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Dear Businesses:
Our updates this week are mainly regarding the current funds taking applications. We did not receive new information last week.


the  Business Finance Authority GAP FUND.  This grant program is for businesses and nonprofit organizations that were not eligible for the Main Street Relief Fund or Nonprofit Relief Fund.
  • New Businesses (started within the last 12 months) are eligible.
  • Franchise businesses are eligible.
  • The Application opens on July 21 thru August 4.

NH Employment Security has launched the  NH Job Search Portal  for Covid-19 Response Recruitment. NH Businesses are encouraged to post your open positions here and NHES will be encouraging those receiving unemployment benefits to search for positions here. This is a free service.


Vermont Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Cares Act
Sole Proprietor Stabilization Grant Program 
Sole Proprietors may apply for grants of $5,000, $7,500 or $10,000 through a  Lottery  draw. The Application opens Monday July 20 thru August 14. The lottery will be held on Aug. 14.

Among eligibility criteria businesses must:
  • Be a Sole Proprietor, do not issue W-2s to any employees.   
  • Be a for-profit entity.
  • Have a physical establishment (mailing address only is not sufficient) in the Vermont city/town of application.
  • Provide goods or services to multiple clients or customers.
  • Have annual gross revenues greater than $25,000.
  • Have been legally established prior to or as of January 1, 2020.

Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission  (TRORC) will be administering funds for the counties of Windsor, Orange, Caledonia, Essex, Orleans, Franklin, Grand Isle, and Chittenden.

This program requires an applicant to have a DUNS # prior to registration for access to the grant management application. To request a free DUNS # go to   https://www.dnb.com/.   Potential applicants who meet all program criteria are strongly encouraged to start the DUNS # application process prior to the pre-application start date of July 20, 2020
UVBA Member News & Good News to Share
UVBA Members: Log into to UVBA website to post your news releases for inclusion in the newsletter. Need help with your log in? Email Us.
We will be sharing news on what our members are doing to navigate the current situation as well as any good news or happenings here. Members log in and post a news release or email us at [email protected]

Get listed with Trailside Services on TrailFinder. The Upper Valley Trails Alliance manages Trail Finder. It has become the go to resource for trail information throughout all of VT and NH. Since COVID struck, Trail Finder usage has increased 125% and now has over 350,000 users annually.  is an opportunity to feature businesses interested in catering to outdoor adventurers (think lodging, food, rental shops, other retail, breweries, etc) and link those businesses to trail pages in their geographic vicinity. The service is free for a first year.

Vital Communities Upper Valley Economy Listserv.     To SUBSCRIBE: send a blank message to    [email protected]
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