Save One Life, Transform Another

In case you missed the announcement last week, we have a couple events coming up which we would love for you to know about.

Our first ever Garage Sale is coming up! In order to make this a success, we need items to sell and volunteers to help with the sorting and selling. How will YOU help?
Next up is our Summer Open House. Because we are a home and it's important for us to preserve the privacy of our residents, we only host these Open Houses a couple times a year. If you want to get a "behind the curtain" look at what it's like to live at 29:Eleven, you should definitely come! RSVP info is below and we hope to see you there.
As of last Saturday, BOTH of our locations are at full capacity. One of our new moms is pregnant with TWINS! We are so honored to be a part of these brave women's stories. You are a part of their story, too! 29:Eleven only exists with the help of generous people like you. Would you make a donation to support these moms in their desire to positively transform their lives and the lives of their babies? Gifts can be made by clicking here.

We are forever grateful for you!

In His Service,

Mike and Beckie Pérez
and the 29:Eleven Board of Directors
To make an immediate gift or to set up recurring monthly gifts, click here.
Click the image below to watch a short 1-minute video about 29:Eleven.
600 B Street Suite 2100 
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 432-7773