Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. Upcoming programs, workshops and events
  3. New Build Update
  4. Celebrating #TeamGrandview
  5. Meet our volunteers
  6. Project Spotlight
  7. Program Spotlight
  8. Community Corner
  9. October event recap
  10. Dates of significance
  11. Grandview Kids Foundation

Message from the CEO

If you have had the chance to catch a peek at Grandview Kids’ new Ajax headquarters on Harwood Road, you will have likely noticed how far this amazing and immense construction project has come. Many of you have watched this incredible facility come to life, from our impassioned groundbreaking ceremony in the Spring of 2022 to where it is today. Our dedicated construction partners have executed an impressive piece of architecture that is equally beautiful as it is accessible and state-of-the-art, and it has been a privilege to deliver on their vision.

I want to formally invite you to see it for yourself!

Later this month, on Saturday, November 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., we will host a Community Open House, allowing members of the public to drop in, visit the space and get a firsthand sense of how awe-inspiring it is. Registration for this event is required, and upon registering, you will choose a specific one-hour time slot within that window of time. Read our “New Build Update” section below, detailing what you need to know if you have an upcoming appointment at our new headquarters and what to expect at our Community Open House.

Class is in session at the new Grandview School! The Grandview School Team and students have officially moved into their new facility and begun operations. I’ve just returned to my office from their annual Halloween Parade, which was an absolute treat. I wish our education partners at Grandview School and their students a successful remainder of the school year in their brand-new space.

Grandview School's new entrance.

Halloween at Grandview School.

In our November “Project Spotlight,” we focus our attention on the newly added “Resources for Parents and Caregivers” page on our website. This resource page houses resources spanning 12 distinct categories that range from Motor Skill Development to Play and Social Skills. These resources include handouts, presentations and videos and are available to everyone. I want to thank the many clinicians across Grandview Kids who have collaborated to compile these high-quality resources. I encourage you to read the spotlight below to learn more about the available resources and how you may access them.

This month, we’re celebrating the success of our Pumpkin Palooza and Accessible Trick-or-Treating events hosted by Grandview Kids’ Family Engagement Team in October. We’re excited to share some of our favourite moments and provide links to view and download all the event photos. We also want to recognize our incredible team of volunteers, especially as many transition to support us at our new headquarters. In honour of International Volunteer Managers Day on November 5, we’re including a thoughtful quote from Tara, our Volunteer Coordinator.

I eagerly look forward to you joining me in a month of celebrations as we share the excitement our new facility brings to Team Grandview, our community and the clients and families we are privileged to serve. Your participation in these celebrations will make them even more special.


Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids

Nov. 5: International Volunteer

Managers Day

People around the world recognize the important role volunteers play in many areas of life. But volunteers don’t work alone. That’s why we celebrate International Volunteer Managers Day every year on November 5.

Visit our blog as Grandview Kids’ Volunteer Coordinator, Tara, reflects on the significance of the Volunteer Program >

Five tips to support vocal

hygiene at home

Grandview Kids Speech-Language Pathologist Rikki shares five tips to support vocal hygiene at home, from staying hydrated to taking voice breaks. These simple strategies can help protect your child’s vocal cords and promote healthy communication habits.

Discover all five tips and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine on our blog >

Nov. 14: World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day highlights the urgent need for awareness as diabetes affects 1 in 10 adults and a growing number of children. Many individuals with diabetes are still undiagnosed. Proper lifestyle changes or medication management is essential to reduce serious health risks associated with the condition.

Andrea, Family Engagement Program Manager at Grandview Kids, shares her experience of living with diabetes. Read her story on our blog >

Nov. 17: World Prematurity Day

On World Prematurity Day, we wear purple to raise awareness about preterm births and the unique challenges faced by premature babies and their families. Nearly 8% of babies are born prematurely in Canada, and many spend critical time in Neonatal Intensive Care and require ongoing support for developmental and health needs.

Grandview Kid Connor was born prematurely at 27 weeks gestation. Read Connor's story on our blog >

Upcoming programs, workshops and events

Family Engagement

Adult Legal 

Guardianship Workshop

Join us for an educational and fun evening to learn about Adult Legal Guardianship. This will help plan for today or the future. This workshop will be run by Rachel Merucci from TBH Legal.

Date: Tues., November 12, 2024

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to your email a couple of days before the event)

Click here to register >

Paperwork Party

Join us virtually for a walk-through of the Special Services At Home (SSAH) application. This application is submitted online, so you will need to use a laptop/tablet or cellphone with internet access to participate during the session. 

