ISSUE #730 - JUNE 13, 2019
It's grow time! Get tips on island beds, adding Astilbe and more in this week's Garden Newsletter.
Creating an Island Garden Bed
Island beds are freestanding beds, usually surrounded by lawn. By installing an island bed you can take a bare, uninteresting area and turn it into an attractive, eye-catching landscape feature. Use island beds to create a focal point, screen unattractive features, create privacy and reduce noise and lawn size.

Follow these tips if you're interesting in adding one of these features to your home...
Kerry's Tips of the Week
Shady Characters: Awesome Astilbes
Astilbes are the drama queens of the shade garden. You cannot help but admire these "no-fuss" divas for their beauty and grace.

Their flowers can be delicate and frothy or stiff and compact, and the blooms range in color from red, burgundy, white, purple, rosy-purple, peach and various shades of pink. The handsome, fern-like foliage is a delightful contrast to heftier leaves like those of Hosta and Rodgersia, and the leaves can be shiny, matted or coarse.

Read on to discover some of my favorite varieties and best planting practices...
KERRY ANN MENDEZ  is an award-winning garden educator, author and design consultant based in southern Maine. Her latest book is  The Budget-Wise Gardener .

You'll now find her at our Kennebunk store consulting on  garden design , answering your gardening questions and much more.
Visit Us for Plant Something Weekend
Visit Estabrook's (and many other independent garden centers) for Plant Something Weekend on June 21st to 23rd .

Our Yarmouth store will have food trucks ( Fishin' Ships  on Saturday, June 22nd and My Waffle on Sunday, June 23rd), giveaways, kids activities, special promotional pricing and more as we celebrate Maine gardening.

This event is presented in cooperation with Plant Something Maine .
Flower Happy Hour Next Thursday, June 20th
Join us next Thursday, June 20th from 6:30-7:30pm  for a "Floral Happy Hour" hosted by Ashley Dyer from  Farmhouse Floral from Estabrook's  at our Yarmouth store.

We will provide all the necessary materials (clippers, vase, flowers and greens) to make a beautiful flower arrangement that you can bring home during this fun and instructional do-it-yourself class.

Tickets are  $55 each  and can be purchased online via EventBrite.

PLEASE NOTE: Spots are limited! Purchase your tickets now to ensure availability.
Estabrook's | (207) 846-4398 |