New Garbage Cart Arrival!

* New carts will be dropped off at your home beginning the week of Dec 11 and be delivered to all residents throughout the week. With the bins, we will include literature with additional details about the program.

2024 Garbage Program Changes

  • New carts will be dropped off at your home beginning the week of December 11 and will be delivered to all residents throughout the week.

  • With the bins we will include literature with additional details about the program.

  • You can begin using the new carts immediately but until 12/31 you will need green bags in them.

  • Old containers can be recycled at the recycling center at any time, used for other purposes, or labeled to be picked up in bulk. 

  • Stickers will be allowed up to 3x per year - if you need more than that you should upsize your cart. They will be available to be ordered online and picked up at Borough Hall.

  • Signage and more information to come specific to your neighborhood.
Click the map for larger view!

rogram.Effective Date: January 1, 2024

  • Green bags will no longer be required
  • Dispose of solid waste in Borough-provided garbage carts
  • Garbage collected once per week
  • Bulk continues once/month but stricter enforcement of limits
  • No change to recycling schedule anticipated

If you live North of Main Street, you are in the ORANGE zone. Your new collection day is Tuesday; your new bulk day is the first Friday of the month.

If you live between Main Street and Watchung, you are in the YELLOW zone. Your new collection day is Wednesday. Your bulk pickup day is the second Friday of the month.

If you live South of Watchung, you are in the BLUE zone. Your new collection day is Thursday. Your new bulk pickup day is the third Friday of the month.

If you live on Main or Watchung, your collection day will correspond with the zone of the side of the street where your home is located.

35 Gallon – Suitable for 1-2 person households

= 3 small green bags or 1 ½ large green bags/week

Total annual solid waste bill (includes recycling, bulk, and mulch site)

= $259

Senior citizens interested in collection every other week only please call the DPW to sign up for a discounted rate.

65 Gallon – Suitable for most families

= 5 small green bags or 2 ½ large green bags per week

Total annual solid waste bill (includes recycling, bulk, and mulch site)

= $482

95 Gallon – Suitable for larger families*

*or, those who entertain, prefer single use containers, or throw out lots of bulky items such as pizza boxes

= 10 small green bags or 5 large green bags per week

Total annual solid waste bill (includes recycling, bulk, and mulch site)

= $704

2024 Garbage Program FAQs

Q: Why is this change being made? In recent years, we have faced a number of challenges with the green bags program, including cost increases of over 70% in just three years, safety issues with manual garbage collection, difficulty with the supply and quality of green bags, and animals getting into the green bags.

Q: Do I have to pay for the cart? No, the carts will be provided by Chatham Borough at no cost.

Q: Why are these carts considered beneficial? The carts are highly durable with hinged lids to keep rainwater and pests out, and odors in. They are used with automated loaders which are safer and reduces labor. They come with ten-year warranties and have RFID chips and bar codes so cans can be returned to a property if they blow away after a storm or are stolen.

Q: Is this really less expensive? Yes, this program will cost less for the Borough and residents than continuing the green bags program. The new rates replace both your annual solid waste bill and the cost of green bags.

Q: I already have trash and recycling cans. Can I refuse the Borough’s carts and use my own? No, only solid waste and recyclables secured in the Borough-provided carts will be collected. If you no longer want or need your existing cans, the Borough will collect them and dispose of them for you. 

Q: Can I opt out of this program? No, all Borough residents are Solid Waste utility customers.

Q: Is the recycling program changing as well? No, no recycling changes are anticipated.

Q: What about bulk? Bulk waste will continue to be collected monthly. Due to increasing costs, the Borough has asked the vendor to enforce existing bulk limits more strictly and only pick up what is allowed.

Q: What if I have a party or event that generates lots of extra garbage? For occasional excess garbage, you may place a bag next to your container affixed with a sticker for excess trash. Stickers are available for $3 at Borough Hall and will be sufficient for one large (up to 40 gallon) bag. 

Q: Where do I place the cart? See guidelines below. Still not sure about cart placement or concerned about a steep slope? Contact DPW for the best solution based on your home’s location.

CLICK HERE for GREEN WAYS to reuse your old garbage bin from the Environmental Commission!

Visit our Website for Garbage & Recycling Information 

There will be no change to Recycling at this time!

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Sign up here!

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