Date: Wed., November 20, 2024

Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to your email a couple of days before the event)

Click here to register >

Adolescent Transition Program November Coffee Chat

Join us for our Adolescent Transition Program Virtual Coffee Chat! This is a fantastic opportunity for caregivers of youth aged 15+ to meet and connect. We will build relationships and share information with each other.

Date: Tues., November 26, 2024

Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual via Teams

(Link will be sent to your email a couple of days before the event)


Click here to register >

Caregiver Café

Our monthly Caregiver Café provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere for caregivers to relax and enjoy themselves. Light snacks and warm beverages will be available; there's something for everyone to enjoy. Speak with others on a similar journey in a safe space where we can connect with and learn from one another.


Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Location: In-person at the Ajax Public Library: Main Branch, 55 Harwood Ave S

REQUIRED: Click here to register >

Purchased Services: Fall 2024 programming

Note: The services below can be purchased with Ontario Autism Program (OAP) funding designated for Core Clinical Services, private funding and/or private insurance.

At Grandview Kids, we approach Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) through fun and engaging individualized activities based on the child or youth. We work closely with families to create a personalized plan that fits each child and youth’s unique needs in areas that focus on communication, emotional regulation, daily living skills and behaviours that interfere with learning.


Grandview Kids offers two purchased Behaviour Service streams:

  • Focused (formerly F.A.S.T.): Concentrates on teaching foundational skills using the principles and teaching methods of ABA. This program is for children and youth who benefit from regular practice to help grow their skills. The skills targeted in this model may include communication, imitation, play skills, behaviour management, self-care and motor skills.
  • Mediated (formerly Mediator): Goals within the Mediated Model are set using the principles and teaching methods of ABA, guided by input from the client and their parent/caregiver and assessment results. This program is ideal for families looking to focus on a specific number of skills and those who want to learn how to help their child practice and apply what they’ve learned during the session. A broad range of goal areas can be focused on, which may include behaviour management, communication, play skills, self-care, job readiness and motor skills.


For more information on pricing, program details and registration requirements, please 

visit My Community Hub.



If you have any questions about Purchased Behaviour Services at Grandview Kids, please email or call us at 905-728-1673 (toll-free at 1-800-304-6180) and press “5” to connect with the Purchased Services Team.

Register today!

An update on Grandview Kids' new headquarters

We are only a few weeks away from officially opening our new headquarters! Clients with appointments will first be welcomed on November 14. If you have an upcoming appointment at our new Ajax headquarters, this webpage has all the information you need to get ready for your first visit.

The webpage includes the building address, as well as instructions for where to park and how to enter. There are also photos and a social story to help prepare you and your child for your first visit. Team Grandview looks forward to seeing you soon!

Get ready for your first appointment >

Join us for our Community Open House on Saturday, November 23!

Join us for a Community Open House at the New Grandview Kids!


Grandview Kids invites the community to tour its new headquarters in Ajax. Members of the public, clients, families, staff, donors and anyone else who is interested can join us for guided tours of some parts of the building.

Pre-registration is REQUIRED. This event is free to attend.

For more information, please email

Click here to register for the Community Open House

Celebrating #TeamGrandview

Grandview Kids Peer Navigators attend the North America Conference on Integrated Care in Calgary, Alberta!

In mid-October, Peer Navigators on Grandview Kids’ Family Engagement Team April and Jacki had the privilege to represent the organization in Calgary at the North America Conference on Integrated Care (NACIC). This was the second NACIC to take place. The NACIC gathers global health leaders, researchers and community members to explore innovative ways to improve health and care systems. The conference focuses on themes including community well-being, teamwork in complex systems and equitable, person-centred care.

On behalf of Grandview’s team of Peer Navigators who make up the Family Engagement Team (FET), April and Jacki presented at the conference. Their presentation was entitled “The value of lived experience; embedding the family voice in interdisciplinary teams.” Here’s what they had to share about their experience:


Congratulations, Dr. Taryn Eickmeier, on your Region of Durham 2024 Accessibility Award!

Earlier this fall, Dr. Taryn Eickmeier, Executive Lead, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Mobilization at Grandview Kids, won a Region of Durham 2024 Accessibility Award! This award is presented annually by the Durham Region Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) to individuals, businesses or organizations based on their efforts in identifying, removing and preventing barriers for individuals living with a disability. When asked about what winning this award means to her,

Dr. Eickmeier stated:

Meet our volunteers

This month, we want to introduce you to Tarana – one of Grandview Kids’ incredible volunteers!

