description (AD) is a service that allows individuals with vision loss to experience the visual world, including art. Alison Schoenrock has a background in Blind Rehabilitation and is an artist herself. She has recently attended the Audio Description Institute training session, put on by the Audio Description Project and the American Council of the Blind.
Alison is going to be here at the Center to give a live narrated, guided tour of some of the pieces from the newest Gallery Opening. The pieces will be described vividly enough to be enjoyed by people with all levels of vision loss or those who are curious about AD. Please contact the Center with questions about other accommodations that may benefit your experience.
Radio Show
October 13, 14, 15 - 7 pm
Matinee October 16 - 2 pm
Get your deer-stalker hat on - the play’s afoot! From the award-winning mastermind of mayhem, Ken Ludwig, comes a fast paced comedy about everyone’s favorite detective solving his most notorious case. This acclaimed adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1901 classic The Hound of the Baskervilles is chock-full of intrigue, mystery, murder, and belly laughs. The cast includes Robert Armstrong, Stephen Green, Mark Haman, Emily Painter, Mimi Resnick, and Mark Sumpter, with Dan Harms at the sound effects table, and David Resnick at the piano.
Baskerville is sponsored by CLD Construction,
the Galena Gazette, and Illinois Bank & Trust.
Reserved seats may be purchased online
Songwriters Showcase
will feature
Jon Troast
October 20, 7 pm
Join us for an evening of music and fun. As usual, there is no cover fee for Songwriters Showcase, but we appreciate your donations!
Galena’s own singer/songwriter Liliana Asta will open the evening. We are all eager to hear what new songs this young performer might have for us.
Our featured performer will be Jon Troast, a singer/songwriter who grew up in the Midwest and currently lives in Bloomington, Illinois. Since becoming a full time musician thirteen years ago, Troast started out playing coffee shops, bars, churches, and everything in between to build his repertoire. Once he saved enough money to work with a producer in Nashville, Tennessee, he has since recorded several albums. To hone his skills, he started doing house concerts a few years back as a way to connect better with audiences. The “living room concert” idea took off, and Troast has performed in hundreds of homes all across the country, including one extended coast to coast tour of 100 concerts in 100 days.
In Memoriam
Jim Post
(October 28, 1939 – September 14, 2022)
We are sad to lose our friend and amazing songwriter and singer, Jim Post. Jim brought so much to his adopted city of Galena, including his musical play “Galena Rose, How Whiskey Won the West” which he performed for years. His wacky sense of humor, and his amazing voice will aways be remembered.
A celebration of Jim’s life will be held from noon to 7 pm October 10 at Galena’s Turner Hall. Jim’s friends are invited for potluck food, BYOB, and music. At 3 pm a pastor will do a tribute, and friends will tell stories.
Open Mic
Come and make music!
October 18, 6:30 pm
If you like to make music in company with other musicians, share your work and hear their new work too, feel free to join us. We’ll be upstairs at the Center on October 18. Musicians of all ages are welcome for an evening of musical camaraderie, hosted by Lenny Wayne.
Show off your talents or just sit and listen. There will be a sign-up and a two-song-per-turn limit.
The Scarecrows
are Back in Town
If it’s October it must mean that the Scarecrows have returned to Galena! The Center has joined in the fun with our sixth annual event, encouraging artsy scarecrow creations. Here’s a preview of three of our fabulous “scary” friends and there are more amazing decorations popping up all over town each day. If you have not yet made one—dig out some old clothes and decorate a frame!
at the Galena Center for the Arts
John Martinson’s
Scarecrow Singin’ in the Dead of Night
Jack and Arlene O’Callaghan’s,
Patricia Lehnhardt’s,
Mae Belle
We are very pleased to introduce you to Reigne Adrian in this month’s View from the Studio!
“I am a local Galena artist with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Iowa State University. Growing up, much of my time was spent running through the woods and playing in creek beds or ponds. From this grew an appreciation for the natural world - as well as a big imagination. Being out in the woods or in nature is still where I find myself most comfortable and inspired today. My artwork not only reflects a life surrounded by plants and animals, but also takes inspiration from an interest in fantasy, folklore, myths and legends. I enjoy rendering the small details that make up the larger picture - texturing fur, scales, and tree bark... It is in the details that I find the most satisfaction. My goal with my work is to inspire a fascination with and an appreciation for nature. I want people to look at the amazing and wonderful things we share our planet with and notice all those little details. Through that, I hope people feel compelled to learn more, respect and protect the natural world.”
We are collaborating with the Galena Public Library for an exhibit in our Student Gallery this month. Rachel Lenstra, Youth Services Librarian/Archivist, explained that these artworks were created by students in the Art Explorers program for kindergarten through second grade and the Library’s STEAM Club for grades three through seven. They are in the style of Damien Hirst's "Spin Art" and were created by squirting paint on tops and spinning them over the papers and canvases.
Eye of the Storm
by Abigail Issleb, grade 7
- 8 - Open Mic
14 - Julien Chamber Choir concert
- 17 - Songwriters Showcase
4 - Ladies Must Swing Band, at Turner Hall. Free Concert
- 13 - Culvers Night for the Center
Recent Activities
at the Center
Thanks to all who came out to enjoy and support our Summer Reflections Exhibit these last two months! We hope you liked this exhibit as much as we did. We were so pleased once again having over 50 regional artists exhibiting with us, and we loved sharing over 100 contributions with the greater community. Several folks even returned to see this wonderful exhibit more than once!
