ISSUE #778 - MAY 21, 2020
Take advantage of the long weekend and get some gardening done with our planting tips.
Memorial Day Weekend is here! We're now open every day (including Memorial Day) from 9am to 5pm in Yarmouth and Kennebunk. Please review our new safety measures before your next visit.
How to Plant Annuals
Annual plants like petunias and geraniums will add instant color to garden beds and landscapes that will last all season. With so many different varieties in a kaleidoscope of colors, there are annuals for any occasion.

Follow these planting tips to make sure you're getting your annuals off to a great start and you'll be enjoying a bounty of blooms right away...
Kerry's Tips of the Week
Clematis Planting and Pruning Tips
Clematis are gorgeous plants that will grow on vines that scramble up walls, trellises and arbors. Their pinwheel shaped flowers are very large and appear in a wide range of lovely shades.

Read on to discover my tips on planting and pruning these popular perennials...
KERRY ANN MENDEZ  is an award-winning garden educator, author and design consultant based in southern Maine. Her latest book is  The Budget-Wise Gardener .

You'll now find her at Estabrook's in Kennebunk consulting on  garden design , answering your gardening questions and much more.
Grow Your Best Tomatoes Ever
Fresh is best when it comes to nearly all vegetables, but when it comes to tomatoes , there's really no comparison. If you want to grow the biggest, best and most flavorful tomatoes yet, you should think about using grafted tomatoes .

Learn more about why this breakthrough in breeding is the best thing that has happened to your backyard tomato crop...
Creating Inviting Foundation Plantings
Foundation plantings can be so much more than a few shrubs placed around the base of a home. These plantings hide the foundation, soften the lines of a house and visually tie the house to the ground and the surrounding area. Foundation plantings also make houses feel less imposing and more inviting.

Follow these tips to plant (or improve) your foundation plants...
Schedule Your Bulk Delivery
No truck? No problem!

We deliver bulk mulch, soil, compost and more throughout Southern Maine seven days a week. Order volume has been very high this spring , so place your order now to ensure delivery in time for your gardening projects.
Estabrook's | (207) 846-4398 |