Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. 243 | February 3, 2023

Weekly Chengyu

狂风暴雨 kuángfēng bàoyǔ

Definition: howling wind and torrential rain; (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation.

Original: 只有加快构建新发展格局,才能夯实我国经济发展的根基、增强发展的安全性稳定性,才能在各种可以预见和难以预见的狂风暴雨、惊涛骇浪中增强我国的生存力、竞争力、发展力、持续力,确保中华民族伟大复兴进程不被迟滞甚至中断,胜利实现全面建成社会主义现代化强国目标。

Source: Xi Jinping's message at the second annual group meeting of the Politburo is that China must hasten its construction of a new economic development model to safeguard China's economic development in the face of "gales and tempests" (狂风暴雨) as well as "crashing waves and stormy seas" (惊涛骇浪).

习近平在中共中央政治局第二次集体学习时强调 加快构建新发展格局 增强发展的安全性主动权

Here is the English language summary via Bloomberg News.


Weekly Reading: "China's Voice" Speaks Ahead of Blinken Visit

While it is not quite as exciting as talking about the balloon, this week's reading is an important article from the People's Daily under the 钟声 byline (中国之声). It was published in advance of Secretary Blinken’s visit to Beijing – the first visit by a senior U.S. official since the end of China’s zero-COVID policies. The editorial reads as an attempt to find a foundation for relations, pushing back at framing the entire relationship as zero-sum, strategic competition. This is one of those articles that is important to read in the original Chinese, rather than in secondary English reporting. It is also a great way to refresh your key vocab around the topic of U.S.-China relations.

中美必须找到正确相处之道( 钟声)

Job Opportunity

Research Assistant, Economics and Trade

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), a congressionally mandated commission, is seeking a Research Assistant for the Economics and Trade Team. This position is an excellent opportunity to join a small team of highly skilled analysts contributing to the U.S.-China policy debate in Washington through research and analysis and by serving as a trusted resource to Congress.

They are looking for an individual with superior research, writing, and communications skills, and expertise or a demonstrated interest in the U.S.-China economic relationship and China’s domestic economy, industrial policy, and foreign economic policy. Recent graduates and junior analysts are encouraged to apply.

Open and Closing Dates

Thursday, January 12, 2023 - Sunday, February 12, 2023

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