Wild Geranium
photo by Barbara Baird
A wonderful evening of jazz provided by the John Erickson Trio.
Photo, l to r: John Erickson, Dave Hiltebrand, Tim Mulvenna
Lenny Wayne and Pearl Olson!
An enthusiastic audience welcomed Lenny Wayne and Pearl Olson
and friends for a Songwriters Showcase on a beautiful September evening. Lots of musicians joined in for Pearl’s farewell concert before she moves to Hawaii.
Photo, l to r: David Czech, Kevi Dohse, Pearl Breitbach Olson, Leo Troy, Gladys Ressler, Karen Buechele, Lenny Wayne, Jamie Jones.
photo by Jan Lavacek
For the final number, we were treated to a fire dance by Natalie Heck.
photo by Don Greenwood
Galena-Jo Daviess County Historical Society
28th Annual Cemetery Walk
We were happy to offer the Center’s performance space for the indoor performance of the 28th annual Cemetery Walk, a fundraiser for the Galena-Jo Daviess County Historical Society, written and directed by Jay Dickerson and Ronn Toebaas.
Performers, l to r, Bryan Ackerman, Alison Schoenrock,
Michael Crawford, Megan Gloss, Ernest Jackson, Cathie Elsbree,
Brian Schoenrock, Robin French at the piano
The Center's First Golf Outing
The Center had our first Golf Outing on September 29, and Mother Nature cooperated wonderfully. It was a wonderful day to be outside, and a good time was had by all. Big thanks to Matt Blaum and his committee of helpers, the Galena Golf Club, Poor Man’s Catering, and to all who so generously participated by playing, sponsoring, and donating auction items.
Corporate Spotlight
for October
Apple River Well & Pump Company
Blaum Bros. Distilling Co.
We welcome our new corporate member, Apple River Well & Pump Company, a third-generation water well drilling and pump installation contractor serving the tri-state area in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. John Liberg is the second generation owner, and his son, Brady, represents the third generation of ownership. Thanks for your support!
Blaum Bros. Distilling Co. was founded in 2013 by two brothers who found that the only way they could get along was to drink whiskey with each other. This love for the magical brown spirit led the brothers down the path less travelled: one where they ended up quitting their careers to distill fine spirits that would be enjoyed by all. Both Matt and Mike have been seen on our stage, and they have sponsored several of our radio show performances. Matt is the president of our Board of Directors.
We had a wonderful surprise when Sam Stoddard stopped by with an unexpected gift for us. Woodbine Bend Golf Course held a Charity Golf Outing in August to celebrate their 20th year anniversary, and two of the prize-winning teams (both from Exact Pest Solutions) named us as the Charity to receive their winnings! Thank you!
- Bryan and Jenni Ackerman
- Reigne Adrian
- Patricia Allen-Stewart
- Jim Baranski
- Stephanie Beck
- Tom and Suzie Bendler
- Matt Blaum
- Elizabeth Boggess
- Pat Bull
- Paul Chase and Mary Weck
- Steve and Maren Coates
- John Cox
- Dan Dittmar
- Cathy Dorwick
- Gavin Doyle
- Janet Eggleston
- EHMS Mechanical Services
- Elite Plumbing
- Cathie and Al Elsbree
Tom Erdman
- Tessa Flak
- Marcos Forte
- Avery Fullerton
- Galena Golf Club
- Galena-Jo Daviess County Historical Society
- Mark and Sheila Haman
- Dick and Joan Harmet
- Dan Harms
- Mary Carol Harris
- Terri Jackman
- Al and Sue Jirkovsky
- Julien’s Journal
- Tom Kirkwood
- Kloss-Winter Electric
- Kim Kreiser
- Lord of Love Lutheran Church
- Mary Jo Losey
- Marion Lubinski
- Jeff Maeder
- Carol Mantey
- Paul and Nancy McMenamin
- Robert Palmer
- Colin Sanderson
- Don Shine
- Gina Siegert
- Sam Stoddard
- Dennis and Leslie Waltman
- Connie Warnsing
- Lenny Wayne
- Sandy Winge
It’s time to renew your membership!
Did you know you can become a member,
or renew your membership, online?
Click here for information about our
membership program.
We are thrilled that we now have over 500 members, and are eager to expand our programming so that we can offer something for everyone! We ask for no funding from the City of Galena, but instead count on our local and regional friends to support the important work we do, through memberships and donations. It makes a difference.
The Arts benefit education; the Arts benefit the economy; and the Arts offer a richer life for all of us. Please be generous with your membership and added donations, so that we can complete the construction in our beautiful new venue and get all programming back on track.
Time to get involved! We still need greeters for the gallery and volunteers to help with serving at openings, ushering at music and theatre events, garden maintenance, painting, and more!
If you would like to help out as a greeter, please go to and choose the dates you would like to help. It’s not hard, and it’s so much fun to meet other art lovers and show off our wonderful new space. For other volunteer opportunities, email Carole.
Thanks so much!
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.
Here’s how to support the Center:
Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
- Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
- Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
- Begin shopping.
Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts
971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036
(815) 402-3111
To join the Galena Center for the Arts YouTube channel, click on this link. When on YouTube, click SUBSCRIBE. To receive notification of new videos, click on the bell icon next to SUBSCRIBED, then click on ALL.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman