Coronavirus – Opportunity Or Obstacle

Dear Spiritual Partner,

Corona usually refers to an aura (visible appearance) of plasma (ionized gas) around the sun. The coronavirus that is infecting humans for the first time (which is why we have no immunity) is covid-19. It is a type of coronavirus, just as “rose” is a type of flower. Yet covid-19 is a bloodless, lifeless term with no emotional relevance to human experience. That is why, in my opinion, we continue to call the virus that has infected us the coronavirus. We sense that it is intimately related to us humans.

As we become multisensory – able to perceive beyond the limitations of the five senses – we begin to see that everything around us is symbolic. The world is no longer random and meaningless. It is filled with meaning, and we can learn about ourselves from it. What can we learn about ourselves from the coronavirus?

The corona of the sun extends millions of miles into space and is hugely hotter than the visible surface of the sun. It is not detectable without instruments, except during a solar eclipse, but it is real and its effects upon the Earth are real. Is there an invisible part of us that extends far beyond what our five senses can detect and whose effects upon us are large and real? Yes. There are many, and we call one of them our collective consciousness.

We can detect the surface, so to speak, of our collective consciousness just as we can detect the visible surface of the sun (with dark sunglasses).  For example, we say that the origins of our mythologies, religions, and cultures are contained in our collective consciousness. Everything about humanity is contained in it. The corona of our collective consciousness, so to speak, is that part of our collective consciousness that extends far beyond its surface, which means beyond what we can see in it (our mythologies, religions, and cultures) and is hugely more impactful. This is our love and our fear. They are huge parts of our collective consciousness, and they impact us greatly moment by moment. They are, metaphorically speaking, the corona of our collective consciousness.

The coronavirus is showing how large are the fear and love in our collective consciousness. We are beginning to recognize the fear in our collective consciousness as our fear. I am beginning to recognize it as my fear, and you are beginning to recognize it as your fear. At the same time, we are beginning to recognize the love in our collective consciousness as our love. I am beginning to recognize it as my love, and you are beginning to recognize it as your love.

Let your experiences of the coronavirus show you the intense, unbearable pain of your fear (and the fear in our collective consciousness) and the ineffable bliss of your love (and the love in our collective consciousness). We have so much to learn from the coronavirus, if we are open to learning.

And this is the beginning.

With Love,