Our caring, committed team of volunteers is comprised of students, retirees, and working professionals who, through their devotion to their time and expertise, add a little sparkle to

our organization.

Let's meet Tarana!


Did you know?

Grandview Kids is actively recruiting volunteers to support us at our new Ajax-based headquarters and Oshawa-Dwyer site, starting this fall.

If you or someone you know is interested in our available opportunities and would like to apply, please visit our website to learn more.


Project Spotlight: Resources for all families

Grandview Kids has just launched our website's Tier One (also informally referred to as “good-for-all”) â€śResources for Parents and Caregivers” page! The path to access this page on our website is Resources > Resources for Parents and Caregivers.

How to navigate to the "Resources for Parents and Caregivers" page

from the landing page of

On this page, you will find a series of resources collected for the following categories: 

  • Behaviour and Attention 
  • Colouring, Printing and Scissor Skills 
  • Dressing, Bathing and Toileting 
  • Eating 
  • Getting Ready for Kindergarten 
  • Listening and Understanding 
  • Motor Skill Development 
  • Play and Social Skills 
  • Sensory 
  • Stuttering 
  • Talking 
  • Additional Resources 


Please select a category to access resources relevant to your child or youth’s goals. As applicable, category pages have resources organized into the following four types: handouts, videos, presentations and website links. This page is publicly available and easily accessible on mobile web browsers, enabling you to direct clients to helpful resources “in the moment.”


Thank you to our clinicians who helped compile these high-quality resources!

Program Spotlight: Entry to School

Important: The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) determines if a child is eligible for the ETS program. Only families who receive invitations from the Ministry may apply. Grandview Kids does not control eligibility. 

The Entry to School (ETS) program supports children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in developing school-readiness skills and supporting their transition to school as they enter Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time. The ETS curriculum reflects the play and inquiry-based learning approach in Ontario’s Kindergarten classrooms. Through engaging, child-led activities, the ETS Team supports children’s development in six skill areas: communication, play, social interaction, functional routines, behavioural self-management and pre-academics (i.e., learning and attention).

The ETS program offers two different service options to families in Durham Region: a Group-Based Service Model and an Integrated-Service Model. Each model is delivered six months before the child enters kindergarten or Grade One for the first time. This six-month period is referred to as the “school readiness phase.”

About the Group-Based Service Model

The Group-Based Service Model is a half-day program offered in various schools across the Durham Region and delivered to children in a setting that looks and feels like a typical kindergarten classroom. Each classroom is organized to support and enhance the learning of each child. The program is led by staff with experience in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), early childhood development and the support of children with ASD. A multi-disciplinary Consultation Team of Speech-Language Pathologists, Communicative Disorders Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Behaviour Analysts, Peer Navigators and Transition Coordinators visit each classroom across all schools weekly to support program implementation.

This room is designed to help children practice the skills and routines for school.

A space designed to practice entry and exit routines to the classroom. Visuals (like the footprints) make learning easier.

About the Integrated Service Model

In the Integrated Service Model, parents of children already enrolled full-time with a licensed childcare provider in Durham Region can choose to have their child participate in the ETS program at the same provider during the six-month school readiness phase. The Consultation Team visit the child’s licensed childcare provider up to four hours per month to collaborate with staff and provide individual coaching based on the child’s needs. The Consultation Team will also offer ongoing consultation to support the child’s goals within the ETS program.

The transition to school

Following the school readiness phase, support from the ETS Consultation Team is available to children in the program for up to six months. The goal at this stage is to facilitate the child's successful transition into their school. Specific transition supports depend on each child's individual needs, which are determined in collaboration with parents and caregivers, the School or School Board and the ETS Team. However, some of the transition supports the ETS Team may provide to each child include:

  • Tracking the child’s progress in the skill areas addressed in the school readiness phase.
  • Sharing effective strategies with school staff to support the child’s participation in school.
  • Sharing resources and learnings from the school readiness phase with the child’s school and family.
  • Monitoring the child in their classroom to coach school staff and ensure strategies are being implemented effectively.

How eligibility for ETS is determined

Children who are registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), between three to six years old as of December 31 in the year they are starting school and are starting Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time, are eligible for the ETS program. If a child is receiving OAP core clinical services, has an active behaviour plan or has attended school at any time for more than 90 days, they are not eligible for the ETS program.

