March 2021
Student News
Your monthly news & updates on all things Gamma Iota Sigma
What's Ahead
Allies in Insurance: Industry Diversity Fair & Connection Point
March 25, 2021 11:00am - 4:00pm EST
This virtual event will bring leading insurance organizations together to cohesively and meaningfully engage with diverse collegiate talent while informing and empowering students from underrepresented groups to join our growing industry.
Gamma Iota Sigma members, HBCUs, on-campus minority groups, and ALL students representing a diverse variety of backgrounds and majors are invited to join to learn more about the insurance industry as a career path and its resources.
50th Annual International Conference
September 23-25, 2021

Mark your calendars for Gamma Iota Sigma's 50th Annual International Conference! A decision will be made as to whether the event will be virtual or in-person by May 31st. Stay tuned for more information!
February Recap
The Pipeline Event
In celebration of Insurance Careers Month, Gamma Iota Sigma hosted the 4th Annual The Pipeline Event. 200+ students representing 64 colleges and universities and 50 industry representatives from 23 sponsoring organizations joined the event to network and discuss industry hot topics, professional development, and career-related topics.

Thank you to The Pipeline Sponsors, students, faculty representatives, and Trustees who participated and made the event a success!
6th Annual Insurance Careers Month
Gamma Iota Sigma was proud to be an #ICM2021 partner for this global initiative to raise awareness of career opportunities in insurance. Thanks to all the GIS students and alumni who shared their stories through Gamma Iota Sigma's #WhyInsurance campaign during Insurance Careers Month.
Announcing an Expansion of GammaSAID!
After several months of strategic brainstorming and discussions with stakeholders, Gamma Iota Sigma is pleased to share that we have expanded the purpose of GammaSAID (Solutions for Authenticity, Inclusion & Diversity) to serve as the DEI strategy for Gamma Iota Sigma focused on four pillars:
  • GammaSAID Student Council
  • GammaSAID Industry Council
  • HBCU Engagement Initiative
  • Grand Chapter Programming & Initiatives
Applications are due March 5, 2021
Student Leadership Opportunity
GammaSAID’s Student Council develops resources and presents programming year-round for the benefit of all 5,000+ members, providing the student voice on matters of diversity and inclusion. The Council offers a D&I framework and promotes best practices encouraging students to build D&I into everyday conversations, intentions, outreach, and events, including how to meaningfully engage other majors and groups on campus. It is comprised of the GammaSAID Alumni Chair, Student Chair, and Vice-Chair.
We are now seeking applications for the Student Chair and Vice-Chair positions. Responsibilities include a 1-year term in office, facilitating monthly calls with D&I chapter leaders, developing resources to support D&I officers, leading sessions at Grand Chapter events.
Industry Engagement Opportunities
Emerging Leaders Program
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
2:45 PM - 5:00 PM EDT

You're invited! Join The Ohio Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (OAMIC) for Emerging Leaders: Understanding the Next Generation of Young Professionals virtual webinar.

FREE for all students and recent graduates
April 19-30, 2021

RIMS LIVE 2021 is the most comprehensive risk management event the world has yet to experience – digitally. You’ll find insight, opportunity, and connections to build a bigger, stronger, and more versatile risk management community.
Key Resources
Scholarship Opportunities
Derek Hughes Scholarship Program
Application Deadline: March 7, 2021

Sponsored by the WSIA Education Foundation The Derek Hughes Scholarship is for undergraduate students pursuing an insurance or business-related program of study. The purpose of the scholarship program is to further the study of insurance and encourage, support, and reward those exceptional students who have an interest in an insurance career. Up to 24 $5,000 scholarships will be awarded; $2,500 for Fall 2021 and $2,500 for Spring 2022.
NAMIC Mutual Insurance Foundation
Application Deadline: March 31, 2021

The NAMIC Mutual Insurance Foundation has opened its scholarship application portal for college upperclassmen who are working toward a degree in insurance/risk management or ancillary subject. Scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded to qualified applicants.
International Association of Black Actuaries Scholarship Program
Application Deadline: April 1, 2021

The IABA Scholarship Program provides scholarships at the undergraduate and graduate level for black students who are interested in pursuing actuarial careers. Award amount: $1,500 - $5,000
Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 1, 2021

The Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship is for an undergraduate senior enrolled as a full-time student who has successfully completed at least one actuarial examination. The award amount is $3,000 and will be divided to cover multiple semesters.
Milliman Opportunity Scholarship

Milliman has established a scholarship program to assist students from qualifying ethnic groups and races who have historically been under-represented in the fields of actuarial science, data science, computer science, programming, economics, mathematics, statistics, data analytics, and finance.
Featured Chapters and Events
Drake Symposium
April 9, 2021

The Chi Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma at Drake University invites you to attend The Drake Symposium on Friday, April 9. This virtual event brings together actuarial students to engage the industry and further their education, while making valuable connections with over 150 participants from across the country. Attendees can also choose to participate in the case competition, with $2,400 in prize money! Free to all students. Registration deadline: March 4, 2021

Sponsored by the Chi Chapter at Drake University
Risky Run - Chapter Fundraiser
April 12 - 18, 2021

Join other chapters for the Risky Run 2021 Virtual 5k event and raise funds for your chapter. All you have to do is advertise and promote the event for your chapter!

Sponsored by the Gamma Beta Chapter at The University of Akron
Gamma in the News
Perspectives on Leadership Podcast
Gamma Iota Sigma Executive Director, Grace Grant, was recently featured on the Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) Property & Casualty Insurance Podcast. Listen to the discussion about perspectives on leadership and engaging the next generation of insurance professionals.
Women in Insurance
GIS Trustee Stephanie Dunstan discusses the career journey that led her to insurance, what the industry can do to attract new talent and ensure inclusivity and diversity in insurance leadership, and how insurance carriers are working with their clients to address the challenges of COVID-19. in Chisel AI's Women In Insurance Series.
GIS Alumni
Update Your Information
Getting ready to graduate? Moving or has your contact information changed? What's next? Update your information to stay up-to-date on all things GIS!
Join the Alumni Council
Stay involved after you graduate! Join the Alumni Council to connect with local alumni and industry professionals, promote GIS in the industry, and support students. Find your local Alumni Chapter.

Don't see your city on the list? Ask Alumni Council Leadership about starting a chapter in your city.
Shop + Support
Treat yourself or a fellow member of the #GammaFam with Gamma Gear! We have tees, polo shirts, comfy sweatshirts, and more.
Support Gamma Iota Sigma while you shop by using Amazon Smile, and Amazon will donate 0.5% back to GIS, at no cost to you!
Sustaining Partners
Visionary Partners
Leader Partners
Innovator Partners
Contact Us
Grace Grant
Executive Director
Nikia Jefferson
Vice President, University Relations
& Member Services
Alyssa Bouchard
Vice President, Industry Engagement
Ashley Ganoe
Communications and Events Coordinator
Gamma Iota Sigma | P.O. Box 1744, Powell, OH 43065 |