6:45AM - 8:00 AM - Day of Race Packet Pick-up. Please plan to arrive at least 45 minutes before your race start.
8:00AM - Half Marathon Start
8:15AM - 10K Start
8:30AM - 5K Start
12:00PM - Official Timing Concludes
*Please note there is no advance packet pick-up
The start line is located HERE at the Tacoma Narrows Airport by the HUB
There is AMPLE parking on the shoulder of 26th Ave NW. PLEASE ONLY PARK ON THE DIRT, NOT ON PAVEMENT. Areas in green are good for parking, areas in red are no parking zones. There is also some parking available along the shoulder of Stone Dr NW. Please do not park on the west side of 26th Ave NW between the Airport Gate and Stone Drive, this is part of our course (red area on map). There will be some limited parking in the airport parking lot on 26th Ave NW, but most spots will be taken by race crew. See map below.
All runners will pick-up their race bibs and shirts on race morning at the start line. There will be tables set-up in the parking lot. Bibs will be sorted by race distance and alphabetically by last name.

We will have an area for you to drop any personal belongings and provide you with a clear plastic bag. You will have a tag on your bib that you can attach to your bag.
Aid stations will be serving water and Gatorade. For the half marathon, aid stations at Mile 5.2, 8.5 and 10.7 will have Gu energy gels (assorted flavors). Aid Station Locations are as follows:
Half Marathon Aid Stations
1 - Mile 2 at Point Fosdick Road Turnaround
2 - Mile 4.1 on Stone Drive
3 - Mile 5.2 at Cushman Trail Entrance
4 - Mile 6.7 at Cushman Trail and Olympic Drive
5 - Mile 8.5 at Cushman Trail Entrance
6 - Mile 10.7 at Tacoma Narrows Bridge Turnaround
7 - Mile 12.2 at Stone Drive
*Distances are approximate and may vary by +/- 0.2 miles.
10K Aid Stations
1 - Mile 1.8 at Stone Drive
2 - Mile 3.9 at Tacoma Narrows Bridge Turnaround
3 - Mile 5.3 at Stone Drive
*Distances are approximate and may vary by +/- 0.2 miles.
5K Aid Stations
1 - Mile 0.8 at Stone Drive
2 - Mile 2.2 at Stone Drive
*Distances are approximate and may vary by +/- 0.2 miles.
LINK to course maps and elevation
Porta Potty Locations:
1 - Stone Drive and Point Fosdick Roundabout (Half Marathon Mile 0.8/3.2, 10K Mile 0.8)
2 - Stone Drive just west of Jahn Ave (Half Marathon Mile 4.1/12.2, 10K Mile 1.8/5.3, 5K Mile 0.8/2.2)
3 - Cushman Trail-head off 14th (Half Marathon Mile 5.2/8.5)
All participants will receive a Tech race shirt, Complimentary Downloadable Race Photos, and a custom medal!
All the above information and more is available on our website!
Please visit and check out race day details.