Back in Stock - CobraHead Long Handle. Our out of stock situation on long handles left us scrambling in June to get them out once they were back in inventory. Along with all the commotion, we didn't get out a newsletter. We're back. We hope you like it and we thank you all for being such great customers.
Since we didn't have a drawing last month, we'll have two in July. Two winners of our triple tool package - each with a value of $109.95
As usual, all you have to do to enter is to reply to this email and request to be entered into the drawing. If you want to leave any additional comments for us, we love to read them. We'll do a random drawing of all responses received by Wednesday, July 22nd.
Our winner of the May giveaway was Elaine, from Nashua, New Hampshire, who received a CobraHead Original and CobraHead Mini. Thank you to everyone who entered, and we encourage you to try again this month! It is as easy as it gets.