December 9th, 2018: Only 18 Days Edition
Phone: 204-487-4263  
You arrive back in town after a long adventure, eager to rest, relax, and maybe pick up a few new toys. After stashing your gear at the inn and grabbing a bite to eat, you head out to the local market, renowned for its incredible selection.

Your sight is filled with a plethora of games the likes of which you've never seen. After recovering from the initial bout of being awestruck, you begin to browse the wares.

A number of new items catch your eyes...
KeyForge Open Play Every Wednesday!
The enthusiasm the community has shown makes it clear: you folks love KeyForge and want to play it more! We'll be hosting events every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm. Currently there's no entry fee or prizing, but stay tuned for information on one-off weeks where we'll be running limited or competitive events for the game!

Date & Time: Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm
Entry: Free!

Invite your friends and indicate your interest on Facebook !
Upcoming Event
It's that time of year again. Family, food, presents, and of course, draft! Every year, on the Thursday before Christmas, we invite everyone to come down to the store for a special Holiday wacky draft.

Wacky draft is functionally similar to a normal draft, except you get to choose any three packs you want to draft with! What makes it Holiday-like? As a bonus, after players have drafted their third pack, everyone will receive a random 4th booster pack at no cost wrapped like a present to be drafted!

Start time: 6:30 pm
Format: Wacky Draft
Cost: Only the cost of whichever boosters you'd like to draft with

Invite your friends and indicate your interest on Facebook !
New In Stock
Pandemic: Fall of Rome
Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra
Camel Up 2nd Edition
Warhammer 40k Death Guard Battleforce Box
Warhammer 40k Craftworlds Aeldari Battleforce Box
Warhammer 40k Adeptus Mechanicus Battleforce Box
Warhammer 40k Imperial Fists Battleforce Box
Age of Sigmar Daughters of Khaine Battleforce Box
Age of Sigmar Idoneth Deepkin Battleforce Box
Age of Sigmar Seraphon Battleforce Box
Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness Battleforce Box
Warhammer 40k Necromunda Underhive
Fortnite Monopoly
Sailor Moon Monopoly
Heroes of Dominaria Board Game
Scythe: Encounters
Robotech: Ace Pilot
Cranium Dark
Battle Penguins
7 Wonders: Armada
Shards of Infinity: Relics of the Future
Dixit 10th Anniversary Expansion
GameKnight Games | (204) 487-4263 | |