Registration for the ETS program is invitation-only. Invitations are determined by MCCSS and distributed to families through email, mail or AccessOAP’s family portal.

If your child is eligible, you will receive an invitation. Eligible families can expect to receive their invitations to register for the 2025 ETS program from November through December 2024.

Story of success


If you have questions about the ETS program or program eligibility, please contact AccessOAP at or toll-free at 1-833-425-2445.

If you have questions about invitations to register for the ETS program, please contact MCCSS’ Central Resource Team at or toll-free at 1-888-444-4530.

Grandview Kids has partnered with Lake Ridge Community Support Services, Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth – Durham Region and The Regional Municipality of Durham to offer the ETSprogram as part of the Ontario Autism Program, Early Years Pathway. This partnership is known as the Ontario Autism Program – Durham (OAP-D).

Recapping our October events

Thank you to everyone who attended our Pumpkin Palooza at Willowtree Farms at the beginning of October. We had a blast enjoying our favourite autumnal activities with you all! View and download the photos we captured at the Pumpkin Palooza >


We also want to thank our community for another fantastic turnout for our Accessible Trick-or-Treating event at the Kids Safety Village last weekend—over 800 attendees trick-or-treated with us! View and download the photos we captured at the Accessible Trick-or-Treating event >


Team Grandview also got in the spooky spirit, showing up on-site in fantastic Halloween costumes! Check some of them out in the featured photos below.

Community Corner

Ajax Public Library

Ajax Library invites you to attend the following events in November:

  • Sensory Storytime: Thursdays, November 7 and 21, from 10 to 10:30 a.m. at the Main Branch. Ages 2 to 6. Connect with other families and enjoy fun themes, songs and stories at this inclusive storytime, where all are welcome. Presented in partnership with Grandview Kids.
  • PA Day: 
  • Craft & Movie - The LEGO MovieFriday, November 1, from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Main Branch. All ages. In this rated PG movie, a LEGO construction worker is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant.
  • Reptilia: Friday, November 15, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Main Branch. For kids and families. Meet an amazing assortment of scaly and fantastic creatures at this presentation that will wow, entertain and educate simultaneously.
  • Sundays are for Makers: Sundays, November 3, 10, 17 and 24, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mclean Branch/Makerspace. Ages 5+. Explore fun projects in the Makerspace, tackle challenges or DIY something new!
  • Holly Jolly Holiday Events:
  • Santa’s Spectacle of Lights Parade & Warm Up Party: Saturday, November 23, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Town Hall and Main Branch. Follow the Town’s annual parade, then visit the Main Branch for a children’s craft and hot chocolate hosted by the Library’s Teen Advisory Council.
  • Letters to Santa: Saturday, November 23 to Tuesday, December 3, at all branches. Write a letter to Santa, drop it off at any branch, and we’ll make sure he gets it.

Remember to check out titles, reading lists and sensory kits on the Ajax Public Library’s Grandview Kids Resources page.

Dates of significance

Every month, members of Team Grandview’s Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee research and share blog posts about holidays, cultural celebrations, awareness days and other dates of significance that are meaningful to staff, clients, caregivers, partners and the community.

In November, we acknowledge Indigenous Disability Awareness Month.

Read more on our blog >

We also acknowledge Remembrance Day in November. Read more on our blog >


The third annual Dream Big, Dream Brighter: Making the Future a Brighter Place awards gala is just around the corner!

Join us on November 21, 2024, for an unforgettable evening of celebration

and philanthropy

The Grandview Kids Foundation warmly invites clients, families, caregivers and the public to this special occasion as we honour the incredible spirit of our Grandview Kids clients and alumni. Don't miss out on this inspiring event—secure your tickets now!

Highlights of the evening include:

  • Honouring an exceptional Grandview Kids client and alumnus with the Spirit of Grandview Kids awards, recognizing their strength, kindness and unwavering values.
  • An inspiring keynote speech from Anthony Lue, an entrepreneur championing accessibility after overcoming a severe spinal cord injury in 2009.
  • A delicious dining experience featuring gourmet appetizers and a luxurious three-course meal shared with like-minded, passionate individuals.
  • Exciting auctions and raffles, including a wine auction and fabulous prizes generously donated by local businesses and community organizations.


The Grandview Kids Foundation looks forward to celebrating the resilience and achievements of our award winners. Don’t wait—purchase your tickets or explore sponsorship opportunities today by clicking the button below!

Buy tickets here!

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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